The fact that Theresa was able to achieve such results in such a situation is already remarkable.

But Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't see that the other party showed no resistance and accepted death calmly. He was still a lolita, and the boss of Mr. Lutuo was not wiped out. How could he give up the treatment so easily.

After discovering that Theresa was about to fly out, Grandpa Mo Yi, who had been dealing with the mechas, stopped playing around and came to Theresa's side in an instant to pull her back.


Theresa, who was pulled back by Mo Yi and woke up from the memory killing, faced Grandpa Mo Yi's reproachful eyes, turned away embarrassedly and said:


Different from not noticing Mo Yi's strange behavior just now, he had been monitoring the scene. He wanted to order the drone to fly out to retrieve Theresa's Cocolia, but he clearly watched Mo Yi disappear strangely, and then appeared in The cave entrance thing.

Full of confidence, she suddenly felt something bad, as if something was out of her control.

"Don't worry about their safety, arrest them with all your strength!"

Cocolia didn't care whether to capture Theresa alive or not, and directly ordered the mechas in the plane to catch Grandpa Mo Yi and Theresa with all their strength to prevent the cooked duck from flying away.

Even if you can't catch him alive, you still have to catch him dead. That's precious research material!

"I come--"

Seeing that the mechas were about to surround them, and the guns in their hands were still pointed at them, ready to fire at any time, Theresa tried her best to support Judas, trying to stand up and deal with the last enemy.

"do not move--"

Theresa had just stood up, but Grandpa Mo Yi held her head down and said seriously:

"Fighting is for adults, and lolita should act cute."

After that, under Teresa’s disbelieving gaze, she picked up the 152 kilogram Judas.

What is the concept of 152 kilograms?

Anyway, it is impossible for an ordinary modern man to lift 152 kilograms of stuff.


Seeing this, Theresa still didn't realize that the other person was not an ordinary high school student in District 11!

No ordinary high school student in this world can lift a 152 kilogram cross.

However, after all, she had seen big scenes and beaten countless strange Valkyries. She quickly suppressed the doubts in her heart and said:

"I am an adult a long time ago, you perverted lolicon!"

"Be careful--"

Chapter 451: Theresa, safe landing!

After listening to Theresa's words, Grandpa Mo Yi was surprised. Unexpectedly, the other party asked the question "Who are you?" It was obvious that the secret had been revealed several times before.

For example, how to deal with several mechas for several minutes, how to pull her back in time, and how to lift the 152 kilogram Judas.

This all shows that Grandpa Mo Yi is not like the ordinary person she imagined. ,

During this time together, Grandpa Mo Yi not only chatted with Theresa, but also secretly used his abilities to check things about Theresa.

Even if he had met Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura before, he only thought they were similar people. How could the script of Honkai Academy appear in the moon world? This power system can be said to be two extremes, science and mystery.

After reviewing the information from the source and understanding the information about the Destiny Organization in this world, I couldn't help but sigh that this world was more collapsed than I imagined. Perhaps it was because of his existence that this parallel world became more and more strange.

The butterfly effect and so on are almost useless.

He also prepared words in advance to deal with Theresa's questions.

To fool a passing magician out of interest is to fool him. Anyway, the energy system he is good at is magic power. According to the definition of this world, he is really a magician.

Since the other party didn't ask, Grandpa Mo Yi had no intention of confessing on his own initiative, which would make it appear that he had ulterior motives.

The mechas of Anti-Entropy don't want to give each other so much time to talk. They are fighting now. You still have the opportunity to talk so much. How can we, Anti-Entropy, lose face?

Facing the two drones rushing over, Grandpa Mo Yi easily grabbed Judas and smashed them over with ease.


The two mechas were thus scrapped.

Naturally, anti-entropic mechas cannot be that rubbish. Generally speaking, no armor-piercing bullets can penetrate the defense of these mechas and cause real damage.

Is it just that Grandpa Mo Yi is an ordinary person?

No, this is the final big boss hidden on the set of Youthful Love. Not to mention holding a murderous weapon like Judas in his hand, even a fist can blow up these mecha hammers without seeing the special effects. .

"Are you a monster?"

Teresa couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva as she looked at the sight of Judas waving in her hand, as if she was in a deserted land, driving the Wushuang, smashing the mechas that came up one after another.

Although Judas is Teresa's exclusive weapon, she can wield it as she wants, but no matter how natural she is, she still has physical limitations. After all, she is a Valkyrie, and her main fighting method still relies on the blessing and output of Honkai energy. .

She couldn't feel any energy fluctuations from Mo Yi's body, neither the Honkai energy on the scientific side nor the magic power on the mysterious side, two common energies.

Could it be that the other party really relied on brute force to swing Judas and knock those mechas whose weight was measured in tons away?


Anyway, she, the S-class Valkyrie who was called a nun with strange powers, couldn't do such a cruel thing.

"It's too much to call others monsters."

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was driving Wushuang, turned his back to Theresa and complained;

"An older lolita like you can run around the streets carrying such a big cross and chase people to knock it on. Can't an adult like me hit people with a cross?"

"Sounds reasonable... what a ghost!"

After seeing that there was nothing wrong with the battle situation and everything was under control, Theresa was in the mood to complain and said:

"Are you hitting someone? You were knocking out a Gundam!"

"Also, there is no need for such modifiers like 'older age', Hundan."

Regarding Theresa's complaints, Grandpa Mo Yi said that they were too vulgar and far different from Illya's complaints.

"In other words, you don't deny that you are a loli."

Teresa: "..."

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