Well, this is probably how Emiya Giant feels. At first, he couldn't forgive Julian, but as time passed, he still softened his heart and couldn't control himself to forgive the other party, but found that the people left were empty.

At that time, Ainsworth Castle had long been moved to a high mountain with few human traces by Angelica using displacement magic. They had offended so many people, so they didn't want to hide away while no one was looking for trouble. Wouldn’t it be foolish for others to come back and look for trouble?

Although her younger brother Julian has become a fool, Angelica, as her older sister, has not given up on treatment and has to help him find a wife to continue the Ainsworth bloodline.

In the end, we couldn't find a suitable candidate. A magician like Angelica didn't understand the world very well, so she finally gave up the normal way of finding a wife and turned to research on artificial human technology. Since everyone else disliked her brother, let her make it. Forget about the most suitable wife.

After decades of research, Angelica's artificial human technology was finally perfected. Not only did she help her brother create a group of artificial human wives, she also inadvertently opened the door to truth and met a bad guy who called himself the villain in a bottle. Create a Philosopher's Stone that claims to be able to grant all wishes.

The Ainsworth family has also transformed from a famous magic family into a world-famous alchemy family.

Many years later, the battle for the universal wishing machine once again broke out on the road in District 11. Of course, this time it was no longer the Holy Grail-chan, but the Philosopher's Stone made by the Eiinsworth family.

Of course, this is already the story of a pair of brothers named Elric seeking redemption.

——————The dividing line of Chaldea——————

Mashu originally needed to recuperate before he could return to normal.

Of course, this is normal. After being rescued from the Temple of Time by Grandpa Mo Yi, Mo Yi naturally helped everyone treat them and restore them to their best condition.

Therefore, the favorability of the Chaldeans such as Gudazi and Ma Xiu towards Grandpa Mo Yi has increased significantly.

"Mr. Mo Yi, I wonder if you would like to come to Chaldea as a guest?"

Facing a 12-star SSR like Grandpa Mo Yi, the collecting maniac Gudazi would naturally not let it go, and extended a Chaldean invitation to Grandpa Mo Yi who was passing by.


Masu, who knew the character of his senior, pulled Gudazi sheepishly and said:

"The human incineration has been resolved. There is no need for us to summon heroic spirits anymore."

What Matthew means is that Chaldea’s food expenses are no longer enough. If this continues, Chaldea will go bankrupt!

"How can you do this!"

Gudazi definitely can't accept the fact that he can no longer draw cards. If he can't draw cards, what's the point of life? !

"Heroic spirits are good friends of humans. How can they give up making friends just because they don't need to fight?"

"When I call my friends, I never care if the other person can beat them. Anyway, I can't beat them. As long as they are cute and rare, that's enough."

Seeing Mo Yi's embarrassed and spirited look, Ma Xiu pulled Gu Da Zi to apologize.

"Senior is talking nonsense again and causing trouble for you, Mr. Mo Yi."


Mo Yi waved his hand and said he didn't need to worry.

He originally planned to chat with Illya to pass the time.

I remember that at Miyujia, Illya and Xiao Hei would put on cute animal doll pajamas because they didn’t have any change of clothes. As a qualified Onii-chan, it’s natural to enjoy a lot of benefits at this time. the taste of.

But now that I have met Gudazi and Mashu, and remembered that Goetia has been defeated, the first step of fgo is over, and the second part begins.

But the beginning of the second part is not a lucky thing.

The servants were repatriated, Chaldea was taken over, and it was taken over by a fat man. Then a master like Akuko woke up from the cold room, and then betrayed and attacked Chaldea. The mainstay of Chaldea, Leonardo da Vinci, therefore disappear.

Such a beginning is a great tragedy no matter how you look at it!

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Gudazi who was full of energy and thought, this is too cruel for unknown heroes like Gudazi and Ma Xiu who save humanity.

The evil nature of human beings!

If you say that Chaldea has saved mankind, does the Magic Association have to believe it?

When the human body is incinerated, all mankind is destroyed in an instant. Even if it is saved, others will not be impressed and naturally will not admit such a thing.

And even if you are saved once inadvertently, others will not admit it.

As the saying goes, a great favor is like a great hatred. If you show too much kindness, you will be hated by others.

Chaldea and the various governments naturally dislike the existence of Chaldea. You can summon heroic spirits at will, and even travel through time to cause trouble in human history.

What if one day, Chaldea, you don't like a certain country or force, and you directly travel to the past and nip the other party in the bud, can you bear this?

Although it is only a possibility, as a major force, naturally it cannot let this possibility exist.

This dangerous thing is in your own hands, so you can rest assured!

Therefore, after human history returned to normal, Gudazi and Mashu, as heroes who saved humanity, received not praise, but all kinds of difficulties.

Thinking of this, Grandpa Mo Yi pointed to the shade area in the courtyard and motioned for the two of them to sit down together and talk.

"The murderer of the Incinerate Humanity has been solved. Logically speaking, Gudazi, your mission as the master has ended——"

Grandpa Mo Yi said with some emotion:

"So what are your plans for the future?"


After Grandpa Mo Yi mentioned this, Gudazi also remembered such a thing. He and others have been active in the singularity. Now that human nature has returned to normal, where should he and others go?/

Before becoming the Chaldean Master, Gudazi was an ordinary high school student in District 11. After donating blood, he was informed of the existence of the magic world and already had the potential to become a Master.

Then, he was sent to Chaldea to receive training as a master. He thought that he was a second-rate substitute master and would not have a chance to play. After being silently on the bench in Chaldea for a while, he was sent back to 11 District continues his studies.

Unexpectedly, the development of things was unpredictable. Chaldea exploded immediately. The other masters were wiped out in an instant, and the hope of the whole village fell on himself, a second-rate substitute master.

So this second-rate master who was a dead horse and a living doctor embarked on a journey to save mankind. Along the way, he met many people, received countless help, and a little luck, and he and Matthew finally made it through.

During the journey, he not only awakened to hitherto unknown powers, but his soul also truly grew. Although this process was very difficult, Gudazi was still extremely confused when he suddenly thought that it was over.

Where should I go?

Do you want to go back to District 11, continue your high school studies, work hard to get into a university of your choice, then complete your studies, work hard, get married and have children?

The reason why she accepted Chaldea's request was partly because she was curious, tired of the ordinary life, and hoped for a change.

On the other hand, because he was poor and had other children at home, his parents raised him and provided for himself and others to study. There was too much pressure. As long as he accepted Chaldea's invitation, he could get a large salary.

Of course, what I told my parents was that I had become a lucky exchange student and was going to study abroad for a while.

Thinking about it this way, I don't seem to have any regrets. With Chaldea's support, I can rely on my own efforts to complete my studies and help my family change their situation. The initial goals and expectations have been achieved.

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