Listening to the other party's ridicule, Gudazi lowered his head and asked in a heavy and hoarse voice.

"Ask me if you enjoy it? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Of course, of course, of course, of course, it's very pleasant! If not, who would kill you one by one so solemnly? Light! Very pleasant. I am happy to see your death. I am happy to see your end. There is nothing more satisfying than the pain of death!"

Goetia was laughing, laughing crazily and saying:

"Pleasing us is the only value of your human existence."


"You'll stop laughing soon."

Gudazi, who lowered his head and activated the power of human evil, finally started to move.

He didn't use any fancy abilities, he just used high-density magic power to bless his body, forming an invisible layer of armor, which increased his defense and activated his body's abilities at once.


Goetia, who also possesses the two powers of EX Clairvoyance and Revelation to predict the future, can summon magic barriers composed of various special effects such as thunder, ice, and fire even if his combat instinct cannot keep up with Gudazi's explosive speed. .

"How can a bug like you touch even a hair of my noble self!"

"Is it?"

It's just that the development of the plot is different from Goetia's imagination. Its magic defense is useless in front of Gudazi. Before it encounters Gudazi, it collapses on its own like encountering a nemesis.

So, Gudazi easily rushed to Goetia's throne, but compared to Goetia's huge body, the human-sized Gudazi was like a three-headed doll, too small.

But in terms of momentum, Gudazi did not belong to Goetia at all. He compressed the machine's huge magic power into his right fist and punched Goetia's big face.

The density of the concentrated magic power on the right fist affects the surrounding space. When it penetrates, the spaces passed through will collapse one after another.


Goetia couldn't resist, with a look of doubt on life. Gudazi knocked him off the throne and flew out.

Looking at Goetia getting up from the ground in embarrassment, Gudazi asked coldly:

"Are you still happy now?"

Jin Shining: "..."

This fighting power is too exaggerated!

Although he knew that his master had a setting that was a hundred times more powerful than blackening, it was too unscientific and unmagical.

If you are so good at fighting, why are you summoning heroic spirits? Just go up there yourself and it will be fine. There will still be a lot of materials and saint crystals left!

Are you Chaldeans so rich and willful?

Well, after thinking about Chaldea's ability to support Artoria with various signals, Gilgamesh discovered that Chaldea is really rich.

Fortunately, I didn't offend Gudazi too much, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay in Chaldea any longer.

"Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate..."

Goetia couldn't accept the fact that she was punched away by a mere human, or slapped in the face.

Obviously, the level of Gudazi's Friendship Breaking Fist was not high enough. After hitting Goetia, it did not trigger the fatal special effect of Friendship Breaking Fist and transform the enemy into a teammate.

Goetia roared like a wild beast:

"I will burn you to ashes, no, even the ashes will not be left behind, turn it into nothing, humans!"

As he roared, a huge light cannon condensed in front of him, and then turned into a beam of light and blasted towards Gudazi. In terms of size, the diameter of the light cannon was dozens of times longer than Gudazi's height.

"Incompetent roar——"

"Your only anger and ignorance of the so-called ideals, what are they compared to Matthew?"

Gudazi, who was standing on the spot, didn't even resist this time. The light cannon, which was like a rushing river, collapsed into harmless magic particles the second before it touched Gudazi's body, flying through time like fireflies. Floating in the temple.

Not to mention Goetia, even Gilgamesh couldn't understand such a development.

What exactly is this principle? !

"Don't understand, Goetia?"

Gudazi looked at him with an expression that looked like he had seen a ghost, how could this be possible? There was no magic at all, and he showed a malicious smile and said:

"Want to learn?"

Before Goetia could answer, Gudazi continued:

"I can't teach you even if you want to learn. It's useless for a student like you to learn, you can't teach."

Goetia: "..."

Goetia, who was extremely angry, also knew that the opponent's strength at this moment was not inferior to his own, and he was not an opponent that could be solved with these small tricks.

So, he used the third Noble Phantasm again, and it was the kind of energy that he had finally collected, regardless of consumption, even if he borrowed the energy that he originally planned to use to travel in time, return to the birth of the earth, and prepare for the creation of the world.

If you are defeated here, no matter how much preparation you make, no matter how great your ideals are, it will be nothing more than a fantasy.

"Know the true meaning of our great deeds, our ideals, and our birth! This planet will be reincarnated soon, and all life will become a thing of the past! Praise! Our name is Goetia! Humanity Burning Style·Demon King Geti Yes!"

"The time of birth has come, to correct all things——"

Having said that, countless, billions of rays of light once again poured out from the empty space around the Temple of Time, condensing and converging behind Goetia. In just a short moment, they formed a giant ball that was no smaller than before. Nimbus.

"Turn into ashes!"

Then the great light wheel was thrown again.

It’s different from last time. The flying speed of this big light wheel is a bit fast. Although it’s not as fast as the light cannon, the way it flies down from the sky is like a blazing shower of stars, beautiful and bright. And dangerous.

Yes, meteor showers are a very dangerous thing, even if most of them are rubbed into ashes by the earth's atmosphere and turned into a burst of beautiful fireworks.

But there are also some meteors that break through the protection of the atmosphere and turn into bombs falling from the sky, causing many disasters and legends.

There is one of them, because the town was blown up by a meteor shower, in order to save the town, the gods asked their miko to switch bodies with a boy from the future. In the end, the two of them worked together to save the nameless love story that came true.

"Do it-"

Although they don't know why the battle situation has changed so quickly, the heroic spirits can still see that the battle has reached the final part of the battle. If you win the battle, you will naturally win.

Now, there is no need to stay any longer.

Gilgamesh took out his most powerful treasure, the Guili Sword, quickly analyzed the world, and then added all the power of the King's Treasure to the Guili Family, raising its power to a new level.

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