"Sorry, I'm different from Illya who still likes to watch Mahou Soju cartoons. I'm already a qualified adult."

"How's Mahou Soju, and how's the cartoon?"

Illya was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and she retorted:

"Xiao Hei, you are so biased! It's better than those idol love dramas you watch. Even I can see that those plots are nonsense."

As a result, Illya and Xiao Hei started fighting each other every day.

Ruby sighed:

"This is youth!"

Feeling the gazes of Illya and Xiao Hei, Miyu lowered her head in embarrassment and said:

"I'll probably stay here with my brother—"


At this time, Illya remembered that Miyu was different from them, not from the same world. For her, this was her world.


The words stopped before he could continue.

What else could she say?

Although she was very reluctant to leave, she could not ask the other party to leave her own world and live in her world, where her only relative Emiya Juha was also present.

"Miyu, do you like life in Illya's world?"

Seeing that something was wrong in the atmosphere, Grandpa Mo Yi continued the topic.


Miyu's eyes swept over Illya, Xiao Hei, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, she smiled reluctantly and said in a low tone:

"I'm very happy with you guys, and I also like going to school with Ilia very much, but -"

But, I can’t continue talking.

For a child like Meiyou, separation is still an unbearable thing.

Unlike many helpless adults who have become accustomed to the loss of relatives and the gradual loss of contact with friends, even people who once swore an oath to each other and thought they could not survive without being together are like fish losing water, they can also get used to it. Back to the days when I was alone.

Of course, this is not acceptance, but more helplessness. This is what adults are.

That’s why so many people say they miss their childhood days. Even though they were poor at that time, they always looked at a certain toy in the toy store in a daze. They always wanted to wait until the Chinese New Year and use the New Year’s money to buy it home and collect it. In the end, the New Year’s money was kept by the mother. The name was confiscated.

But when I grew up, after I was able to make money, I could no longer find the satisfaction I expected with the toys I had been looking forward to.

"You just want to-"

Grandpa Mo Yi waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Leave the rest of the problems to me."

"I can fix the coordinates of the two worlds on Sapphire, and you can travel between the two worlds at any time through Sapphire. It's not a problem to go to school in Illya's world during the day and go home after school."

"Babai, is it true?"

Before Meiyou had time to express her position, Illya jumped for joy. Ilya was really reluctant to let go of Meiyu, a good friend who had finally succeeded in conquering the game.

After hearing that Grandpa Mo Yi could solve the problem, he hugged Meiyou happily and didn't give Meiyou any chance to refuse.

"That's great, Miyu!"

"This way we can always be together."


Although there have been many hugs like this, Miyu, who has a cold temperament, is still not used to Illya's enthusiastic behavior, and said with a red face:

"I...I still need to ask my brother for his opinion."

"It doesn't matter--"

At this time, the giant Emiya came out with various dishes, looked at Miyu with doting eyes, and smiled softly:

"Actually, I have already discussed it with Sakura. If possible, we will go to Illya's world with you."

"It's not easy for you to meet so many friends and find a world that is gentle to you and where you can find happiness. You can't give up these hard-earned bonds just because of me."

"Now that Mo Yijun can solve the problem of traveling between the two worlds, it couldn't be better."

"Miyu, just feel free to go to school with Illya, brother supports you."

Among the many sister controllers, Emiya Giant is also one or two. There is only one big demon king Lu who sacrifices everything, even his own life, to save the world and destroy the world because his sister's dream is world peace. Lu Xiu can stabilize the Emiya Giant wave.

Of course, being a girl-controller does not mean that you are a good person, and there are many girls-controllers who are very shameful.

For example, Kyousuke Kosaka, a high school student with fishy eyes who likes to sneak into his sister's room in the middle of the night, have life talks with her, and play together with her in the game of beautiful girls, is a negative example.

He obviously agreed to Black Cat, but the other party also regarded him as the most important person and was willing to change himself and make himself better for him.

Although clumsy, there is no denying the girl’s affection!

Kousaka Kyosuke clearly knew the efforts the other party had made for him. On the premise that no major problems occurred, the two of them ruthlessly abandoned each other with the illogical reason of "my beloved sister" and left the other party to cry. .

Yes, he also felt sorry for the other person, but in the final analysis, he still did nothing for the other person.

Since I like my sister, why did I accept Wu Geng Liuli in the first place? Now that I accepted it, why did I regret it?

Don't say that this is love. Love cannot accept such a great-sounding reason. In the final analysis, he is just a scumbag who plays with emotions.

If you haven't even fulfilled the word 'responsibility', what qualifications do you have to talk about love? !

The most important thing is that he is not handsome, does not study well, has no special skills, and has no mines in his family. Except for the ancestral skill of "gentleness", which is passed down by thousands of harem male protagonists, he has nothing.

Of course, blind gentleness may not be true gentleness.

If the other person is not a male pig's foot described by some old thief who is full of bad taste, there is absolutely no way he will have a girlfriend.

The human bible "What I Like is You in the Novel", abbreviated as Meifeimei, is the same as what Meifeimei said. Sisters are beautiful creatures only in fantasy. Sisters in reality can only be broken and make people want to beat them up. of that kind.

It can be seen from this that not all girl-controllers are good people, just like not all lolicons are bad people.

"Miyu, we can continue going to school together!"

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