Although this weird energy ball doesn't look like the Rasengan, the energy in it moves wildly and riots, or emits thunder, lightning, flames and various external special effects, just like a calm lake, a smooth black sphere without any change.

But with just one glance, you can see that people's minds are absorbed into it. It's quiet, but extremely dangerous.

"Prehistoric, the creation of the world!"

Facing the torrent of magic power that shattered everything, Grandpa Mo Yi casually threw the black sphere in his heart.

The heaven and the earth were chaos at first, and then they were opened up. The clear ascended and became the sky, and the muddy descended and became the earth. If the two are united again, they will evolve into chaos and do the thing of creating the heaven and the earth.

Did the world erupt from a big bang? And the emerging earth, wind, water, and fire are the original forms of "heaven" and "earth"...

As the chaos expanded to the extreme, the chaos itself began to differentiate, with the clear ones going up and the turbid ones going down. The clear ones gradually could no longer be seen and had been hidden in the entire universe, becoming the basic constants of the universe, that is, space and space. time.

The turbidity condensed and formed a fixed form in the universe, that is, matter and energy. This was the era when the four major elements in the universe differentiated into invisible and visible elements.

The energy ball in Mo Yi's hand is the condensation of the four major elements of the universe, wind, fire, water and earth, and is broken down and fused in the most essential way, rather than simply mixed together. The difference is probably the physical phenomenon of snow melting into water and the burning of the sun. The chemical reaction of nuclear fusion, both release heat through change, but the heat value is very different.

And this "Prehistoric and Creation of the World" is a mysterious version of a nuclear bomb that uses the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth as raw materials.

When the black ball collided with the red magic torrent, there was no confrontation, but it exploded directly, or became a crazily expanding mini-sun.

In an instant, everything in front of him, whether it was the earth or the sky, was shattered by the raging energy impact.

"it's over--"

After falling out of his hand, Grandpa Mo Yi used space transfer to leave Ainsworth Castle.

Under the enchantment spell he had prepared in advance, all spaces within the scope of Ainsworth Castle were filled with red energy.

From the outside, it looks like a small sun appearing in front of you.

As Gilgamesh remains in the center of the simulated sun, the result can be imagined. This is no longer something that human intelligence can defeat. All matter will be reduced to nothing at a high temperature of approximately 20 million degrees Celsius, which is approximately the internal temperature of the sun.

Ainsworth Castle, naturally.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi is not a devil. If no follow-up work is done, the citizens of Fuyuki City who wake up tomorrow will probably think that there was another natural gas leak explosion in Fuyuki City last night that was far more powerful than the one ten years ago. .

This time, even the ground burned through.

The ground environment, flowers, plants and trees will naturally recover. As for Ainsworth Castle, which has always been hidden and does not exist in ordinary people's eyes, there is no such thing.

Grandpa Mo Yi felt that he was already very kind by letting them leave in advance.

For villains like them, at a certain point, they have to be taken care of by the whole family. Maybe the beautiful female characters can stay, but they have to become the protagonist's harem, and the family property is naturally the resource for the protagonist's early rise.

Isn't the so-called villain just for giving money and experience to upgrade the protagonist?

As for Gilgamesh's feelings, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't have any idea. Maybe he would wait until next time to give him a chance to say his last words.

After all, Jin Shining is also one of the few good sandbags used for physical exercise.

"Looking forward to seeing you next time, Gilgamesh."

————The dividing line of the temptation to go home——————

"Back, Baymax!"

Grandpa Mo Yi was just about to enter the village quietly. Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the living room, an Ilia beast jumped out of the grass and stood in front of Grandpa Mo Yi with a happy smile.

It was obvious that he wanted to be killed by touching his head.

"I'm back, Illya."

Mo Yi looked at the friends sitting in the living room with some surprise. Well, the friends here refer to the Mahou Shaojiu people.

The Chaldean group was probably hiding somewhere, meeting to discuss the future development strategy of the evil forces.

Obviously, the friends found out that Grandpa Mo Yi and Gilgamesh were gone, and guessed that they were going to the Imperial City for a PK.

Waiting here in the living room is because I want to wait for Grandpa Mo Yi to come back and see each other for the first time.

Although they know how powerful Mo Yi is and it's not easy to get a gold pickup truck, the so-called friends are people who will worry about you.

Well, the first person who discovered that Grandpa Mo Yi was missing was Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei wanted to take advantage of Miyu's chat with his brother Emiya Juxia and Illya's bathing time to gank Grandpa Mo Yi and develop a relationship.

Unexpectedly, she searched the entire Wei Gong family but couldn't find Mo Yi. Then thinking about Jin Shining and Mo Yi's grandfather, she thought that the two went out to settle personal grudges.

Xiao Hei became worried and told Ilia about this when she came out of the shower.

After Illya knew about it, her millionaire photographer Ruby naturally also knew about it. When the big-mouthed Ruby knew about it, it meant that the whole world knew about it.

The atmosphere among the Shaju people who gathered together because they were worried about Mo Yi became a little anxious.

In the end, it was Wei Gong Juxia who suggested that everyone should take action and have an all-night celebration banquet to celebrate the rare reunion and also to welcome the triumphant Grandpa Mo Yi.

After being diverted by the giant Emiya, the shochu who took action also became busy, and the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

Emiya Juha and Matou Sakura were cooking food in the kitchen, while Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were discussing and preparing the program for tonight's celebration banquet. Not long ago, they were arguing over whether playing poker or singing should be the main program.

As for Illya, Miyu and Xiao Hei were gathered together, happily discussing how to play tonight.

For primary school students like Illya, staying up all night is a mysterious and attractive thing.

Usually there is no such opportunity. Elementary school students should go to bed early and get up early. School parties are earlier and more regular than most working parties.

The thought of being late, having to face the strange looks of the whole class, and the scolding look of the teacher, most well-behaved students will develop amazing perseverance and self-discipline. Unless there is an emergency, they will not be late once in the whole semester. great deeds.

This is especially true for a good child like Illya, not to mention that there is a responsible nanny Sera at home, who will call Illya to go to bed as soon as ten o'clock comes.

Even if you are fascinated by watching a TV series, you will be forced to turn it off and rush to sleep.

If he didn't listen, Sera would punish Emiya Shirou who was begging for mercy, saying that it was all his fault as an older brother. If he hadn't been so lazy, how could the good boy Illya be disobedient.

In the end, in order to prevent her brother from being sprayed by Sera, Illya had no choice but to endure the pain and go to bed.

Even during the holidays, the habit of going to bed early and getting up early has not changed. The student period is probably the most regular and healthy period of rest in a person's life.

Now that I heard that Ilia and Xiaohei, who had never stayed up all night before, could play all night until dawn, or even Sanwu Shoujo Miyu, I was filled with anticipation, and felt a sense of taboo opening the door to a new world.

After appeasing Illya and Xiao Hei with the head-butting attack, Mo Yi also sat beside the people gathered around and started bragging happily.

As for what happened between him and Jin Shining, no one asked about it. Since they were back, it was no problem. If they asked again, they would not understand or trust them.

Soon, everyone started talking about going back and next plans.

They came to this world because they were involved in the displacement magic of the Ainsworth family. There is really no way for them to go back alone.

Regarding this point, Grandpa Mo Yi waved his hand and said that all this is not a problem and is left to him to solve. He can go back whenever he wants. It is very convenient.

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