"The Lord of Fuyuki City, the brave man who saved the world, the devil from another world, the Emperor Yakumo Master who controls human nightlife, the caring little cotton-padded jacket for thousands of boys and girls, the eleventh among the top ten national first-class musicians, The genius chef who defeated all the opponents in the world..."

Grandpa Mo Yi mentioned a series of identities as if announcing the name of the dish, but Gilgamesh looked confused.

What the hell is this?

I can understand each title, but when combined, I always feel that the painting style is so weird!

"Of course, the identity that best suits what you want to know is probably the person sitting in the Moon World at this moment, the Lord of the Root Vortex."

"Oh it's you--"

Although he didn't understand, he wanted to interrupt Grandpa Mo Yi's bragging, but the other party reported the title with a full rhythm. Gilgamesh didn't give Gilgamesh a chance to interrupt until the other party said the last title. After "Lord of the Root Vortex", Gilgamesh suddenly realized and became more serious.

What is the strongest feature of the Moon World?

One source, two major restraints, five major magicians!

This is the biggest charm and feature of Xingyue World.

Gilgamesh naturally knows what the Vortex of Roots is. Although he has Caster's adaptability, he is not interested in the so-called Vortex of Roots that contains all ultimate knowledge.

Not to mention being guarded by the two major inhibitory forces, even if you go to the vortex of the source, you will only be assimilated into virtuality by it.

There is nothing in all, and the only thing that can reach the realm of 'all' is the concept of 'nothing'.

Since a magician wants to be a being who knows everything and wants to learn everything, he will naturally become nothing in the end, having nothing and being unable to learn anything.

As the Ancient King, he knows things that ordinary people cannot compare to. Everyone knows that the Root Vortex is a big pit, but Gilgamesh also vaguely knows that the Root Vortex has an owner.

A very simple truth, just like everything has a corresponding source, then as the vortex that creates and gives birth to everything, there should also be a corresponding existence to create.

The magician's death-seeking and crazy wish, that one can control everything by mastering the vortex of the source, is not a delusion. To a certain extent, it is correct.

At that time, would the owner of the Root Vortex allow the minions under his control to become the master?

It's impossible if you think about it.

No punishment is too cruel for those who seek and seize power.

As the king of mankind, Gilgamesh is like this, let alone the king who in his imagination controls everything in the world, whether it is ordinary creatures like humans, fantasy species, gods, or even conceptual high-dimensional existences such as inhibitions, how can he Maybe he could tolerate the magician, who was ultimately just a human being, to challenge his own authority.

Therefore, when he was summoned by Tokiomi Tosaka and knew that the other party's wish was to reach the source vortex, he would say that the other party was a boring person.

If he wasn't stupid and blind, how could he possibly provoke the Lord of the Root Vortex?

Even if Tokiomi had the ability to open the channel of the source vortex, escape the pursuit of the inhibitory force, and avoid the assimilation of the source vortex, what could he do?

At most, it was just a glance. If Sen stretched out his claws, he would be easily wiped out by the Lord of the Root Vortex, without even leaving any trace of reincarnation.

Thinking about it this way, isn't Tosaka Tokiomi stupid and boring?

After being deceived by the stupid thoughts of magicians, they regard it as a lifelong pursuit, and even pass it on. If they continue to commit suicide from generation to generation, they will not use their thinking that they are very smart to think about why they want to pursue it. The Vortex of Roots, what’s the point of doing it.

I didn't even think about it, so I just persisted and sacrificed everything for it. It seemed great and worked hard, but in fact I was doing nothing all my life.

In Gilgamesh's eyes, this is boring, even worse than the slaves under his rule. The slaves at least know that he endures everything in order to survive, even to change their destiny, and to understand the meaning of their existence and the direction of their efforts.

Tokiomi Tosaka, who is relatively boring, is more interesting than Father Mapo. At least what others do is for pleasure and for himself to live happily.

Chapter 442: The Creation of the Ancient World

The hero who saves the world, the demon god from another world, sounds very powerful, but in reality it doesn’t have much gold content.

After all, things like myths are all made up, just like the Warring States Period in District 11, where wars to destroy the country occurred at every turn. In fact, the population and territory of a country may not be larger than a village in the Celestial Dynasty.

The so-called national war means that two villages cannot see each other. Because the village in the upper reaches is farming and cuts off the water source of the entire river for irrigation, the villages in the lower reaches will definitely not be able to bear it.

