In just an instant, billions of rays of light emerged, forming a huge light wheel surrounding the Temple of Time.

Although Goetia's Noble Phantasm, Grandpa Mo Yi once revealed, he had long known that it was very scary, but when he actually faced it, the sense of oppression was much more terrifying than imagined. The previous Ainsworth's Boss Julian, compared to Goetia, is really a younger brother.

"Know the true meaning of our great deeds, our ideals, and our birth! This planet will be reincarnated soon, and all life will become a thing of the past! Praise! Our name is Goetia! Humanity Burning Style·Demon King Geti Yes!"

"With this heat that is enough to melt all substances and concepts on the earth, turn into ashes, the last human being!!"

The light band in the sky shrank again, becoming more and more staring, and then turned into a wheel of light under Goetia's space, hitting everyone under the throne.

At this moment, no one needed to say anything, everyone tried their best to attack or defend.

"The great sword of fantasy, the demon fell -"

"The blazing sky covers seven rings——"


Various Noble Phantasms or defenses were used, but in the face of Goetia's ultimate move Great Light Wheel, whose strength seemed to be one dimension higher than theirs, all resistance seemed very weak, whether it was attack or defense, under the bombardment of the Great Light Wheel, It is destroyed instantly and has no effect.


Miyu held Illya's hand, looked at the large light wheel that was gradually slowing down but could not stop it, and said:

"Do you still remember the secret in "Magic Girl Illya"?"

"Together we will--"

I was about to give up, but I thought of many, many things, including Mrs. Irisviel, nanny Sera, my brother Emiya Shirou, and Baymax. Illya, who was indulging in memories, felt the warmth of Miyu's little hands. , still stubborn, still not giving up.

Wake up again!

No one has given up, so how can I give up? !

The two people, who were connected in spirit, held the kaleidoscope magic wand and tried their best to mobilize the magic power in their bodies. At this moment, they used everything they could use -

"Multiple Duo Saturation Bombardment!!"

Illya was originally the Little Holy Grail, and Miyu was born to be the Holy Grail. At this moment, the miraculous power, or the power of the Holy Grail, that was dormant in both of them was fully stimulated.

The huge magic cannon formed by the multiple saturation bombardment used together, actually blocked the large light wheel that was gradually smashing down, and the stalemate remained.


Goetia, who was originally very bored, sitting on the throne, preparing to watch everyone being burned to ashes by his own noble phantom, became interested at this moment.

He thought his only enemy was Chaldea.

On one occasion, he accidentally saw a future in which he failed. Although he couldn't figure out why Chaldea, who were like ants in his eyes and entertained him like toys, could have a future in which he could defeat him.

But for the sake of her great ideal, Goetia still wants to believe in her own clairvoyance instead of just going down like an iron-headed boy.

Therefore, he changed his original plan, captured and used Abigail's power, and sent the Demon Pillar to this nearby parallel world.

Since there is still a possibility of failure if you only burn your own world, then expand the scope and burn this parallel world as well to gain double the happiness and power.

Moreover, because together with another parallel world, the Temple of Time at this moment not only exists in the imaginary time space of human history, but is also mixed in the gap between parallel worlds, under the turbulent flow of time and space, so that it can perfectly avoid external factors. interference.

Of course, the plan was not 100% smooth. Goetia, who had been squatting in the Temple of Time to watch the show, saw Tamamo-mae, who was also one of the seven great beasts of mankind, being attacked by someone who did not even recognize him and appeared out of nowhere. The heroic spirit is defeated.

Although this Tamamo Mae was originally a semi-finished product summoned by the Demon God Pillar under the guidance of Einzworth, but even if it is a semi-finished product, it is still a legendary beast that can destroy humans!

As promised, even the strongest crowned heroic spirit cannot defeat a beast-level heroic spirit in a single fight?

How could a heroic spirit suddenly appear in a certain position and be able to defeat Tamamo Mae? This is not even talking about the basic method!

Speaking of which, Tamamo Mae is a truly veteran beast-level heroic spirit, even older than him, the compassionate beast who calls himself the Demon God King.

At that time, his heart was broken, and he was considering whether to give up this parallel world, work overtime at most, and then find another parallel world to burn. There was no need to fight with a heroic spirit whose combat power was comparable to that of a beast.

After seeing that even Abigail, the spokesperson of the evil god from another world, was defeated, Mr. Gai was ready to leave quietly without taking a single cloud with him.

There are many parallel worlds. As long as you take the time, you will always find a suitable parallel world to burn. Why risk your life and fight with powerful enemies?

But how did he expect that the plot reversed so quickly, and the unknown servant he was afraid of was captured by the evil god in a special way.

Goetia is well aware of the power of the evil god, but he is unwilling to even touch it. In his opinion, those who are captured by the evil god are destined to die.

Now, Mr. Gai can finally make his debut and eliminate Chaldea and others who may hinder his great plan!

Unexpectedly, apart from Chaldea and the unknown heroic spirit, the other party also hid such power. Why didn't Mr. Gai be surprised and surprised?


Illya and Miyu, who are connected in spirit, have bloodshot magic circuits appearing all over their bodies. This is the manifestation of the ruby ​​sapphire mobilizing the organs in their bodies and temporarily replenishing the magic circuits.

The power source of ruby ​​sapphire is the second method, which can draw magic power from countless parallel worlds and use it. Theoretically infinite magic power, as long as it can withstand it, the power of multi-complex saturated bombardment can be infinitely increased.

The principle of Mr. Gai's move is the large light wheel that is part of the fifth method, which is of the same level.

The moves are of the same level. Unfortunately, the difference between the people who use the moves is too big. Even if Illya and Miyu are the embodiment of the Little Holy Grail, they cannot change their limitations as human beings. Their own endurance is far inferior to Mr. Gai.

The multiplex saturation bombardment finally stopped, and Illya and Miyu fell to the ground due to excessive exertion.

The original large light wheel, with the efforts of Illya and Miyu, not only slowed down the fall, but was once pushed back, and was even scattered to offset a quarter of its size.

"Is that the end?"

Goetia finally stood up, looked at Miyu and Illya who fell on the ground, and said without sadness:

"Well done, but it can't change your destined fate——"

Mr. Gai raised his hands, and the scattered light condensed together again to form a large light wheel. Then he swung his hands downwards, and the large light wheel hit everyone under the throne again.

"Let it burn up into ashes!"


Gudazi clenched his fists and looked at the big light wheel that smashed down again.


The giant Emiya overexhausted his magic power and kept projecting his precious phantoms at the big light wheel, but the effect was not very good.

Matou Sakura felt heartbroken and supported the exhausted Emiya Giant, with a relieved smile on her face and said:

"Although I know this scene is inappropriate, if I don't say it, I may not have the chance to say it again."

"Senior, I am very happy to see you again."

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