All heterosexuals must be burned to death!

I'll see if you stop later or not.


Bronya, who was watching the battle on the plane, replied coldly.

In front of Theresa, who was holding an armor-breaking sledgehammer and possessing a powerful body, the mechas in front were all blown to the ground within a short time.

But the mechas that came out from behind didn't just stand there, watching Theresa blow up their friends, and then come back and blow them up.

They all rushed towards Grandpa Mo Yi who was standing behind Theresa, ready to take a hostage.

If you were an ordinary person, you really wouldn't be able to avoid being captured by these mechas that look clumsy but are actually very flexible and can easily make various actions that violate the rules of the human body.

In a small space, Grandpa Mo Yi used various obstacles in the cabin to fully perform a Jackie Chan-style action scene without using extraordinary power. Every time, it was dangerous. , in fact, he was so safe in avoiding the capture of those mechas that he only had to take out his mobile phone and play the song "The Shrimp Catcher" as the BGM.

"not bad--"

It wasn't that Theresa didn't notice something strange inside her body, but she thought there were enemies behind her, so she had to use all her strength to defeat the enemies as fast as possible, and then turned back to deal with the mecha behind her.

After she took care of the mechas in front of her, she looked back and found that the situation was different from what she had imagined. No matter what, Mo Yi was playing with those mechas.

"Heavy Rabbit——"

Bronya, who had no feelings, stood in front of Theresa and summoned her heavily armored bunny. Well, it was an intelligent robot that was similar to a stand-in messenger and attached to Bronya.

"Your enemy is me——"

After saying that, the Gatling-shaped left hand of the heavy-armed rabbit fired a light cannon that resembled condensed flames.

"Holy Light Qindun——"

The Holy Light Sledgehammer in Theresa's hand dissipated and returned to the form of a cross. She thrust it hard into the ground and turned into a wall of Holy Light, absorbing the opponent's light cannon and assimilating it into Holy Light.

"Judas spread out—"

Following her words, the Judas stuck on the ground changed mechanically, its wings spread out, and then several broad spears shot out, shooting towards Bronya in a weird trajectory.

"Spear of Victory!"

"it's useless--"

Facing the broad spears that were shooting at them, Bronya said lightly. The stand-in messenger behind him, the heavy-armed rabbit, protected Bronya with his arms and blocked the light spears.

"Stop resisting needlessly."


If in other circumstances, there is no need to worry about the safety of the plane, no need to worry about accidentally injuring nearby Mo Yi, and whether there is poisoning, with Theresa's fighting power, against a fledgling little girl like Bronya, it would be Zi The younger sister beats Cirno, and the younger brother is beaten casually.

Feeling the increasingly uncontrollable Honkai energy in her body, Theresa couldn't help but become anxious.

But the battle between the two was really intense, and they couldn't defeat Bronya for several minutes.

"Destroying Divine Strike!"

Teresa deliberately showed a flaw and at the cost of withstanding the blow from the heavily armored rabbit, she rushed in front of Bronya, carrying Judas who was emitting the holy light, and faced Bronya who was protected by the heavily armored rabbit. Nia launched a crazy combo.

"Ascending array, strong winds, falling stars, divine strikes..."

This time, Theresa obviously didn't hold back, or in other words, this was her last chance. If she couldn't open up the battle, it would be really bad.

Judas came with exaggerated holy light special effects, and hit Bronya with great force, who could only hold her head and squat in defense.

Under full output, Theresa produced a large amount of output, and the body of the substitute messenger Heavy Rabbit collapsed. Both hands were exploded by Judas, and he looked vaguely about to disappear.

"The final blow - the cutest in the world!"

Judas turned into a huge hammer of holy light again and smashed it at Bronya.


Finally, Bronya could no longer defend herself, and flew out with the heavily armored rabbit. Under the influence of the huge force, she directly smashed through the outer wall of the cabin and flew out.

After flying out of the cabin, looking at the plane getting farther and farther away, Bronya, who kept hearing the sound of "whirring" wind in her ears, reported without sadness and joy through the correspondent and Cocolia in her ears, her nominal mother:

"The mission failed, I was shot out of the plane."

"You did a great job, Bronya."

Cocolia, who was looking at the image in the command room, said calmly:

"After you land safely, confirm your location and then contact the command room."

Although Bronya was defeated, Theresa was also held back and used Honkai energy to a large extent. It should be difficult to even move at this moment.

There are many anti-entropy people in the plane. To catch a Valkyrie who has no ability to resist, isn't it just a matter of convenience?

As for Bronya, she has the protection of a heavily armored bunny that can fly, resist, and has countless functions, so she doesn't need to worry about her safety at all.


After Teresa used all her strength to defeat Bronya with a set of 'Destroying Divine Strike', she could no longer suppress the toxins in her body. The body collapsed and started to go berserk, making it difficult to even stand.

What's worse is that the big hole made by Bronya is emitting a huge suction force, which is about to suck Theresa out, who is unable to stand still.

"Oh no."

Theresa, who was completely weak, didn't know what she was feeling in her heart for a moment. She felt unwilling but also a little relaxed.

It was really helpless to have just escaped from the place where I had been imprisoned for more than forty years, to breathe fresh air and welcome a new life, but to fall at the end.

In Teresa's current state of losing strength, she fell from a high altitude. To put it simply, she would die without rebirth.

Whether it falls on land or on the sea, it will be smashed to pieces in an instant under the huge acceleration.


Theresa looked back with some shame, wanting to see Grandpa Mo Yi's condition. It was all because of her own reasons that she had caused the other party to suffer.

Unlike artificial humans like himself, his parents, friends, and even the girl he likes may be waiting for him to return in an unknown distance.

"Deli, you idiot, what are you doing?"

Grandpa Mo Yi sounded a little angry and took Theresa's hand, which had given up treatment and sucked half of her body out, and shouted loudly:

"Everyone is about to be flown out. Why don't you shout for help?"

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