Just like there is no wife in the wife cake, there is no husband and wife in the couple's lung slices, and the red panda is not the juvenile body of the giant panda.

"That's good now that you've played Minecraft."

Grandpa Mo Yi put down the wood in his hand, stretched out his hand to Theresa and said:

"Then reach out your hand and I'll help you enchant it, allowing you to temporarily obtain the magic I'm using now."

"Can this be done?"

This thing sounds unbelievable, right? Even if the other party uses his abilities in the game, can he still use them for others?

Doubtless, Theresa still obediently stretched out her little hand.

If it were a magician who heard Mo Yi's words, he would definitely spit on Grandpa Mo Yi. How can magic be so simple!

You must know that the so-called magic seal is a technology developed to pass on a magician's lifelong magic to future generations.

But this kind of inheritance is not just passed on to the next generation. Not to mention that it requires various preparations and is transferred in batches. During this period, you have to endure the pain of cutting off nerve organs, and even various rejections. reaction, you also need to endure severe pain when using it.

In a sense, magic engraving is an artificial organ that specializes in operating magic. Artificial organs are passed down from generation to generation. Normal people have an extra organ that doesn't fit well. Think of liver pain, kidney pain, and headache, and you will know the pain of the organ. How terrible.

Every time a magician uses a magic seal to use magic, he has to endure pain that is unbearable for humans. This shows how twisted a profession the magician is.

After all, they can be so cruel to themselves and require them to have correct outlook on life and be friendly to others. It is really a strong man who locks up men.

A magician needs to endure so much pain before he can pass on his magic to his children. For example, Grandpa Mo Yi can directly give others a buff so that they can use related abilities. There is also such a thing as Theresa. Only people who don’t know much about magic can believe it.

"What's the problem-"

Grandpa Mo Yi grabbed the other person's hand, and after a warm current flowed in, Theresa discovered that a tattoo like a stigmata appeared on the back of her hand.

"Feel the runes on the back of your hand with your heart, and you will know how to use them."

"Is this enough?"

After retracting her right hand, Theresa looked at the runes on the back of her hand curiously. Apart from being a little warm at first, there was no other feeling. It was unreliable.

However, when she put her mind into the runes in her hand as Grandpa Mo Yi said, a large interface appeared in front of her. The most familiar thing was that the first thing that popped up was the big word - Minecraft, and then it changed into what she had before Played game interface.

Although the words above were in Chinese that she didn't recognize, she unexpectedly understood the meaning.

Teresa: "..."

"Mo Yi, should you explain something about this game interface?"

This time, even the magic modifications are not changed, and the "Minecraft" operating system is directly moved over.

The world Theresa originally lived in was an urban fantasy world or a doomsday super world. She never expected that it would turn out to be an online game world.

Soon, a magical online game will appear, in which you can upgrade or acquire equipment and abilities to bring you back to reality. Then, monsters from another world will attack, thus opening up an epic online game novel world.

"I have said before that I am a cultural worker, and Minecraft happens to be a game I created."

Grandpa Mo Yi said naturally:

"So the setting inside is a world view developed based on the Douluo sect's magic system."

"To be precise, I adapted the Douluo Sect's magic into a simple game-like operation method, and then moved it into the game."

"It's you!!"

At this moment, Theresa's mind kept replaying the scene where she was killed by various zombies or black shadows while playing "Minecraft" in the office.

She scolded the main planner again and again for being sick. It was obviously a farming sandbox game, but it had so many unbeatable monsters. How could it still be farmed well?

In anger, she deleted the game, reinstalled it again, then deleted it again, and reinstalled it again. She repeated this two or three times until she saw her subordinate Wuliangta Jizi casually hammering zombies and shadows to death, and she finally understood. , they are not playing the same game.

Especially when the opponent is chasing wild monsters and complaining at the same time, the monsters inside are too bad and not challenging at all.

Teresa's young mind was greatly traumatized. In order to be discovered by Himeko that she was also playing this game and was playing it so badly, she cruelly deleted the game again and never re-downloaded it.

What should I do when I’m waiting and want to play?

Of course, she watched Himeko play with an expert look, while commenting on what was wrong here and what was wrong. In order to play this game well, Theresa used her mobile phone to check the strategy. The master of theory was not a joke.

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Theresa's love-hate expression with some confusion and asked:

"What's wrong with me?"


Theresa still endured it. Do you want to say that your rubbish game is too difficult and is not played by humans at all?

This will only make the other person laugh.

"Since Theresa you have played "Minecraft", there is no need to explain."

Grandpa Mo Yi continued his journey of real-life gaming, using the wood in his hands to continue synthesizing materials for building wooden houses, and said:

"Then please go and collect useful materials, wood, stone. It would be even better if you find materials like coal and iron."


At this time, Theresa finally realized that she couldn't play it on the computer before, but now she can play it in real life. If Himeko knew about it, she would definitely be jealous of her!

How could a person like Teresa, who has poor skills and loves to play, resist getting a real-life version of the game.

"give it to me."

After saying that, Theresa happily ran to the big tree, directed the power of the runes to her hands, and then hammered it on like Grandpa Mo Yi. After a few hammerings, the big tree fell down and turned into a tree. Stack of wood.

At this time, an option like "Found wood, do you want to pick it up?" appeared on the operation interface.

Using the mind control icon, she clicked to pick it up, and after touching the pile of wood, the wood actually disappeared and appeared in her inventory.

"This... is actually true."

Teresa laughed as if she had just woken up from a dream, and said to herself:

"so fun--"

"I am the woman who wants to become King Steve!"

After that, like clockwork, he started ruthlessly cutting down the surrounding trees, felling a large number of trees in a few minutes.

Then she launched an attack on the ground. Whether it was sand, soil or stone, she turned it into materials and received them in her inventory.

After being opened to the new world, Theresa gave up and returned to Destiny to stop her, and became addicted to the real-life sandbox game. "Honkai Academy" ended, and the era of large-scale construction of "Minecraft" officially came... a ghost.

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