Regarding Grandpa Mo Yi's question, not only Gudazi was confused, but Matthew and the doctor in the communicator were also confused.

Matthew was originally an artificial human with only one year left to live. Under the treatment of Grandpa Mo Yi, the life span has been solved. The doctor also planned to die with Goetia, so he never thought about solving the human body burn. What to do.

After a while, Gudazi shook his head and said:

"I have no idea···"

Grandpa Mo Yi understood and smiled. The other party was indeed just a girl of seventeen or sixteen years old. When others were still at this age, they were still worried about chasing stars and falling in love. It was normal for them to be confused.

"In that case, do you want to listen to my prophecy?"

"I'm quite confident about prophecies."

Gudazi, Matthew and the doctor on the communicator all sat upright. Grandpa Mo Yi specifically mentioned this kind of thing, it must be a very important matter.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Mo Yi."

So, Grandpa Mo Yi told them a series of things that happened after they returned to Chaldea in the original story.

When they heard about Leonardo da Vinci's death, Gudazi couldn't bear it anymore and cursed:


Suddenly, the atmosphere among everyone fell silent, so quiet that even the sound of the wind blowing in the ears could be heard clearly.

Unlike young people like Gu Dazi and Ma Xiu who are out and about in society, veterans like the doctor naturally know that the future development mentioned by Grandpa Mo Yi is absolutely normal.

After a long silence, Gudazi looked up at Grandpa Mo Yi. Since the other party specifically told him and others these things, he must have something on his mind and asked:

"Mr. Mo Yi, what do you think we should do?!"

"My opinion is not important, what is important is your own thoughts, Gudazi."

Grandpa Mo Yi shook his head. He would be going home soon and it was impossible to follow them to play Chaldea.

There are so many parallel worlds in the Xingyue world, and it is impossible for me to manage them all. All I have to do is to manage the general direction and solve the factors that endanger the entire Xingyue world. Things like Gudazi that involve a parallel world Things are not yet qualified for me to take action.

According to the set procedures, when encountering such problems, there will naturally be restraint to solve them and maintain the overall balance of the Xingyue world.

Of course, when you go home and relax, and the other person happens to encounter something that can't be solved, you can't go to the other person's world to help in person as a vacation.

However, I have been on vacation for a long time, so it is naturally impossible for me to continue to go out.

"Gudazi, you are the one who decides the future of Chaldea. This kind of issue can only be decided by you."


After hearing this, Gudazi fell silent again. After several minutes, he clenched his fists and seemed to have made an important decision. He looked at Matthew and asked:

"Matthew, if I want to do something that seems wrong, are you willing to continue to support me?"


Ma Xiu smiled tenderly at Gudazi, immediately stuffed Grandpa Mo Yi with a mouthful of dog food, and said firmly:

"Ma Xiu is the shield that protects senior. No matter where senior goes, even if he goes to hell, Mathu will always stand by his side to protect senior's safety."

Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, I’ll eat this dog food, that’s it!

But it seems that Grandpa Mo Yi has probably guessed Gudazi's decision.

Not to mention that Gudazi has the fighting power to transform into the Great Demon King and tear Goetia apart. Let’s talk about the heroic spirits summoned by Chaldea. They join Chaldea not only for the reason of saving humanity, but also for Gudazi. With the approval of his son, he joined the Chaldean team.

So, what are the orders from the Magic Association and various governments?

Why should these heroic spirits from the past or future listen to their orders?

As long as Gudazi disagrees and does not show restraint, no one can drive them away.

A great man once said that political power comes from the barrel of a gun, and truth comes from the range of a cannon.

As long as Chaldea, led by Gudazi, does not compromise, those people from the Magic Association will go back wherever they came from.

If the other party is not convinced, then come and start the film!

Maybe after Gudazi returns to Chaldea, if his luck comes, he will summon the human king Goetia, and then let Goetia burn him if he doesn't like him.

"Gudazi, your idea is very dangerous——"

The doctor, who had been silent all this time, also guessed Gudazi’s decision to form an armed separatist regime and spoke out to persuade:

"Don't be impulsive. Violence is not the best way to solve the problem. It will only make the problem more acute."

"They are all my friends-"

After Gudazi explained something, he smiled and said:

"Violence is indeed not the best way to solve the problem, but it is the simplest and fastest way."


What you said makes sense, I am speechless.

I thought that after getting rid of Goetia and not having to sacrifice myself, I could enjoy a good home life, but it seems that I was dreaming.

There may be more overtime days in the future.

Chapter 440: One man fights one city

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Gudazi honestly had the idea of ​​violence and non-cooperation, but he still didn't quite understand what to do.

After all, the other party was just a female high school student who studied hard on campus and enjoyed her love time. She really didn't know how to engage in intrigues and armed struggles like this.

Let her do it, and the most likely solution is to be reckless if she doesn't accept it.

But Gudazi is still not completely determined. Chaldea does have many servants, but relying solely on the servants to fight against the entire magic world and the governments of various countries, the possibility of victory is not high, and both sides will suffer in the end.

Do we really have to go back to the past and defeat the opponent by modifying history?

Don't be stupid, what's the difference between this and what Mr. Gai did? The final consequence is the collapse of human psychology, and mankind plays GG again.

But fighting and getting hurt is not a reason to give up treatment and let others bully you.

After confirming the general direction, Gudazi asked Grandpa Mo Yi:

"Mr. Mo Yi, I wonder if you have any specific methods to help Chaldea overcome the upcoming difficulties?"

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