After some flattery and deception, Ruby and Sapphire finally agreed to release temporary authority.

Therefore, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia once again transformed into magic aunts, and the two of them cooperated to operate the second method. Like Illya and Miyu, they worked together to use the most efficient magic cannon attack——

"Multiple Duo Saturation Bombardment!!"

Chapter 436: Gudazi, let me teach you the last magic trick


Facing the combined attack of everyone, Mr. Gai did not panic at all. He was still confident in his Noble Phantasm.

Even if it was resisted before, it was only after the opponent spent more than ten minutes and measured his strength that he could barely block it.

At this moment, the opponent does not choose to defend like before, but confronts him. Isn't he looking for death?

His Noble Phantasm Human Cannon has the firepower to blast through the earth. Not to mention cutting open the world, saving the world, etc. It sounds like a very powerful Noble Phantasm. What you call the world is just 'Earth'.

How can it be compared to a human cannon that can shatter the earth countless times.

Mr. Gai roared disdainfully:

"With such a weak power, what can it do if it has more power!"

"That's the difference between you and us."

Although Gudazi didn't tell everything, Dugetia quickly understood it.

"Only weak humans would choose to stick together!"

"It's really sad——"

Her teammate's attacks almost hit the opponent's big light wheel. Gudazi didn't have time to talk, and she never thought that she could defeat the opponent with words alone and make the opponent commit suicide in shame.

After all, this is the stunt of the Konoha Prince, not something that can be learned by ordinary protagonists in hot-blooded comics.

As the power within the body awakened again, or in other words, was further liberated, many intermittent memories emerged in Gudazi's mind.

Probably a memory from a previous life, or a previous life.

In memory, she was the first in history to discover and use a system of power called magic.

At the beginning, she just wanted to help people with low productivity at that time, increase production efficiency, technological reforms and so on. In layman's terms, it is used for carrying food, hunting, building houses, etc.

Later, the magic power spread through her teachings gradually deteriorated and became a tool for the strong to insult the weak, spawning all kinds of malicious intentions.

While gaining magical power, as the original magician, she was also cursed by the gods who ruled the world at that time. Her power gradually weakened and she was unable to change the situation that was different from what she imagined.

In other words, all of this is within the plan of the gods, using human desires to divide and disintegrate human beings who are gradually becoming stronger together.

Gudazi, who was deeply cursed, could only watch helplessly as the plans of the gods were put into practice. The humans who gained power did not use their power to expand the human group, but used it more to squeeze their own kind and wantonly vent their hidden hidden powers. Malice in the heart.

After countless efforts, Gudazi finally got tired and had no choice but to give up.

It's just that she brought the power called magic to the world. If left alone, this superhuman power will surely destroy mankind from within.

Therefore, Gudazi transformed herself into a human being and the concept of evil at the cost of her own body. As long as humans have malicious intentions, their final recycle bin is her body who incarnates human beings and the principle of evil, which is equivalent to part of the rules of the universe. !

In this way, humanity will not be destroyed by malice that is born every moment.

Goetia is one of the incarnations of the seven evils of mankind, but Gudazi is essentially the concept of human evil, and the relationship is like the relationship between the root type and the root vortex.

In other words, Goetia can be said to be a part of Gudazi, a subset relationship. To give a simple and easy-to-understand example, Goetia is a banana, and Gudazi represents the concept of fruit.

Of course, Gudazi at this moment has not fully awakened and exerted his true power.

After recalling the trivial memories, Gudazi looked at Goetia with a somewhat complicated look, a bit like looking at a husky that escaped from home and the other person was screaming at him.

You are seeking your own destruction, Goetia!

"I finally understand why I walked in front of you."

As a conceptual entity of the principle of humankind and evil, Goetia feels that part of its own principle of mercy has been transformed into it. Naturally, Goetia cannot bear to destroy the humans it spent all its effort and even its life to protect!

So before Mr. Gai could take action, the conceptual body of human beings and the principle of evil, which transcended the limitations of space and time, was reincarnated into a Gudazi who inherited his own power more than ten years in advance. Through various coincidences and arrangements, Next, let Gudazi, the main body, defeat Goetia as the sub-body.

Otherwise, let’s not talk about how many times Gudazi almost died along the way, but he managed to survive by various chances and coincidences, and received help from all kinds of followers, even if Leif, one of the Demonic Pillars, blew up Chaldea. , killing the poor Director Bai Mao and all the Masters in one breath, but it happened that the worst guy like her survived. If this had not been clearly arranged in the script, the chance of this would be smaller than winning the lottery. , how can it happen continuously? !

Of course, as one of the seven evils of mankind, Mr. Gai didn't know that he was just a part of the evil principle of mankind, nor did he know that he actually had an immediate boss.

Naturally, he would not have guessed that his plan had already been clearly arranged before it even started.

Gudazi looked at Goetia with pity and pity in his eyes——

As a beast of pity, Goetia is most familiar with the abominable emotion of pity.

What is mercy?

The strong feel pity for the weak, the rich mourn the misfortune of the poor...

After all, pity is an emotion that only the strong and wealthy are qualified to have. If you are not living well, you will not have time to pity others.

As a high-dimensional existence that can be called omnipotent and omniscient since its birth, Goetia is naturally qualified to pity humans. Excessive pity eventually leads to disappointment and even disappointment!

Therefore, Goetia came up with the novel idea of ​​annihilating human beings and letting them create a new world.

After all, excessive compassion is arrogance.

Goetia, who has been a CEO since birth and is at the pinnacle of his life, cannot tolerate being looked at with pity and pity by others.

It is obvious that I am the one who is superior and will soon become the boss of Kami in the new century. A lowly human being dares to look at me like this. I, Goetia, have never been so insulted and despised! !

"Go to hell, you ignorant humans!!"

Goetia was very angry, very angry, but there was also an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness in her heart. In the end, she could only activate the human cannon with all her strength and blast at the opponent. As long as the opponent was blown up, there would be no problem.

After Goetia used his power again, the large light wheel became brighter and hotter, and many of the ultimate moves that could have resisted each other were instantly suppressed.

"The future I preset has changed."

Gudazi, who temporarily transformed into a human being and evil, thought of the script he had written a long time ago. The doctor walked out and self-destructed, and then they defeated Goetia with difficulty.

"In that case, let me teach you the last magic trick——"

"Reveal yourself, the evil of mankind!"

Having said that, the empty imaginary space around the Temple of Time suddenly and violently fissured. The large light wheel that originally covered most of the sky was covered by an even larger organ from above.

It was a pitch-black planet wrapped in a dusk-colored halo, covered with mysterious, ancient and densely packed magic runes, emitting a huge gravitational force, enough to absorb even light.

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