"As soon as I pulled out the class card, it integrated into my body and tried to transfer me away."

"I can't suppress it anymore. I can only rely on you for the rest."

Suddenly, the dark shadow covering Dao's arm spread again, and then stopped on the right side of Mo Yi's face.

"You stay away from me!"

For the first time, Mo Yi showed an anxious look in front of everyone. After seeing everyone move aside, he looked around with a bright smile on his face, and finally settled on the choked Ilia, Xiao Hei and the soy sauce-stricken ones. Xiao Tamamo, who is on the edge of OB, said:

"I will return--"

"Illya and the others will leave it to you, Tamamo-chan, to take care of them."

After saying that, Mo Yi let go of the suppression of the black shadow, and the black shadow instantly surged, engulfing Mo Yi, and then turned into a black dot and disappeared.




Gudazi, who was not very close to Grandpa Mo Yi, looked at the disappearing Grandpa Mo Yi with some sadness, clenched his fists and said:

"Mo Yi, you are a good person, go on well -"

"Don't worry, one day I will draw you and summon you to Chaldea."

————————The dark dividing line————————

Grandpa Mo Yi, who had disappeared, had now come to a strange place where the sky was white, the earth was white, and even the distant scenery was white.

People who are mentally weak will probably go crazy if they stay here for a while.

However, it is not empty, because what is blocking Mo Yi's eyes is a dark stone door that is more than three meters high and more than one meter wide. It depicts an inverted Kabbalah tree of life, as well as some profound and incomprehensible things. rune pattern.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi's attention was not on this stone door, which didn't look like a good thing at first glance, but on the 1.5-meter-tall yellow-haired girl standing in front of the stone door, the girl known as the 'Silver Key' Abigail.

The other party looked at the first and last visitor in this world expressionlessly, waiting for the other party to come forward and open the door to the ultimate. This is the only mission and value of the key.

Mo Yi walked up to Abigail with a faint smile. Just as Abigail was about to say something like a warning, she was hit by Mo Yi's special treasure for Lolita - the head-touching kill.

Abigail: “???”

What the hell is this? How can anyone touch a girl's head when they meet for the first time? Is this what adults call heitai?

Abigail: "I am——"

Grandpa Mo Yi directly interrupted the other party's words and said in a sincere tone:

"I like you very much, do you want to be my daughter?"

Abigail: “Eh, Huh?!”

What kind of divine expansion is this?

"elder brother--"

Facing Grandpa Mo Yi's fiery and sincere gaze, coupled with the secret of killing by touching the head that had already been elevated to the level of rules, Abigail's emotionless purple eyes exuding indifference once again exuded emotional fluctuations and did not continue to refuse Mo Yi. Yi, asked Mo Yi to stop this weird behavior of touching his head to kill, lowered his head and said in a low voice:

"Abi is a bad boy, can he really be your daughter?"


Grandpa Mo Yi feels that this situation has stabilized. Even if he had set the flag before, "I will go home and get married after this battle," he not only wants to go back to his hometown to get married, but he also wants to bring his own daughter back home!

The owner outside the door, Paopao, seemed to realize that if he didn't take action, the agent he finally found in the Xingyue World would be abducted. The ultimate door that Abigail originally needed to open automatically opened, revealing countless red, With hatred, jealousy, confusion, and indifference to all kinds of emotions, he stared at Grandpa Mo Yi who was still recognizing his daughter.

The owners of these pupils are the eyes of people who have reached this door and finally walked in, unable to leave again.

The unparalleled long black hand stretched out from the darkness outside the door, grabbed Grandpa Mo Yi, and pulled him into the door with force.

This is Bubble's home field, and when the opponent explodes, it is naturally not something that Grandpa Mo Yi, who is in a mere servant state, can resist.

In the past, in order to maintain his coolness and bad taste, Paopao exchanged forbidden knowledge and traded with the creatures that reached the ultimate door. Through repeated temptations, the other party finally exchanged his soul and was sucked into the door. Inside, become its doll.

This is the first time to arrest someone violently like this!

It has to be said that Grandpa Mo Yi's ability to commit suicide is at the max♂ level.


As the stone door closed, this huge echo echoed in the empty surroundings. Seeing the owner of the stone door, he was in a very bad mood!

"elder brother--"

At this time, Abigail realized that she had finally met someone who treated her sincerely again, but the other person seemed to suddenly appear and suddenly disappear again.

As the spokesperson of Bubble, Abigail naturally knows what the world behind the door is. After being sucked inside, unless she becomes the spokesperson of Bubble, there is no way she can escape.

That is not a world that humans, or indeed, any living creature, can understand.

"Abi is indeed a bad boy——"

"Bad boys don't deserve friends."


At this time, the dead world once again heard a sharp and unpleasant sound like a shovel grinding the ground.

Abigail, who returned to her indifferent expression again, looked back with disbelief, only to see that the door that had never been pushed open was actually pushed open a small crack from the opposite direction.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was surrounded by black hands and only had one eye exposed, pushed open the stone door and looked at Abigail from inside.

Although she only saw one of the other person's eyes, Abigail knew that the other person was smiling, smiling proudly like a child.

"Little Abi, next time we meet, I definitely want you to be my daughter——"

"Of course, there's no problem with my sister..."

Just after he finished speaking, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't hold on any longer and was dragged away by the shadow, and the door was closed again.

"elder brother···"

This time Abigail could no longer maintain her emotionless expression, and her tears fell on the white ground like pearls. After landing, the teardrops did not scatter like raindrops, but turned into a crystal clear, like diamond. Like a small stone.


"Obviously it's just the first time we met——"

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