"Shut up, you perverted lolicon!"

Just ignore Theresa who started roaring for a while.

Anyway, there is nothing about loli that cannot be solved by lollipops and head-touching.

"The last one——"

Grandpa Mo Yi pulled Judas up into the air, and then knocked down the last mecha with all his strength.

"Eat my Demacia power!"


Under Judas' heavy blow, the mecha was directly hammered to the ground and several parts were exploded.

At this time, the plane finally couldn't hold on anymore. There were several holes punched through by the mecha. The fact that it could hold up already showed that the products produced by Destiny must be of high quality.

Of course, Cocosia, who witnessed the whole process on the surveillance camera, was also angry and forced to calm down, and pressed the bomb that had been set on the plane for a long time.

She had already thought of Plan C. If she couldn't capture Theresa, she would just blow up the plane and kill an S-class Valkyrie, which would also be a good result.

"We're leaving-"

After predicting that the plane was about to explode, Mo Yi stopped talking, held Judas in one hand, grabbed the helpless Theresa with the other, and jumped out of a hole.


After leaving the cabin, strong winds continued to pour into the mouths, noses and ears of the two people. Ordinary people, without receiving relevant training, would not be in such an embarrassing situation as suffocation caused by strong winds.

However, for Theresa and Grandpa Mo Yi, skydiving or something is as normal as jumping into the swimming pool.

The basic operation of the Valkyrie to perform a mission is to drive an airship to the mission location, and then parachute down from a high altitude.

This traditional way of descending is also called the ‘leap of faith’ by ​​the Valkyries.


A few seconds after leaving the plane, the plane behind suddenly exploded violently.

"My complete set of "The Adventures of Homu"!!"

Theresa, who was being held in front by Mo Yi and falling in the sky, finally recovered from her sudden leap of faith. Looking at the exploding fire behind her, tears suddenly fell down, and she made a sound that made the listener sad and the listener sad. The cry:

"No more, no more, nothing more..."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Teresa, you are an older lolita in your forties, why don't you act like Mrs. Xianglin because of a set of comic books?

Forget it, I'd better not tell the other person, her luggage is put into my personal space, and I'll give it back to the other person when we part.

Otherwise, it’s really hard to explain, and the crying loli is also very cute.

Well, after all, Grandpa Mo Yi is not a devil!

"Theresa, I have no skydiving experience -"

After seeing Theresa calm down, Grandpa Mo Yi pointed to the umbrella bag on her body and said to her:

"Do you know when is the best time to open it?"

"No problem, I'm familiar with this."

Theresa also recovered from the shock of losing the comic book and remained silent. It was also because she was embarrassed by being hugged by Grandpa Mo Yi that she remained silent.

But when Mo Yi said this, she also remembered that they were still in high school.

Although in theory, the falling speed of an object has nothing to do with its weight, even if Grandpa Mo Yi holds Theresa and hangs a 152-kilogram cross, it will affect the falling speed of the two of them.

But once the force-bearing area, buoyancy and other factors are taken into account, the two people's falling speed is really not slow. If they don't open the parachute in time, they may really hit the ground directly. At least Deli can't use Honkai energy at this moment. Sha will smash it into a puddle of watermelon juice.

————The dividing line of the leap of faith——————

Under Theresa's control, the two of them completed the landing without surprise.

Moreover, the two of them were very lucky. When they were high in the sky, they saw a little green dot. Teresa, who was full of experience, naturally recognized that this was an island. With the skill of Lao Siji, the two of them piloted a parachute and landed on this island. On the edge of a seemingly deserted island.


After landing, Theresa jumped down from Grandpa Mo Yi's arms, took back her Judas, and shouted loudly and vigorously:

"Safe landing!"

After placing the POS, Theresa stretched out her right hand, preparing to communicate with the command center as usual, and then froze on the spot.

Except for her personal weapon Judas, her other belongings were placed in the suitcase, as well as her communicator. Where could she contact the Destiny Command?

Not to mention the communicator, we don’t even have food or clothes. How are we going to spend tonight?

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Teresa's performance successfully made Grandpa Mo Yi laugh.

"What are you laughing at!"

Teresa pointed at Grandpa Mo Yi angrily and complained:

"We have nothing now and are living on a desert island. How are we going to survive?"

"Are you still in the mood to laugh now!?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

You were in the mood to show off your POS just now, but I couldn't even smile, you were clearly angry from embarrassment.

I know, but I don't say it.

Of course, Theresa's worries were obviously overthinking. Let alone being left on a desert island, even on Mars, Grandpa Mo Yi could take her back to space.

It's just that he had been playing the role of a poor, weak and helpless high school student before, and suddenly brought the other party to boast about the space transfer to Area 11. Wouldn't it be exposed?

This will definitely make you friends!

You are so awesome, why did you watch Theresa fight against entropy before? Even if you have no other abilities and can only teleport, you can directly transfer Theresa away.

Therefore, lies are bad. When you choose to tell a lie, you need to prepare countless lies to cover up the original lie.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi is not lying. After all, he never said that he was an ordinary person.

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