People often pray for miracles, but when miracles happen, they dare not believe in them because they have long been accustomed to the real life that has lost their illusions.

"We meet again, little Abby——"

Grandpa Mo Yi walked out of the door. He looked at Abigail, whose face was full of inability to accept the reality and was in a state of shock and cuteness. He waved his hand and said:

"I just talked with Bubble about your custody issue for a while. I didn't expect him to be so irritable, so I had to use some more drastic methods to reason with him, which wasted a lot of time."

"The air outside is relatively fresh."


Grandpa Mo Yi's familiar expression had the expected effect, making Abigail feel a little more relaxed and at least able to speak.

"That big brother..."

At this time, Abigail found that she still didn't know the other party's Mo Yi.

"Mo Yi——"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Or it's okay to continue calling me big brother."


After responding, Abigail didn't know what to say, and even looked at the other person, feeling embarrassed. After all, the other person was still a stranger, well, the most familiar stranger.

"I said before, when we meet again, you have to give me a reply——"

Grandpa Mo Yi walked up and gave the shy Lolita a warm pat on the head. After touching the ground, she narrowed her eyes like a cat and continued:

"Little Abi, are you willing to be my daughter?"


Abigail looked at the broken door with some fear, which revealed countless scarlet pupils, staring at Grandpa Mo Yi and her with resentful eyes.

"God the Father would not approve."

"It doesn't matter, I've already talked to it."

Grandpa Mo Yi came here based on the information left by the Servant's clone. After coming here, it will be Pao Pao's home field.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi has no intention of talking to the other party, and the same is true for the other party. They just do it when they meet.

After mastering the moon world's constellation, Mo Yi still easily cut off the connection between Bubble and the moon world. Without anyone's help or trouble, it would be impossible for it to affect the moon world again.

As for Abigail's whereabouts, Grandpa Mo Yi has also thought about it. First, he will take him to the Seat of Heroes to register and settle down. Later, if he wants to go to Chaldea or fight in the Holy Grail War, it's up to him. Anyway, Grandpa Mo Yi has it. After the authority is opened by the other party, they will not be bound to the Hall of Heroes like other heroic spirits. They can only come out for a walk when the restraint force requires it, or when called by others.

In order to make the other party believe his words, Grandpa Mo Yi waved his right hand, and the ultimate door behind him gradually faded away. Those hateful eyes could not even peek into the moon world, and they were completely expelled from the moon world.

As for the size of the shadow in the other person's heart, it is not something that Grandpa Mo Yi cares about.

I have nothing to do with my life, so why should I explain it to others? ——Grandpa Mo Yi dubbed for himself in his mind.

Feeling the power of the evil god that has been entangled with him, he completely disconnected and could no longer feel it.

Abigail finally showed a relaxed and happy smile, looked at the kind Grandpa Mo Yi, nodded and said:

"I would like-"

"I want to be your daughter, Onii-sama!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

It always feels weird, forget it, don’t care.

"Then let's go."

After successfully abducting SSR's daughter, Grandpa Mo Yi held her hand in a good mood and went back to the hut in Roots Vortex to register her household registration and recognize her family.

Having lived in the hut in the Root Vortex for so long, it was considered another home in his heart.


Grandpa Mo Yi finally remembered that something was wrong.

There was a gauze green song waiting for me to go back for dinner in my hometown, so I turned around and took a cute loli back. The ending could probably be guessed.

Chapter 435: Break out, Gudazi

"Unforgivable, you are the only one who is absolutely unforgivable——"

Gudazi looked back and saw that Ma Xiu was sleeping peacefully like a sleeping princess, and her heart felt heavy and painful again.

Matthew, you said you finally protected me for once, but in reality, in every battle, you stood by my side and blocked all attacks.

Even when I was addicted to unknown power and lost myself, it was you who pulled me back.

How can I let go of you like this, like you...

In fact, Mash is only in a deep coma at this moment, and in the original work, he completely disappeared because of blocking Goetia's Noble Phantasm. Is that okay?

After all, this time, Xiao Hei and Jin Shining help her resist the "The time of birth has come to correct all things", which is a humanistic treasure that can blast through the earth.

It's unreasonable to block it with just a dining table.

Not to mention the city walls of Great Britain, even if the Great Wall was summoned, theoretically, it would be impossible to block the bombardment of hundreds of millions of Sword of Victory-level light cannons.

"Impressed, master——"

Gilgamesh also felt the powerful magic and aura emanating from Gudazi. As an old minister of Chaldea, he naturally knew that Gudazi knew how to transform and tear apart heroic spirits. However, Goetia was not an ordinary person. Servants can compare.

Even if she could fully master that unreasonable power, it would only increase her chances of winning.

Under his omnipotent and omniscient star, the future has always been visible. In other words, Goetia's evil plan did not succeed, and mankind successfully continued, otherwise the future would have disappeared long ago.

But he couldn't see the more specific situation, how to defeat Goetia.

"As a mere human being, what can you do besides being incompetently angry and roaring like a wild beast?"

Goetia also felt Gudazi's blackening power, but he still felt that everything was still under his control.

Although his Noble Phantasm was blocked, it only took a little time for his Noble Phantasm to condense again. In order to block his first big light wheel, most of the opponent's people had already fallen. The next big light wheel , what can they do to stop it? !

"It's really ridiculous, hahaha——"

"Are you happy like this, Demon King Goetia?"

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