What a mysterious and strange guy!

Regarding Grandpa Mo Yi's remarks, Theresa might have been deceived at first, but with so many coincidences and such magical things, how could Theresa not have the slightest suspicion? After all, she is also an experienced person. The Valkyrie of War.

If he really had no brains, he would have died in the mission long ago.

Not to mention the strange things, it was just about the ice cream. After thinking about it for this period of time, Theresa found that the other party must have deliberately teased her and made her misunderstand. The ice cream she had eaten was given to her, and she waited for her to eat it. After the other party had eaten the ice cream, he came out with a new ice cream and laughed at himself.

This guy who claims to be an ordinary high school student is so bad!

However, Theresa felt that the other party did not have any bad thoughts towards her. Theresa could naturally tell who was good to her and who had evil intentions towards her.

If it weren't for the other party, I might have been caught by reverse entropy today.

Although there were many suspicious things about the other party, Theresa decided not to tell the truth and pretended that she had not discovered it.


You think this lady is an idiot, but in fact you are the idiot, I am just pretending to be stupid, you are a real idiot!

"Ha ha···"

Thinking of this, Theresa couldn't help but smile proudly.

Looking at the nun's uniform and Judas beside her, Teresa couldn't help but recall her past life, which was comfortable but depressing, not the life she really wanted.

I wanted to escape from my grandfather's control and welcome a new life. It went smoothly at first. I got the approval of Mr. Lu Tuo and successfully became the commander of the Far East Branch. Then today's incident happened. But at this moment, I seemed to have found the freedom I wanted. and life.

Although the situation is not the same as what I imagined, in a sense, my long-held wish has come true.

But, how long can such comfortable days last?

Teresa thought that they were just wandering here, and no matter whether anyone came to save them or not, they would try their best to get out of here.

It may take some time for the toxins in his body to be eliminated. After recovering his Honkai energy, it will not be difficult for him to leave here, let alone that mysterious guy. Even if the other party says that he can create a Titan with his hands in one day. She wouldn't be too surprised if Nick came.


Theresa lay on the edge of the tub with her hands, muttering to herself:

"This seems good. It would be better if the time could be longer."

——————The dividing line between Teresa’s world’s cutest people——————

After half an hour, Theresa came out of the shower.

In fact, for girls, taking a bath for half an hour doesn't seem to be a particularly long time.

"Mo Yi——"

After carrying Judas on her back, Teresa walked out of the bathroom contentedly and looked into the living room, trying to find the guy who was taunting and teasing her crazily while she was taking a shower.

"Are you there?"

Then no one responded, and you couldn't see Mo Yi in the living room.

"Where are you going?"

Not seeing each other for the first time, Theresa always felt that something was wrong in her heart. It was obvious that they had only known each other for a day, so she felt strange that she didn't see each other.

Not happy, but Theresa was not worried about the safety of the other party.

On such a deserted island, as long as the other party didn't seek death, what could hurt Grandpa Mo Yi, who could be wielded by Judas more ferociously than her?

Whether it's a pack of wolves or a big tiger, it's just a late night snack.

Theresa was not very happy, sitting on the small bed, sulking, and it took her a while to notice the changes around her.

"This is the fireplace..."

Before she took a bath, the furnishings in the wooden house were relatively simple. Apart from two small beds, a dining table and stools, there wasn't much. Unexpectedly, after taking a bath, the surroundings would change.

The biggest change is that the fireplace with firelight makes the cold nights warmer.

"It's really a toss-"

Theresa muttered and stood up. Since the other party was not in the house, he was probably hanging out near the cabin. It was okay to go out and look for the other party by herself.

Seeing how hard the other party was working, Theresa reluctantly went out to look for him.

After opening the door, Theresa saw that there were a group of two-meter-high fences all around, which were obviously used to guard against wild beasts.

"How many things did this guy do while I was taking a shower?"

While she was complaining, Theresa was very happy in her heart, feeling like she was being taken care of by others.

A group of people walked around the wooden house, but still couldn't find Grandpa Mo Yi.

Until there were footsteps behind me, I looked back and finally saw Grandpa Mo Yi coming in through the trap door left by the fence.

Are you willing to come back?

Theresa walked over in small steps. After walking a few steps, she stopped, rubbed her smile with her hands, and thought:


"I should be very angry right now!"

"After all, we are friends who share weal and woe. You sneaked out for so long without even saying a word. Don't you know that others will worry you?!"

"This person is so irresponsible!"

"Hey——, Teresa has finished taking a bath."

Grandpa Mo Yi looked strangely at Theresa, who was smiling at one moment, puffing her face at another, and expressionless at other times, performing a dramatic change of face. He walked over, poked her, and asked:

"What are you doing? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

If it were Ilia, Miyou, and other lolita girls, Mo Yi would just kill them with a slap on the head, but he wouldn't dare to deal with Theresa, who is full of self-esteem and feels that good things are not enough.

You know, she was still being carried by Judas, who was bigger than her.

Doesn't she know that carrying heavy objects every day will lead to short growth?

"Where have you been!"

Theresa showed what she thought was the most serious look on her face and said:

"After all, this is an uninhabited desert island. The surrounding environment is unknown. You ran out without saying hello. Are you a child? Don't you know it will make you worried!"

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