Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

This resentful tone, this superb acting, tell me, Lu Ge, how many family ethics dramas have you watched and how many times have you played The White Album behind my back? How could you be so proficient otherwise! !

"I'm not in a hurry to go back. Of course, I also want to go back and have a look. After all, it's my home."

Grandpa Mo Yi explained in a gentle voice:

"The family members are all very nice. They must like Ai Ge very much."

Shatiao Aige asked weakly:


"What if they don't like me and reject me? Teacher, will you choose me or them?"

"If I was made to cry by them and the moment I ran out, would you choose to chase after me, or would you choose to stay because of them?!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

What can I do, what can I do?

The real answer is, of course, to run out angrily and see whoever catches up to him, and then forgive him first!

Ahem, but the correct answer does not mean it is the standard answer.

Grandpa Mo Yi said firmly in Shatiao Aige's ear:

"I must choose you!"

"You are so cute, so cute."


Although she knew that Grandpa Mo Yi was just trying to make her happy, even if she heard this, if she believed it, she would be deceived into Aqua every minute, but the original purpose of Shajo Aige was to hear the other person make her happy and let the other person know her. Just for your own good.

In love, the saddest thing is not that the other person is unwilling to tell you the truth, but that he is not even willing to make up lies to make the other person happy.

After all, the matter of the Root Vortex has been resolved. She can't stop Grandpa Mo Yi from returning home. All she can do is take advantage of the last moment to build up her favorability.

"Teacher, you started to lie to me again. I won't believe you."

Shajo Aige said she didn't believe the other party, but she had returned to normal and did not continue the drama.

Of course, there must be such things as routines, but you can't go too far, otherwise going too far is not enough.

Shatiao Luge turned around, like a little wife, Grandpa Banmoyi straightened his collar and smiled softly:

"Then I forgive you for calling other girls' names a total of 9527 times in your dreams these days."

"Okay, if you have anything important to do, go do it quickly. I'll wait for you to come back for dinner."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

How come I didn't know that I had another setting for talking in my sleep? At this time, shouldn't we say "I'm not, I don't have it, don't talk nonsense"?

I just didn't expect that Lu Ge could endure this matter until now. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to endure it.

If I hear the names of other people of the opposite sex while the other person is talking in his sleep, he will definitely kill that guy with a four-thousand-meter sword.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Ge is indeed a good wife.

Okay, I don’t think about it anymore. If I think about it anymore, I feel like I’m a very bad guy.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi still couldn't help but wonder how many girls' names he called out in his dream, and how many times.

Ahem, it's impossible to ask.

Seeing Sha Tiao Aige's kind smile, Mo Yi chose to be kind from the bottom of his heart and not seek death.

"Then I'll go."

After saying nice things to the other person for a long time and expressing my reluctance, I waited for a while before leaving, and then Grandpa Mo Yi finally slipped out.

——————The dividing line of Abigail————

It had been almost thirty minutes since Grandpa Mo Yi was captured by Bubble.

The sad Abigail could only continue to stay alone in front of the ultimate door as before, waiting for the next knocker.

Because Abigail's own existence is a pollution to the normal world of Xingyue World, she is not compatible with Xingyue World. If she had not been rescued by Bubble in the end, she might have been wiped out long ago, missing other heroic spirits. It's impossible to stay in the Hall of Valor like that!

Therefore, the only place she can stay is here, the intersection connecting the other world and the Xingyue world.

Originally, she had despaired of her life and destiny. Without hope, she naturally had no expectations. She looked at the unchanging world with a dead, mechanical eye, and there was no such thing as boredom.

But not long ago, Abigail met a different man, who made her feel hope again.

It's just that the other party was captured by Bubbles. No matter how much she didn't want to believe it, Abigail, who knew the power of Bubbles well, knew that it was impossible for the other party to come back and appear in front of her and ask herself if she wanted to be his. daughter.

There was once a sincere relationship in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I only regretted it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is this.

If God could give me another chance, I would say three words to that brother:

"I do!"

If I have to add a time limit to this love, I hope it is... ten thousand years!

Even though she knew it was impossible, in these short thirty minutes, Abigail squatted on the white ground and stared at the ultimate door in a daze. She knew it was impossible to open, but she still couldn't help but look forward to it. Waiting in despair for the flower of hope to bloom.


Abigail, who was in a daze, was trying to recall Mo Yi's appearance. While trying to remember the other person's appearance, she was startled awake by the sudden sound of the bronze door opening.

"This is--"

The ultimate door was actually opened from the inner door again?

The sound of the door opening was intermittent, as unpleasant as grinding the ground with a shovel. It was like someone was wrestling with each other on both sides of the door, some were pushing, some were pulling, and the door was being dragged repeatedly.


The ultimate door finally opened. To be more precise, it was kicked directly through, leaving a big hole.

In Abigail's disbelieving eyes, a man wearing casual clothes similar to pajamas walked out of the door.

Yes, it was a hot man who wanted to, it was a man who wanted to recognize him as his daughter. He walked out of the ultimate door that was kicked open.

"you you···"

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