"It's impossible to fight head-on. I suggest using violent non-cooperation methods——"

Grandpa Mo Yi thought for a while and suggested:

"I mentioned before that because of Goetia's failure, Chaldea will be attacked by the Lost Belt next."

"Be careful with the outside world first. Those sleeping masters are all traditional-minded magicians trained by the Magic Association. They will betray anything for the sake of profit, so the first step is to deal with the second and fifth boys and send those masters out of Caleb. Or refreeze it and store it in the freezer, and then defrost it and release it after everything is resolved."

"Do you still remember Yu Ji, the servant summoned by the class card before?"

Gudazi and Ma Xiu were naturally deeply impressed by Grandpa Mo Yi's sudden mention of Yu Ji. That was their first stop in Illya's world.

She is a hot beauty who is praised by the heavens. She is extremely popular and ahead of her time. Not to mention her class is obviously an assassin, but when it comes to fighting, she just rushes into the fight. If she can't defeat her, she can still win. She will self-destruct in a wave and resurrect on the spot with full health. If he then rushes forward and explodes, he is clearly a berserker.

"Well, that's impressive—"

Gudazi complained and said:

"That is the most reckless and violent heroic spirit I have ever seen."

Grandpa Mo Yi continued to guide:

"So Mashu, do you remember that there is a master named Akubeko in Master Group A?"


With Matthew's little animal-like character, I dare not say that he has a good relationship with everyone, but he will never offend anyone. Basically everyone knows him.

"Kakuko-senpai used to be a technician at Chaldea. She was good at plant classes. She usually likes to read quietly by herself. She is a bit lonely, but she is not particularly difficult to get along with. Well, in short, she is a literary girl."

Akuko is a literary girl?


The grumpy old mustard appears quiet because he disdains and has no patience to communicate with humans. Just like when people and animals stay together, it is impossible for normal people to talk to animals. What else can he do besides being quiet?

Do we conclude that this person is a quiet person just because he doesn’t like talking to dogs? !

"I have to say, Matthew, you are mistaken."

Grandpa Mo Yi explained funnyly:

"The true identity of Akuchiko is Yu Ji, a true ancestor of the Celestial Dynasty who lived from ancient times to modern times."


This time, the doctor who had been eating the cake and quietly listening to the soy sauce shouted out in surprise and murmured to himself:

"No wonder the other party doesn't want to be examined by me!"

"No matter what you say, I, Romani, am also a well-known upright doctor in Chaldea. How could I do something strange during a physical examination?"

"I originally thought that the other party misunderstood me, who is an upright person. It turns out that the real reason is that the other party is not a human being at all. As long as I examine him, I will definitely find something strange about him."

"How can a secret organization like Chaldea, which aims to ensure the continuation of humanity, tolerate an alien like the True Ancestor?!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, doctor, what you said makes sense, but it's of no use.

If you think about it carefully, are there many weird things appearing in Chaldea?

First, one of the incarnations of the final boss, Demon God Pillar Leif, infiltrated and directly blew up the entire Chaldea, so the red-haired and white-haired director was taken away directly.

Then there's you, Solomon, who sneaks into Chaldea, doesn't work hard, and always looks at magical girls. The funniest thing is that the magical girl he likes is disguised as his old enemy Merlin, a cross-dressing guy, and everyone scolds him every time. You, but you think that the other person is a hater and motivates you like this because he values ​​you as a fan.

Kazuko will not talk about it. Although others cannot show their strength because they have not sucked blood for more than a thousand years, the recovery ability of the True Ancestor is still very good. After being blown up by Leif, a guy who puts down his appearance, as long as he takes good care of himself, If you lie down, you can come back to life and teach Leif how to behave.

But he didn't lie there for long before he was picked up by you and put in the freezer to freeze. If Akuko was still conscious in the icehouse, she probably wanted to hit someone. No wonder she joined the alien force as soon as she came out. , to fight against the evil force of Chaldea.

"That's not the point-"

Grandpa Mo Yi wonders whether doctors are serious doctors. There are so many positions in Chaldea. As Solomon, why did he choose the profession that appears most frequently in the book - health doctor? Is this a distortion of human nature or is it Moral decay, what kind of dirty PY transactions are hidden, and a series of other things, well, I am not interested at all.

"Jie Chuzi's purpose is to see Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. Later, he will rebel. That's because the enemy can let her return to the Qin Dynasty and see Xiang Yu again."

"If you can get Xiang Yu's holy relic and then summon it to Chaldea, you can get help from a true ancestor whose strength is no weaker than the top heroic spirits."

"This can have-"

After hearing that drawing cards can solve the problem, Gudazi said that this is not a problem. It doesn’t matter who you draw, and the Overlord of Xi Chu sounds very powerful.

The doctor nodded and said:

"I'll activate Chaldea's strength to see if I can find the relevant holy relics."

"As for violence and non-cooperation, it's actually very simple -"

Grandpa Mo Yi continued to lie:

"No matter what the people from the Magic Association say, you can always use the trick of 'procrastination'. If you really can't delay it, just verbally agree to the other party, but there will be no actual action. Anyway, when problems arise, the responsibility will be passed on to the temporary workers. superior."

"Waiting for the other party to come and handle the matter is just pushing the blame. Anyway, this is not our group's problem. If you can't push it away, let the other party provide all kinds of fancy documents, such as asking the other party to prove the other party's identity and ID card. The guy in there is who he is, proving his mother is his mother and all that.”

Everyone in Chaldea: "..."

Is this person a devil?

In just a short moment, he thought of such a terrible method. In this regard, Grandpa Mo Yi just wanted to say that they were too upright. How could they understand how terrible the bureaucracy that had developed to its peak for more than a thousand years under Confucianism was without such straightforward personalities? If external forces intervene, this bureaucracy with Confucianism as its core can continue forever, like the most precise clock that never stops.

Because this bureaucracy will strangle and eliminate everything that is disobedient and not conducive to it, upright girls like Gudazi and Ma Xiu will either be assimilated into the old fritters who are part of it, or they will be excluded.

And the method Mo Yi mentioned is just the simplest and most common move.

Of course, there are also people who agree very much with what Mo Yi said. For example, the doctor who always wanted to watch the magical girl live broadcast, but his eyes were shining, and he suddenly realized and learned a new way of paddling.

In the future, if anyone asks you to do something for them, you can use the above method to deceive them.

"Waiting later, the Magic Association should hire a new director to come over. As long as you ignore each other and ignore each other, it will be useless no matter how powerful the other party is."

Grandpa Mo Yi continued to teach them advanced principles of life, saying:

"However, after all, this is a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. The best way is to transfer Chaldea's really important instruments, data and other things under various names and empty Chaldea. Wait until the other party takes office In the end, as long as you find some like-minded comrades, you can re-establish a new Chaldea. This will not only eliminate the influence of the Magic Association and enhance Chaldea's actual cohesion and efficiency, but also allow you to turn from light to dark. "

"As for the talent problem, it is even easier to solve. There are so many servants in Chaldea, and those who can become servants have their own affairs. For example, heroes like Kong Ming and Merlin are the best internal affairs masters. If you leave all the basic operations to them, they can naturally arrange everything clearly."

Grandpa Mo Yi spread his hands and said:

"Well, that's all I can think of for now."

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