For ancient agricultural societies, if there was no water source, there would be no food. People would starve to death anyway. Why not just take a step forward and pick up various earthen hoes, sticks or jars to start a life-and-death battle? national war? !

Another example is the novel about the most famous monster in District 11, Tamamo Mae. In order to chase the escaped big monster Tamamo Mae, Emperor Toba eliminated an army of 130,000 for the first time. After the entire army was annihilated, he sent an army of 300,000 more, and died again in the second battle. Halfway through, the fifty-five troops were reorganized to pursue Tamamo Mae before finally killing him.

Let’s not talk about it for a moment. If Tamamo Mae is so powerful and can fight against an army of hundreds of thousands by one person, why should he be the concubine of a rotten old man like Emperor Toba?

If the total young population of District 11 at that time was added up, could there be 500,000 people?

This is so awesome that there is no need to draft it. Cao Cao wanted to launch the Battle of Chibi and deplete the entire population of the Central Plains, but he only organized an army of about 100,000, and then boasted that it became an army of 400,000. It was just a big boast. times.

The myths and legends of District 11 have been exaggerated hundreds of times.

Another example is Gilgamesh, who is known as the oldest king. The ancient city of Uruk at that time was just an ancient city, and its territory and population were not necessarily much larger than a village managed by a village chief in the Celestial Dynasty.

As for the identity of the Emperor of the Night and the personal little cotton-padded jacket, Gilgamesh had no fluctuations in his heart. He even felt a little beaten after hearing this, until the last sentence, 'Lord of the Root Vortex'.

For those who truly understand the world of Xingyue, the signature of Root Vortex is still the best to use.

At this moment, Gilgamesh felt a little panicked. He thought he had been chasing the person he wanted to challenge, but he was just an unknown, powerful god who survived to the modern age.

I never expected that it would be a boss like Mr. Qi.

"It is my honor to challenge you——"

No matter how arrogant Gilgamesh is, claiming to be the only king in the world, facing the Supreme Being who theoretically created everything, can control everything, and can even easily erase him, a dog with authority, from his past, present and future. Have to respect it.

Facing the strong without knowing respect is not called arrogance, but arrogance!

Respect is respect. When it was time to take action, Gilgamesh did not hesitate. To admit defeat at this time would only make the other party look down on him. Moreover, Jin Pika, who was fighting against the sky and the earth, had never had a dictionary in his heart. These four words are "defeat without fighting".

I, the God of Skin, Golden Pika, can compete with Arceus, the God of Creation, at the highest level, with electric power to heal various mythical beasts at the middle level, and at the lowest level, I can even beat an ordinary gym match. In the Pokémon world, it is a real 50-50 split. , I really didn’t miss anything.

After filling up all the available buffs, Gilgamesh turned the Sword of Deviation in his hand.

This time, the Bili Sword finally no longer has the reputation of being an anti-realm treasure capable of destroying the world as it did in the past. In fact, it has the power to blow up even District 11.

Just turning it will make the heaven and earth shake, and Ainsworth Castle is crumbling. Fortunately, Angelica, who had discovered something was wrong long ago, hid with her good baby Julian, otherwise it is really very likely that she will die. The unknown aoe between Grandpa Mo Yi and Gilgamesh in the battle.

The heavy magic brings space shock waves that can destroy everything.

"Heaven and earth are deviant, open up the star!"

Gilgamesh, who had already charged up his power, finally launched the strongest attack he could at this moment. The red torrent of magic crushed everything in front of him, including the earth, air, and space itself, into the torrent of magic.

Grandpa Mo Yi thought for a second and then thought of what moves to use to counter the opponent.

When a mage like Grandpa Mo Yi reaches the full level and has all the skills, even if he uses natural disaster-level magic such as the Meteorite Heavenly Sword and the Undead Natural Disaster, he does not need to make preparations such as chanting incantations. He can naturally do it with every breath. The magic elements in it instantly resonated and began to fission according to the thoughts in the heart.

Opening his right hand, as his mind connected with the ubiquitous energy among all things in nature, the four basic elements, wind, fire, water, and earth, quickly condensed in his hand. What seemed chaotic was actually meticulously condensed and fused, and violently fissured.

Soon, a chaotic dark energy sphere was formed.

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