Looking at the large halo of light that was getting closer and getting bigger, Hero Emiya smiled helplessly, looked at Sakura Matou next to him, and said softly:

"Me too--"

"At least this time, we can face death together and go to the end."

"There's no hope—"

Supporting Illya who was overdrawn and half-fainted, Miyu's older mahou Shoju Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were helpless. They had been trying to find a chance to regain their dignity as seniors.

Unexpectedly, it was really hard work all the way.

Until the end, they could only watch the guys younger than themselves working hard, but they couldn't do anything.

"I gave up before it was over."

Young Shan, who had always been on the verge of being OB, couldn't hide anymore, so he had no choice but to walk out, looked at Mashu and Gudazi, and said:

"Every time I meet you, it's always like this. It was Tirmat before and Goetia now. It's really a headache."

Chapter 433: The faraway utopia

"It's just the remains of Solomon's magic. It's like a puppet, and it dares to claim to be king——"

Ignoring the surprised looks around him, Youshan said disdainfully:

“The luxury of human sympathy and mutual disappointment—”

"It's really ridiculous, Goetia, the Beast of Mercy!"

Gilgamesh, who drives the Omniscient Star, is very aware of Goetia's existence.

Even though Young Shine is not as bad-tempered and taunting others like the adult Jin Shining Shine, the pride in his heart has not diminished by half.

In his eyes, he is the only one who can be king!

He couldn't even look at the real Solomon. In his opinion, Solomon was just a poor guy manipulated by the gods. He didn't even have self-will or desire. He couldn't even be called a human being, let alone a king. !

But now, Goetia is even more ridiculous.

The opponent is just a collection of the seventy-two demon magic systems left by Solomon. In essence, it is not much different from the familiars created and summoned by humans.

Like a tool, he doesn't even have a self, he is like a mirror, and he actually calls himself the Demon King. In Gilgamesh's eyes, it's really ridiculous.

Because of this, no matter how powerful the opponent is, even more powerful than Gilgamesh's own body, it cannot change his attitude of despising Goetia.


There are not many heroic spirits with EX level clairvoyance ability. Gilgamesh and Solomon are typical representatives. Even though they are separated by a distant era and the Hall of Valor, the two can communicate briefly.

However, there is no communication between Gilgamesh's aloof character and Solomon's nihilistic, absolutely rational temperament.

Of course, the two people can observe each other's situation, just like in the city, neighbors who live across the street from each other and have an indifferent relationship know who their neighbors are, but there is no actual communication.

Goetia, who inherited Solomon's power, remains and memories, naturally recognized Young Shem's identity, even though he was still a teenager at the moment.

Goetia, who was arrogant and looked down upon, was revealed by Young Flash to reveal his biggest contradiction: he looked down on human beings, but he was able to appear because of the existence of human beings. After this reality.

Goetia's emotion called anger appeared for the first time, and the large light wheel bloomed with even hotter light. Although it was still far away, it still had a burning sensation that made people burn.

"The existence called human beings is the biggest waste and mistake in this universe——"

"As the oldest king of mankind, just embrace the stupid humans and turn them into ashes together, Gilgamesh!!"

"Ha ha--"

Facing the big light wheel that brought the doomsday and was enough to burn everything to ashes, Youshan laughed and said:

"You know everything, but you still can't understand what a 'human' is. This is your tragedy, Goetia!"

Facing another wave of ridicule from Young Shen, Goetia had no intention of continuing to talk nonsense. As long as he physically destroyed the opponent, wouldn't everything be solved?

There are so many beeps, but in the end it’s not about whose fist is bigger.

Not to mention that the Gilgamesh in front of me is just a servant clone, so what if it is his true body?

In the face of absolute power, he is still his younger brother.

"Miss Miyu, can you give me my class card--"

Young Flash turned to look at Miyu who was in a state of collapse, asking for a class card to strengthen his strength.

His original target was Mo Yi, but unexpectedly the other party suddenly took him away, and then another Goetia appeared.

As the king of mankind, he naturally couldn't stand Goetia's burning of the human body, which was equivalent to the annihilation of all mankind.

To be honest, the appearance of Youshan surprised Gudazi and others. They had just killed a golden Pika not long ago.

However, as soon as the other party started to say Tirmat's name, it proved that the other party had the memory of the seventh singularity.

Although Gudazi disliked Gilgamesh's character, after fighting together at the Seventh Singularity, she had to admit that Jin Shining was still very effective as a teammate.

Of course, some people can't accept that Jin Shining is the setting of his teammates.

For example, Chaldea's chief chef Red A.

Jin Shining Shining was his old rival. He didn't know how many times he had fought with him, losing and losing, but what impressed him the most was the opponent's bad character.

And, the thing that killed Illya.

Miyu was a little at a loss. She didn't know whether to give Gilgamesh a class card. He was an enemy before.

After making eye contact with his friends, Miyu handed the class card in his hand to Youshan.

As a result, after getting stuck in his class, Young Flash's whole body emitted a strong white light, and then under everyone's surprised eyes, he quickly grew up and turned into the state of Uruk Ax King Wise King Flash.

"There is no world for you to be in a daze now -"

After the transformation, Xian Wang Shen's whole aura changed. Just standing there gave people a sense of peace of mind, as if he had found a spiritual pillar of conviction.

Wise King Shen, who was holding an axe-like wand and a clay tablet, turned to look at Mashu and said:

"Ma Xiu, you should know the real name of the shield in your hand?"

“The time has come to liberate its true glory.”

After saying that, Xian Wang Shen turned his head, looked back at Goetia and the big light wheel that had been smashed down, and said:

"Goetia, let me see the glory of human beings!"

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