Compared with the ordinary male pig's trotters, Grandpa Mo Yi can be said to have a rich family background. After all, he was born in Yuanyue. If there is no medicinal effect in the food, what is the difference between it and salted fish!

"The first piece should be given to Miss Teresa who killed the wild boar."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and handed the barbecue in his hand to Theresa, who was wiping her saliva and staring at the barbecue in Mo Yi's hand.

"Then I'm welcome!"

Theresa was not polite either. Firstly, she was really hungry. It was Bronya and she was living on a desert island. She consumed too many calories, especially as Theresa was still growing in size. Secondly, she was in Mo. In front of Grandpa Yi, she no longer had any thoughts of being reserved. In just one day, her so-called impression of a lady had long been shattered into pieces, and being polite now was just pretentious.

Holding the barbecue in one hand, Theresa ignored the scorching heat and took a bite.


"What exactly is this..."

Although the materials were limited, Grandpa Mo Yi's barbecue skills completely conquered Theresa. Seeing her face flushed, her eyes pinched slightly, her eyes dull, her little mouth made a strange "oh" sound while ignoring the scalding heat, and quickly As he bit into the barbecue, he already knew that the other party had fallen into the delicious environment created by the barbecue.

"Don't chase me, why are you chasing me!"

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi can probably guess what the fantasy in Theresa's mind is.

What kind of cooking skills can be called a master?

The simplest way to judge is whether it glows and whether it has any medicinal effect.

But this is just something on the surface. In addition to the ultimate cooking skills, in the field of super chefs, the factor that often determines victory or defeat is the kitchen heart. The dragon-level chef with the IQ of a super chef has the ultimate sublimation of the kitchen heart and is unique to him. The way of cooking.

In the process of grilling meat, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally also used his own cooking method - the "Yakumo's Way". The effect of this cooking method can be understood as making people feel the principle of "all things have feelings".

And Theresa is embodying the enthusiasm from the second senior brother at this moment - 'Come after me, I will give you a quick supply of syrup if I catch you'!


After a full minute, Theresa finally woke up from the illusion. Covered in sweat, she looked at the other barbecue grilled in Grandpa Mo Yi's hands with both fear and longing.


Theresa swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi like a scumbag, and said:

"You're such a perverted lolicon, you actually put drugs in the barbecue!"

"Even if I, Teresa, starve to death, I will definitely..."

"How about giving me another piece to try and check if there's anything wrong with it."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I knew no one could escape the law of true fragrance.

After feeding Theresa more than ten pieces of barbecue in a row and eating until she was twelve full, Theresa finally broke away from the Law of True Fragrance and allowed Grandpa Mo Yi to bake it for herself.

After eating, Theresa lay contentedly on the canvas of the parachute on the ground, patted her bulging belly, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi lazily, and whispered:

"I didn't expect you to be so good at barbecue-"

Then he turned his pen and murmured:

"Have you ever heard of destiny?"

Grandpa Mo Yi concentrated on roasting the meat and did not show the panic that Theresa believed.

"Humph, you really know my identity."

"After all, it's the famous destiny, why haven't you heard of it?"

Grandpa Mo Yi took a delicious bite of the still-roasted meat and smiled teasingly:

"But compared to Destiny, I think Anti-Entropy is more handsome. After all, mechas are a man's romance."

"I have offended the anti-entropy today, and I am probably on the blacklist. I will never be able to operate a mecha in this life."

Theresa frowned dissatisfied and complained:

"And the mechas and stuff are so bulky, so they can't just be cut by the Valkyrie."

"Hmph, I won't tell you that I am the legendary S-class Valkyrie!"

"That's really awesome——"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained perfunctorily:

"And yet here we are."

Teresa: "..."


"I've finished talking about myself, it's your turn."

"After all, who are you? I don't believe the nonsense of ordinary high school students in District 11."

Chapter 453: It’s time to show off your real Douluo skills

"As the saying goes, ordinary high school students in District 11 who don't know magic are not good literary workers——"

Grandpa Mo Yi said seriously:

"Yes, I am Master Yakumo hidden among all the high school students!"

Teresa: "..."

Who cares about literary workers? It’s still Master Yakumo!

Theresa, who was lying on the ground and disappeared, quickly grasped the key point, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with a slightly complicated expression, and complained:

"So, you are a magician."

Born in the Destiny Organization, which has long struggled with mysterious forces, Teresa naturally knows what a magician is and will not be confused with those magicians who perform acrobatics and deceive ordinary people.

Those secular magicians are probably part of the magic association's layout to cover up the mysterious existence.

Surely Grandpa Mo Yi knows what a weird thing a traditional magician is?

Teresa, who has been fighting against the Magic Association for a long time, had a good impression of magicians when she heard about them.

"no no--"

Grandpa Mo Yi said with a serious face:

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