"I am not a traditional magician, but a great battle mage, known as the great 'Douluo Sect'!"

"Battle mages are a sect that separated from the traditional magician school before BC. Unlike traditional magicians who only pursue the source of the vortex, the purpose of combat mages studying magic is to strengthen their own combat effectiveness and apply magic in ordinary life. Strive to create a better life.”

"Such a purpose is naturally regarded as heresy by traditional magicians. Under the attack of traditional magicians, the Douluo sect has been on the verge of dissipation, and its inheritance has been barely maintained in ordinary society."

"Is there such a thing?"

After all, Theresa is just the Valkyrie of the Destiny Organization. Although she is pampered by the Green Trustee, she does not have many specific rights. She also knows the magic association and magicians are ominous. At most, she only occasionally goes out on missions to fight in the wild. A few lone magicians.

Suddenly hearing what the battle mage said, although I felt a little strange and wrong, I was still fooled by the noble look of faith on Grandpa Mo Yi's face.

"Okay, let's just treat you as a battle mage, but 'Douluo Sect' or something like that sounds too strange. Why is there such a strange title?"

"It's a long story—"

Grandpa Mo Yi's mind quickly shifted and he talked nonsense with a serious face:

"The first magician who created the battle mage school was a girl named Celia. Due to a magic accident in her early years, her body has always maintained the appearance of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old lolita."

"And because of the magic school she created, many of the magic were developed based on her own situation and were only applicable to lolita. So she later formally established the battle mage school, and the twelve disciples she accepted were all lolita. "

"The beginning of the Battle Mage's real popularity was a war between humans and believers in alien creatures in BC. When humans were defeated by the Thirteen Apostles, the ancestor of the Battle Mage led his twelve disciples, They emerged from Tianshan, their secluded place, and helped mankind reverse the unbalanced war situation. This history that was once sung by the world is also known as the Thirteen Douluo Descending Tianshan."

"Although after thousands of years of evolution, the magic system inherited by the Battle Mage has been developed and improved, and it is no longer limited to Lolita. But if you want to truly inherit the secrets of the Battle Mage school, Lolita is the most suitable one. Like me Such ordinary people often get twice the result with half the effort, spend a lot of energy, and end up becoming a half-baked battle mage."

"And because powerful and famous battle mages are often lolita, the battle mage sect is called the Douluo sect."

After listening to the Douluo epic that Grandpa Mo Yi had just fabricated, Theresa, as a legal Lolita, couldn't help but show respect and yearning, and sighed:

"I didn't expect there to be such a twisty story——"

"Celia, who created the Douluo sect, has always been a very great person. It's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to meet him."

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was a little complicated in his heart: "..."

Celia is indeed a very great person. Because of her, she brings huge income to the Yakumo House every month, causing countless warriors to waste their money and youth, cultivate immortality until dawn, and only protect Allah. German mainland.

After being fooled, Theresa was very curious about the Douluo sect. Anyway, she was lying down to eat and had to chat to pass the time, so she naturally continued to ask about Douluo.

"Then how did you become a battle mage?"

Since most Douluo are Lolita, how did Grandpa Mo Yi become a glorious Douluo?

Theresa expressed great curiosity.

"This matter has to be told about a dusk ten years ago——"

Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes showed a trace of nostalgia, as if he had spent time and saw himself running under the sunset that afternoon.

"At that time, I was still in kindergarten. I went home as usual after school. When I passed by the bank slope covered with cherry blossoms, I accidentally discovered a silver-haired lolita who had fainted next to her. She was wearing a milky white Dress, even if I fainted, I still held a black rabbit tightly in my hand. Under the reflection of the afterglow, I, as a child, felt what beauty and shock were..."


Hearing that Grandpa Mo Yi continued to praise Theresa, the girl who fainted on the roadside, she felt a little unhappy. Any woman who is confident in her appearance cannot tolerate her male friends praising other women in front of her. biology.

This is the nature burned into women’s biological genes!

Theresa waved her hand and interrupted:

"Tell the important point!"

"All right--"

Grandpa Mo Yi said sadly:

"I am a charitable person. When I see stray cats and dogs lying on the roadside, I can't help but go up and care about them. When I met a girl who fainted on the ground, I naturally took her home. Fortunately, I loved sports at that time. , otherwise we really can’t carry each other away.”

"The other party's name is Kasugano Qiong. He is a descendant of Douluo. He was discovered by a traditional magician and was hunted down. At the expense of his brother Kasugano Yu, he managed to escape, but he also fainted due to exhaustion of physical strength. land."

"In order to thank him for saving her, the other party taught him all the magic of the Douluo Sect."

"I thought life would go on peacefully, but a few years later, the other party left a letter and the black rabbit that never left her, and left without saying goodbye."

"The general meaning of the letter is that she has passed down the teacher's inheritance and can avenge her brother..."

Hearing this, Theresa's heart tightened, especially when she saw the sadness in Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes, and asked:

"and after?"

"When I found her again, she was already dying, and she was saying words like 'she finally avenged her brother' in my arms."

"At the end, her eyes were as bright as when we first saw her, and for the first time a sincere and bright smile appeared on her face, comforting herself not to be sad."

"It's such a pity. I'm obviously looking forward to waiting until April next year to go to the zoo to see pandas together and see if the so-called pandas are really cuter than rabbits..."

"After saying this, she left with a smile..."

Grandpa Mo Yi raised his head to prevent his tears from falling. Well, in Theresa's eyes, that was probably it. He continued with a slightly hoarse voice:

"I saved my pocket money for several months to buy two annual passes to the zoo. Unfortunately, they expired without even being used."

"Later, after some searching, I finally found the hometown full of hawthorn flowers in her words, found the lonely little tomb, and buried her and her favorite black rabbit next to her brother. , let them never be separated again.”

"The last time I went back to mourn them, the hawthorn tree planted next to the tomb was already more than two meters high -"

"This is probably my story..."

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's magically modified version of Yuan Zhi Kong, Theresa opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. For a while, the two fell silent again, with only the crackling sound of wood burning.

Under such a poignant story, Theresa had no doubts about the truth and falsehood, but only felt a touch of sadness.

Especially when she looked at the expressionless Grandpa Mo Yi, her heart ached even more, and her motherly nature burst out. Of course, she also had many questions, such as whether Teacher Mo Yi liked the girl named Kasugano Qiong, and what he was doing now I will also think about the other party's questions.

Gossip is human nature, and Theresa can't avoid it, but she is not really seeking death. At this time, asking Grandpa Mo Yi such a question will arouse the other party's sadness.

——————The dividing line of Teresa who felt so crazy that it rose to over 90——————

"We've almost eaten."

After more than twenty minutes, the two of them maintained a strange atmosphere of silence until Grandpa Mo Yi stood up and said proudly to Theresa:

"It's time to address the issue of shelter tonight."


In fact, Theresa had always wanted to talk about other topics to dilute the sadness of Grandpa Mo Yi who she imagined should be very sad, but she was extremely clumsy at comforting others and could never find a suitable topic.

Now that she saw Grandpa Mo Yi cheering up, she smiled happily and continued chatting with him.

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