As an important weapon of the Destiny Organization, the Valkyries sound very majestic, but in reality they are a group of pitiful people.

Most of the Valkyries are based on the power of artificial stigmata. Although the artificial stigmas can make the Valkyrie immune to the erosion of Honkai Energy, absorb and manipulate Honkai Energy, on the other hand, it constantly suppresses the vitality and potential of the Valkyrie.

Most of the Valkyries did not die during their missions, but died because their bodies could no longer bear the power of the artificial stigmata.

After witnessing the death of her partners and friends again and again, Teresa couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​saving other goddess Wus.

Even if their fate cannot be completely solved, we still want them to enjoy their youth and happiness in a cruel life.

In order to achieve this goal, Theresa sent people to the far east where the Destiny Organization has the least influence, and then established a St. Freya Academy to train Valkyries so that they can enjoy student life like ordinary people.

"Bang bang..."

Grandpa Mo Yi's voice came from the bathroom door, interrupting Theresa's reverie.

"Theresa, are you okay? Just squeak if it's not flooded -"

"If you still don't make a sound after ten seconds, I will assume that something happened to you and go in to save you!"

"Squeak your sister!"

After Mo Yi mocked her height from the side again, Theresa's happy and ethereal mood was suddenly broken. She quickly sat in the bathtub, made sure not to reveal anything, and roared loudly:

"If you dare to come in, I will knock you to death with Judas!"

Grandpa Mo Yi outside the door complained contemptuously:

"Even Judas is afraid, so what kind of warrior is he? I will come in now——"


Teresa finally gave up and quickly dived into the water. After a few seconds, she discovered that nothing happened that required the people's police to work overtime, and then she realized that the other party was teasing her again.

But what could she do? Every verbal confrontation seemed to end with her failing to defeat the other party, and then using force to frighten the other party. But she was still taking a shower, so she couldn't just go out and chase the other party with Judas in hand.

Even though I don’t have much to look at, ahem, I can’t think like that. You have to know that there are many people with special hobbies in this world.

In Theresa's eyes, Grandpa Mo Yi is one of the best. Otherwise, why would he like to tease her so much? All this is to attract her. He is really a childish guy.


Theresa is the cutest in the world, so it is inevitable that the other person will be attracted to her.

After nothing happened, Theresa popped up and asked at the wooden door:

"What do you want from me? Don't harass the eldest lady in the shower if you have nothing to do!"

"I thought the water was going to be cold after you washed for a while, so I brought another bucket of hot water to you."

Grandpa Mo Yi asked through the door:

"Do you want?"

"Yes..., no, no need!"

After hearing what the other party said, Theresa really felt that the water was cold. Someone brought hot water, why not?

As soon as I stood up, I realized something was wrong. Do I have to open the door and get hot water by myself?

Or let the other person come in and help you pour hot water into the tub?

This is too strange!

Although Teresa is a foreigner, she did not inherit the fine tradition of hospitality and welfare provided by foreigners under the education of Master Lituo.

It is too strange no matter how you think about it, to ask someone of the opposite sex whom you have just met to pour hot water for you.

Although she believed in the character of the other party, after just one day of getting along with her, Theresa regarded Grandpa Mo Yi as the kind of comrade who could be trusted to support her. Not the same thing!

If the other person is attracted by your charm and goes crazy, should you hide in the water and deal with it, or jump out directly, pick up Judas and hit the other person?

In just a few seconds, many bad thoughts came to Theresa's mind, so she resisted the desire to continue taking a hot bath and firmly rejected Grandpa Mo Yi's kindness.

"That's such a shame."

Mo Yi's slightly regretful voice came from outside the door:

"Oh, one more thing -"

"If you want to continue taking a hot bath, you can open the operation interface of the rune on the back of your hand. I remember it has a heating function. As long as the rune is soaked in the water, you can heat the bath water."

After hearing this, Theresa quickly opened the rune interface. After searching carefully for a while, she actually found the heating button. Her face turned dark and she roared loudly:

"Since you have such a function, why are you sending hot water, you perverted lolicon!"

After hearing Theresa's roaring voice while standing outside the door, Grandpa Mo Yi's mind automatically pictured Theresa's angry and angry expression at the moment. He felt that his whole body was healed, and he replied proudly:

"I thought you liked the bath water that I heated with my own hands. After all, the hot water you are soaking in now was heated by my hands."

Teresa: "..."


"Okay, dear!"

After a few seconds, Mo Yi's voice was not heard, and Theresa confirmed that the other party was gone. But when she thought of the other person reaching out to the bath water and helping you to heat the water with a weird smile on her face, Theresa was so confused. There is an urge to hit someone.

Theresa hesitated for a few seconds whether to continue bathing, but she still wanted to sit back and continue enjoying the bath, comforting herself:

"Calm down, you must calm down, Theresa."

"You are the cutest girl in the world, how can you argue so much with a scoundrel?"

"The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, this is not okay..."

After some self-suggestion, Theresa overcame the strange fantasy in her heart, continued to soak in the hot water, and looked up at the moon outside the window.

I couldn't help but lament the many things that had happened this day.

According to the plan, he should be sleeping in the most luxurious hotel in Tokyo at this moment.

First, I met a boy eating ice cream at the airport, and then he generously asked him to treat me to ice cream, and I got to know him. Then I took a plane and encountered the attack of reverse entropy.

After a battle, he accidentally landed on this uninhabited desert island. He thought he would live a simple and cruel wilderness survival life.

Unexpectedly, the new guy I met turned out to be a magician with strange abilities. Not only did he let me eat the most delicious barbecue he had ever eaten in his life, but he also showed magical abilities. In just over an hour, he built We built a small but cozy wooden house.

Even when he was living on a desert island, he could take a comfortable hot bath as usual.

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