Then, everyone came to stay at the mansion of Emiya Juxia.

"Dabai, why are you so skilled?"

Ever since seeing Grandpa Mo Yi again, Illya has become extremely clingy. She is no longer as clingy as before. She obviously wants to play with Grandpa Mo Yi, but she pretends to be disgusted because she is embarrassed.

Just like Yuan Zhi, some kind of cute sister in the sky, playing the role of a warm and clingy sister all the way, coupled with Xiao Hei who is clingy when he tastes it, Grandpa Mo Yi's left and right hands are divided up like this.

Illya, who had not yet recovered from the excitement of being lost, kept chatting with Mo Yi, and soon discovered a strange twist, that is, Grandpa Mo Yi sometimes walked in the palace where he was spreading dog food. In front of him, there was no hesitation at all, and he was very familiar with the road to Emiya's house.

"The experiences of the same person in parallel worlds are often very similar -"

Grandpa Mo Yi popularized science and said:

"The place where Illya lives in my world is the same as Miyu in this world."


Illya nodded in understanding, looked at Xiao Hei who looked exactly like her, then looked back at Miyu who was being fed dog food all the way, and sighed:

"Fate is really wonderful."

The three of them are all Little Holy Grails, and the three of them are all peers of Illya. The most amazing thing is that the three of them have become the last friends.

"'s so big!"

Of course, when Illya walked to Emiya's house, she was immediately shocked by the huge area and the antique courtyard-style house.

The Emiya house in Illya's world is just a simple duplex house, which is better than most families in District 11. After all, District 11 has the least population, and the house price is not at all lower than that of a flower gardener's house.

But after seeing the Emiya residence in this world, I felt that the gap was too big.

Meiyou's house looks very ordinary. Compared with the big villa Luvia lives in, it is not luxurious at all, but its actual value is not much different.

It contains a series of hidden values ​​such as historical value and land area, but the high ground is very high.

Unexpectedly, Meiyou is still a Bai Fumei!

"What a fuss—"

Xiao Hei looked at Illya with disdain as she entered the city from a big country, and complained:

"It's not like you haven't seen Einzbern Castle in the cartoon. Even if you don't feel it in the cartoon, if you think about Einzworth Castle, you will know that our family has a mine."

Since becoming a magical girl, Illya has learned many secrets. For example, her parents, who she always thought were from an ordinary family, are actually magicians. Her parents have been traveling abroad for a long time, either to work to support the family or to take care of others whom she does not care about. Meet the brothers and sisters you know.

It is worth mentioning here that the second wife of Shred Raker, Kuu Maiya, had a son in some parallel world, who later became Weber's student and participated in the Subspecies Holy Grail War in the United States. The most important thing is that it is not Shred The son of a rake.


Illya thought about the plot in the cartoon. In the end, Illya was blinded by Jin Pika in the Einzbern Castle, and then her heart was forcibly given away.

After seeing this plot, Illya noticed the trivial fact that she was fair and beautiful in the film, and her attention was drawn to her eyes and heart, which were inexplicably painful.

Thinking about it now, I couldn't help but hug Grandpa Mo Yi's big hand tightly, and then looked back at Xian Wang Shen who had walked to the back.

Gilgamesh instantly noticed Illya's little move, so he gave her a royal smile and said calmly:

"I have no interest in dolls right now——"

Indeed, the reason why Gilgamesh followed the group was not because of the Chaldeans, but because of Grandpa Mo Yi.

If it weren't for the excessive consumption of fighting Goetia and the fact that after meeting Grandpa Mo Yi, he found that the other party had become more terrifying than ever before, he would have taken action directly.

The purpose now is to gain some reply time. Even if I lose, I will lose with a clear conscience. At most, I will challenge it again next time.

Grandpa Mo Yi could guess what he was thinking and didn't pay much attention to it. As he said before, giving the other party a defeat would not waste any effort.


As a staunch black Illya, no matter how handsome, charming and intelligent Gilgamesh is at the moment, in her eyes he is a pervert who abuses lolita.

Especially, the abused loli was still another self.

Just looking at Gilgamesh, Illya felt pain in her eyes and heart again.

"I am here--"

Grandpa Mo Yi can probably guess the reason why Illya is afraid and uneasy. He had previously paid for the trio of Illya to watch cartoons together.

Illya's trembling appearance is still clearly remembered.

——————The dividing line at night——————

No matter which parallel world Shirou Emiya is in, his cooking skills are not too bad. Chaldea and the Mahou Shochu people finally don’t have to suffer from Mapo tofu dishes made by Father Mapo who monopolizes the takeout business in Fuyuki City. After the meal, it can be said that you feel at home, and you eat happily.

After the meal, everyone also divided into small groups to enjoy the cool air and chat in the yard.

Well, apart from the giant Emiya, he has Matou Sakura, so what other friends do he need.

As an aside, Grandpa Mo Yi specially asked Gilgamesh to stay with Emiya’s sister-in-law Angelica, who did not come with her. After all, Emiya’s wife already had Sakura Matou, and her role conflicted.

In addition, Julian, who was touched by Aqua's Divine Fist before Grandpa Mo Yi left, lost the possibility of returning to normal.

Having done so many bad things and not killing him is already very merciful. Doesn't it mean that if you are crazy, you don't have to bear the guilt?

How can there be such a good thing in the world!

If the other party recovers from their illness in the future and is no longer crazy, but then refuses to change their ways and comes out to cause trouble again, wouldn't it make them look stupid?

However, the opponent had already been beaten badly by everyone, and it seemed very ungraceful to attack such a naughty kid who weighed more than 100 pounds.

In the end, Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to take action and secretly give the other party a chance to make the other party's madness permanent and use it to atone for his sins.

Angelica stayed to take care of him.

Grandpa Mo Yi originally wanted to help the other party reshape his body, but the other party was not kind enough to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, so he gave up the idea.

Just because the other party is cute and beautiful, Grandpa Mo Yi must not forgive the other party, a woman who is one of the anti-bosses, right?

After everyone gave a warning and Angelica repeatedly promised that she never wanted to cause trouble again and had no choice but to live a good life, everyone became separated.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Emiya Juxia secretly felt that this was probably the last time he would see his good friend Julian.

In fact, this is indeed the case. When Hero Emiya went to Ainsworth Castle next time to visit Julian of Shilezhi, he found that such a large Ainsworth Castle had disappeared without saying anything.

Some things are like love, you always think it will always be there, but many times it disappears the moment you turn around and are busy with other things, never to be found again.

When I found out that I would never see him again, I could only sigh and regret suddenly.

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