After collecting the materials in the inventory, Theresa returned to Grandpa Mo Yi, and then the two of them used the collected materials to build a temporary wooden house.

With the efforts of Grandpa Mo Yi's veteran driver and the passionate Teresa, a simple cabin was built in just one child, including necessary daily utensils, such as cups, chopsticks, beds, and commonly used things that can be made from wood anyway. The furniture had been pinched twice by Grandpa Mo Yi.

After jumping onto the arranged wooden bed, Teresa suddenly felt so high-spirited and heroic that even she had to admire herself. More than an hour ago, she was living on an uninhabited desert island, living a life of various meals. But now, she has a temporary cabin of her own.

This sense of accomplishment of building a residence with your own hands cannot be compared to a castle facing the sea and covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. Well, young ladies from rich families are so willful!

Although her complicated job is to collect materials from everywhere, and the specific manufacturing is done by Grandpa Mo Yi, there doesn’t seem to be much difference with her or without her, but after all, she has contributed half of the effort, at least that’s how Theresa is. thought.

"I have decided that this hut will be our first base on this unknown desert island -"

Theresa happily pointed to the desert island outside the window and said:

"Soon, this desert island will be built into a new paradise!"

With Grandpa Mo Yi's convenient ability, Theresa was full of confidence. Give her a little time, it would be enough to transform this uninhabited island into her own paradise.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

At this time, Mo Yi didn't know whether to tell the truth that they were just living here and would leave soon.

However, seeing Theresa's cheerful expression, it was better to give up on exposing the reality and just let the other party be happy for a while.

Isn't this what you wanted from the beginning? Change Theresa's outlook on life and let her understand that the world is still beautiful.

Loli still goes better with giggles!

"You want to play in the house for a while, and I'll bring some water back for you to take a bath."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and walked out with the huge bathtub.

Although he can use magic to create or summon various modern or even ultra-modern things, it is not difficult to create a super luxurious modern villa in an instant.

But Grandpa Mo Yi didn't want to do this. Through his own efforts, he made the journey more interesting. This is the joy of surviving in the wilderness.

There is no shortage of water at the beach. Under the purification technique, the bathtub is filled with clean fresh water.

If Theresa asked how she got the water, just say it was magic. Anyway, she could upgrade the runes in Theresa's hands at any time and add a purification technique. It was very simple and would naturally not arouse any suspicion. .

Looking at the traditional big bathtub in front of him, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but sigh:

"The crystallization of wisdom of the ancient working people cannot be discarded casually."

After thinking about Theresa swimming in the bathtub, I felt very emotional.

After heating the bath water with magic, Grandpa Mo Yi moved the bathtub back to the bathroom that had been prepared in the wooden house, and said to Theresa who was using runes to transform the wooden house around her:

"Everything is ready, you go take a shower."


Although she was too excited to play and didn’t want to go, Teresa still walked to the bathroom obediently and took a shower.

Theresa stood next to the bathtub. After testing that the water temperature was just right, she stared at Grandpa Mo Yi who was standing there and looking at her with caring eyes. After more than ten seconds, she finally couldn't help but said:

"Why don't you get out yet!"

"I'm afraid you'll drown. I won't feel relieved if I don't look at you."

Grandpa Mo Yi said with a smile:

"It's okay, I'm not tired anyway."

Teresa: "..."

Your sister only gets flooded when she takes a shower!

Is this a mockery?

It's definitely a mockery, Hun Dan!

"Do you want to get out on your own, or do you want me to use Judas to get you out?!"

Even when she was taking a shower, Teresa did not forget to bring her personal weapon Judas-chan, and she happened to use it at this time. She picked up Judas fiercely and yelled:

"Perverted Lolicon!"

"Okay, then be careful not to drown -"

Facing Judas, who was bigger than Theresa, Grandpa Mo Yi ran away decisively, and of course muttered in a voice that Theresa could hear:

"No return on a good deed···"


"I'm so angry!"

After hearing Theresa's frantic roar outside the door, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that the effort of more than an hour was worth it.

"I didn't expect Deli to be so smart as to see through my excuse."

After Mo Yi smiled, he walked outside the door and took advantage of this time to build a fence around the wooden house to guard against wild beasts.

Chapter 455: If you dare to come in, I will knock you to death with Judas!


Bubbles emerged from the hot water one by one. After a few seconds, Theresa finally couldn't hold her breath anymore. She got out of the bathtub and sighed very comfortably:

"so comfortable!!"

The usual way to take a bath is standing bath or bathtub. This is the first time I have enjoyed a bathtub like this, which is like a small swimming pool. It gives Theresa a really wonderful and unique feeling.

For Teresa, who is petite and always looks like she is twelve years old, the bathtub built by Grandpa Mo Yi is really like a small swimming pool, but it is impossible to submerge it.

Swimming is a skill that has long been fully utilized by Valkyrie who needs to fight in various environments.

It's just that her hands and feet are a little short, so Theresa can't always swim with her men. Because of this, Theresa doesn't like swimming very much.

But in this closed environment, I am alone in the bathtub comfortably, occasionally looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, everything in the past, my own destiny, the fate of the Valkyrie, the stern grandfather Luto-sama, it seems that everything is Everything gradually faded away as he was stranded on a desert island.

"It would be nice if it could always be like this."

Theresa looked at the full moon hanging high in the sky outside the window and said to herself:


Theresa left the Destiny Headquarters and Lord Green Trust not only for freedom, but also to save more Valkyries.

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