"I have been away from home for a long time. If I don't go back, my family will worry about me."

"Besides, you can come to my world to play at any time. Illya from my world will definitely like you very much when I see you."


Although he had heard about this before, Xiao Hei still resisted a little when he heard Grandpa Mo Yi thrust up again. Well, he was very unhappy!

With her mature mind, she would certainly not be easily fooled by Grandpa Mo Yi.

Many friends have said the same thing, and they will always be good friends. But as the distance increases and we can't see each other for a long time, no matter how good friends are, they will become more and more distant. In the end, they finally meet once, but they know what to say. good.

More difficult and embarrassing than talking to strangers!

For the first time, she understood Xiao Hei and saved her spiritually. She did not want herself and Mo Yi to become further and further apart.

Xiao Hei looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with expectant eyes and said:

"Then can Onii-chan and I go to your house to play?"


Illya objected:

"Xiao Hei, if you don't go home, mom will be worried!"

"And he always disturbs others and causes trouble for others."

For people in District 11, it is a common social custom to avoid causing trouble to others.


Xiao Hei complained disdainfully:

"As a sister, why should I listen to my sister?"

Illya: "..."

Forget it, I don't want to emphasize to Xiao Hei that she is the sister's problem.

Anyway, as long as I make a phone call to my mother, I won’t believe that just a little black guy can do all sorts of things.

It has to be said that Illya has mastered the most important tool in the sisters' struggle, which is the right and skill to complain to her mother.

Although this Illya is a cute Illya, Illya is essentially the little devil-like Illya with a dark wit that cannot be compared to a tsundere girl like Xiao Hei.

At this time, Illya had something more curious to ask:

"Babai, do you want your hometown to confess your love to another Illya and get married?"

"That's right—"

Grandpa Mo Yi satisfied the little girl's curiosity and joked:

"Illya, let you be the flower girl then."


Illya refused with a sullen face:

"I've grown up, flower girl and stuff like that, that's what kids do!"

“But only children would say things like ‘That’s what children do’.”

Mo Yi teased with a wicked smile.

Illya, who was ridiculed and had nothing to say, had no choice but to change the subject.

"But Dabai, when you were talking to yourself just now, you didn't just say the name 'Illya'."

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally destroyed Illya and Xiao Hei’s Three Views:

"Because there is more than one bride."

Illya, Xiaohei: "..."

Illya's eyes widened in disbelief, and she said with a completely ruined outlook:

"This is not monogamy, this is a crime, Baymax!"

Mo Yi spread his hands, narrowed his eyes, and continued talking about things that would destroy a child's outlook on life:

"Monogamy is not popular in my world."

"how come?!"

Illya expressed that she couldn't accept it, especially after thinking that one of the other brides was another herself. She felt the same but couldn't accept it. In the end, she could only hold her head and shut herself up.

"Haha O(∩_∩)O——"

After achieving the achievement of daily teasing, Grandpa Mo Yi was in a good mood. Although Ilia looked disgusted, he still used head-touching skills to his heart's content and rubbed the autistic Ilia.

"It's almost time, I still have some things to deal with."

Ilia, who was holding her head and squatting to guard against autism, raised her head and looked at Mo Yi with a puzzled expression, and asked in a somewhat anxious tone:

"Dabai, are you going back?"

Ainsworth, the mastermind behind the scenes, has been wiped out, and it seems necessary for Baymax, who was originally summoned by the class card, to go back.

"not yet--"

Seeing Illya's expression of disgust, but still reluctant to part with her, Grandpa Mo Yi expressed his great joy.

A right hand inserted in the pocket was stretched out for everyone to see.

"However, there is a friend who is very impatient to wait."

"What's going on?"

Looking at Mo Yi's right hand that had turned pitch black, Xiao Hei anxiously went up to check and asked:

"Is it the injury you suffered before?"

Although they didn't know what was going on, just looking at the dark right hand made everyone's brains feel a violent, vague negative emotion. They knew it was something bad like a curse without even thinking about it.

"He is the owner of the power that resides in the class card that Pandora used before——"

Grandpa Mo Yi said helplessly:

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