This black hole is the manifestation of human evil principles. Not to mention light, even the conceptual existence of malice cannot escape its attraction and imprisonment.

Gudazi stretched out her left hand towards the black hole in the sky that covered all the backgrounds of humanity and evil, and then a model-like black hole appeared in her hand.

Her right hand assumed a bow-holding posture, and a 40-meter-long bow half made of magic appeared in her hand. The black hole on her left hand quickly transformed into a pitch-black arrow wrapped in dusk light, which led to the bow. The arrow moves smoothly without any shyness, and the target is naturally Goetia.

"Since you look down on humans, then open your eyes and look up. This is the malice that all humans have towards you!"

When he was about to release the arrow in his hand, Gudazi suddenly remembered that he had not given this arrow a name.

This is a very serious question. If a secret doesn't even have a high-end and classy name, how can it be called a secret? !

What name should I change?

Galaxy starburst? Starburst? Gudazi's sigh? Indra's arrow? Or is it better to shoot the sun and compare prices?

Gudazi's sudden cheating naturally attracted everyone's attention. Gudazi, who was struggling with the name and did not immediately release the arrow in his hand, suddenly received an unexpected confirmation from the saint who was looking at him. look.

The decision is yours!

"The sad Goetia who doesn't understand love!"

After shouting out the true name of the secret, the dark arrow in his hand turned into a stream of light, piercing the air and the human cannon blocking the front. Even space and time were cut by it. If it was shot, it would hit!

Just like that, the black arrow penetrated Goetia's spiritual base.

After several visits, Goetia looked at the big hole in his heart with stunned eyes.

Of course, an injury like a big hole in the heart cannot kill Goetia. What really eliminates its eternal life is the black arrow that gives it the concept of no death, and the inner meaning contained in its body from the birth of mankind and from the eternal future. Unlimited malice!

"Is this what life feels like?"|

Goetia, who is immortal, naturally does not understand what life is, nor can she understand human beings whose life span is less than a hundred years.

The billions of malice constantly rumbling in his body at this moment were constantly depriving him of his vitality, making him gradually weaken. Death was no longer out of reach, and life became real.

Without death, how can there be a real sense of life!

After feeling that he was about to die, Goetia finally understood why humans always do all kinds of stupid things that he couldn't stand.

After all, life is limited and what can be done is limited. People need to compromise and make choices with themselves, others and the world, and they will make all kinds of silly actions that they think are appropriate and stupid!

Goetia could no longer feel any power, and it became difficult to even open her eyes and observe the world.

With only a few seconds left to live, he suddenly became reluctant to give up and wanted to take another look at the ugly world outside, which he considered a dirty world.

In the end, he could only look at Gudazi who looked at him with pity, and his mood suddenly became relieved, no matter how angry or unwilling he was.

At this moment, with only almighty power, he finally understood life and death because he was about to pass away, and eliminated the anger and other arrogant emotions in his heart, and gained the joy, anger, sorrow and joy common to all people, and the state of enlightenment.

Thus, he reached the height of "a wise king surpassing King Solomon" that Goetia had not been able to reach so far.

Goetia transcended and transformed into a human king in soul and wisdom, the true king of mankind!

In the moon-shaped world, there are not many such transcendent people. The only one known is the Enlightened One Lulai Buddha.

However, the detachment of an awakened person is about personal detachment and the pursuit of spiritual ultimate.

Goetia's detachment is the detachment achieved by understanding the human group.

"It's really... wonderful... life!"

From a monster like a bull demon, he gradually transformed into a human. With his final sigh, he who had become a human instantly turned into particles of light and dissipated in the wind!

Even though they knew that the other party was a big villain who burned away human reason and implicated many innocent people, the other party's final thoughts and the change in his sighing expression still deeply touched everyone's hearts.

Although the other party didn't say any lines, just two sighs, everyone who witnessed the other party's enlightenment process just seemed to follow the changes in the other party's thoughts, empathizing with the entire awakening process!


In the eyes of Gilgamesh, Goetia's realization of detachment and transcendence as an adult king at the end of Godhood couldn't be more ironic.

The King of Humans is not a self-proclaimed king, but the recognition of Goetia in the world. Gilgamesh, who possesses the omniscient and omnipotent star, is one of the few people who fully understands it.

As the oldest king, he has always believed that he is the only king. He must not be happy when he sees the other party becoming a human king like Buddha Lu Lai who awakened under the bodhi tree and became an enlightened one!

The other party is the king of men, so who is he, the oldest king? !

However, before Gilgamesh had time to have a round of drinking and talking about heroes with the other party to decide who is the true king of kings, the other party just took him away.

To meet each other, they can only return to the Hall of Valor, or Chaldea, or be summoned to a magic ritual such as the Holy Grail War.

"it is finally over···"

After confirming that Goetia was finally taken away, the power in Gudazi's body gradually withdrew. The 40-meter long bow in his hand turned into nothing, and the whole person fell to the ground as if he was exhausted.

She still remembers clearly what happened before, but those memories disappeared along with the power of chaos and evil.

"I seem to have forgotten something-"

Gudazi stood with difficulty and patted his head with his hand, trying to remember what he had forgotten, but it was of no use.

However, Gudazi is Gudazi after all. After realizing that he couldn't remember, he stopped worrying about it.

The most important thing now is Masu next to him, who has been lying on the ground. Although Jin Shining said that there is no problem, he still feels uneasy without seeing it with his own eyes.


As soon as Gudazi picked up Ma Xiu and checked her condition, Ma Xiu was awakened by her movements. He opened his eyes vaguely, and after realizing that it was Gu Dazi in front of him, he showed a weak and gentle smile. road:

"Senior, just hope you're okay."

Chapter 437: It feels good to self-destruct for a while, and it feels good to self-destruct all the time.

With the disappearance of Goetia, the Temple of Time also began to collapse, and the limit was manifested as a violent shaking. If we did not leave here in time, it would soon be accompanied by the disintegration of the Temple of Time and become part of the imaginary space.

In addition, the huge amount of energy obtained by Goetia's burning of human principles is still there and does not disappear immediately.

Even if this is a mysterious understanding, the law of energy navigation will still take effect unless there are special circumstances, such as the large light wheel formed by Mr. Gai burning the huge energy of human beings.

Gudazi's previous divine arrow attack only penetrated the large light wheel and acted directly on Goetia's body. It did not completely dispel the large light wheel's attack like it did to Bo.

Putting this world-destroying light belt created by Goetia with a noble phantom is always a big problem!

"Gudazi, did you receive it?!"

The doctor's excited voice came from Chaldea's communicator!

Gudazi helped Ma Xiu, who was in a weak state, and struggled to free one hand. He turned on the communicator and looked at the screen, which was about to jump with excitement. He didn't care as usual, "You guys fight life and death, I just want to eat cake as usual." The doctor with a leisurely appearance shouted loudly:

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