As for future plans——

The two magic aunts Luvia and Tohsaka Rin said that their assessment tasks have been completed. After returning to the original world, they will return to the Clock Tower to learn from the Jewel Man.

Naturally, the class cards and other things must be handed over to the Magic Association, otherwise they don't know what trouble they will make.

As for Ruby and Sapphire, they clearly refused Tohsaka Rin's request to go back with Luvia.

Their current owners are Illya and Miyu, and they are unwilling to leave even after the class card incident is completed.

It's fine to go back and accompany the two magic aunts, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia. If it were other magicians, wouldn't it be even more boring? It wouldn't be as fun and interesting as following Illya and Miyu.

Chapter 443: The bright future we each look forward to

"As for me--"

Speaking of future plans, I have always been a happy primary school student, as long as I study hard. Ilia, who works hard every day and doesn't need to use her brain to think about making money or getting into higher education, really hasn't thought about future problems.

Well, I thought before that it would be great if I could become Mahou Soju.

Then, the wish came true.

I also experienced an unforgettable adventure and met new friends.

It's just that in the future, I really haven't thought about whether I will return to that ordinary student life.

Could it be that he wants to become a master of the flower city? During the day, he is just an ordinary beautiful girl student, and at night, he is a horse monkey soju who protects the peace of Fuyuki City.

I always feel that this setting is very consistent with a certain book written by Dabai called "Tolerance".

After thinking for a while, Illya clenched her fist and said:

"I think I'll just keep going to school and listen in peace."

"That's good. In fact, I also want to study in school every day. I also miss my friends in school."

After hearing about Ilyaku's mission and coming to this conclusion, Grandpa Mo Yi said with a smile:

"Because of the class card thing, Ilya, you probably haven't been in the mood to study recently."

"Are your grades still up to par with those of other students?"


As long as they are not the top students, they don’t like to bring up the issue of grades.

Due to genetic problems, Illya's IQ is obviously higher than that of ordinary people, but when it comes to academic performance, she is not obviously far ahead of others.

No matter how high your IQ is, if you don't put in the effort, you still can't become a top student.

However, Ilya, who lives in a generous family environment, does not have much motivation to study. Her family members have never told Ilya such motivational words as "Study hard, otherwise you will not be able to support yourself in the future." He is studying Buddhism, and with his clever little mind, he is at the top of the class, which is different from Meiyou who has studied at a university level since he was a child.

After Mo Yi said this, Illya finally felt the embarrassment of being asked about her academic performance by her parents, turned her head and said with some embarrassment:

"no problem--"

"I still have some confidence in learning such small things."

This time, Xiao Hei did not step out and overthrow, and exposed Illya's fault, because compared to Illya's quiet and well-behaved character, Xiao Hei was even more impatient to listen to the teacher's lectures.

When he first went to school, he thought it was very interesting. But after two weeks, Xiao Hei was assimilated into an ordinary student. He complained that class was boring every day. During class, he wanted to finish class early. During holidays, he wanted to start class early. , you can play with your friends.

Illya changed the subject with a somewhat stiff tone:

"So, Dabai, you also went to school?"

"It's not that I've attended it, but I'm still a sophomore in high school."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"When I go back, I have to continue going to school."

"Dabai is actually still a student——"

Not to mention Illya, everyone else was also shocked. The other party had become a heroic spirit, tearing up servants everywhere, and had to go to school as a student.

This sounds so inconsistent that I don’t know how to complain about it.

Illya couldn't help but complained in revenge:

"How about Dabai's grades? Dabai, you must be so out of tune."

Grandpa Mo Yi rubbed Ilia's little head vigorously and complained:

"You think too much."

"A top student who doesn't want to be a god of study is not a good student."

"The only thing I worry about in school is whether to get full marks in every subject during exams, or to leave one or two multiple-choice questions blank, so as not to dampen other students' enthusiasm for learning."

"I do not believe--"

For some reason, Ilia likes to argue with Grandpa Mo Yi. Arguing makes her happy and she retorted:

"Obviously it's just a Baymax, no matter how much I look at it, I don't think Miyu likes to study as much as she does."

Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi and Ilia playing happily, Xiao Hei was in a bad mood.

It’s obviously me who came first, whether I was born, whether I met Onii-chan, or whether I like her!

Illya, you're a scheming girl who says you like Shirou, but you always cross the line to tease my Onii-chan. Look at the happy smile that can't be hidden at the corners of your mouth. It's already betrayed the depths of your heart. The truest thoughts. Let me tell you, if this continues, we won’t even have to be sisters!

"It's time for me to talk about future plans."

Seeing this, Xiao Hei quickly interrupted and said:

"After I go back, I will conduct bridal training and determine to become the most outstanding bride!"

Having said that, he still looked at Grandpa Mo Yi shyly and boldly, which goes without saying.


Illya was frightened by Xiao Hei's words, especially after seeing her staring at Grandpa Mo Yi, she became very unhappy, and retorted righteously:

"Xiao Hei, you are still a primary school student. Please study hard and make progress every day!"


Xiao Hei complained disdainfully:

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