So many things happened today, even Grandpa Mo Yi felt a little tired mentally. Sure enough, idiots are all energetic guys.

"All right--"

"You say it and I listen."

Hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's irritable voice, Theresa became a little happy.

In previous confrontations with the opponent, he had never been able to take advantage. Now harassing the opponent to sleep can be considered a victory in a sense.

But if she had to say something, Theresa Far couldn't think of anything to say, so she asked casually:

"Mo Yi, what are your plans?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Grandpa Mo Yi also saw that the other party was looking for a topic to chat about casually, but he did not deal with it casually. After thinking for a while, he replied:

"The thing now is to go home."

"Tomorrow we will continue to search for some food reserves, and then find some suitable materials to build a boat. After your body has recovered almost, we can leave on the boat."

"Although the plan is simple, there are still a lot of things that need to be prepared, and solutions to possible problems encountered during the voyage must also be prepared."


When Theresa heard Grandpa Mo Yi getting more and more excited as he talked, she felt inexplicably unhappy and muttered:

"Are you so anxious to leave?"

Although she was living on a deserted island, Teresa didn't hate the experience she had had this day. Rather, it was a very novel experience.

Theresa was very unhappy to have the most lovely girl in the world as her company, but she didn't seem to cherish her at all.

"It's not like that-"

Grandpa Mo Yi heard Theresa's unhappiness and smiled:

"It's just that I've been away from home for too long, and I'm afraid that my family will worry about me."


After hearing the topic about her family, Theresa felt a little uncomfortable.

Although she has long accepted that she is just an android, acceptance does not mean calmness. If she can have parents, family and friends who care about her like others, Theresa is willing to make a switch.

After more than ten seconds, he murmured:

"What kind of people are your family members, Mo Yi?"


Grandpa Mo Yi naturally put a smile on his lips, and then introduced Sister Jiang, Illya, Shred Rake and other people with different personalities to Theresa, and also mentioned some interesting things in life as examples, making it easy to Theresa was attracted.

After a long, long time, Theresa sighed and said enviously:

"Just right——"

"Everyone is a nice person."

Grandpa Mo Yi pretended not to notice anything unusual in Theresa's night, and said easily:

"When we return to District 11, I will introduce them to you."

"Theresa, you are so cute, they must like you very much."

"Huh, of course -"

After hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Theresa couldn't help but look forward to meeting the interesting guy described in Grandpa Mo Yi's words.

"I am the cutest lady in the world!"

After hearing Theresa's catchphrase, Grandpa Mo Yi expressed dissatisfaction and complained:

"That's because you haven't met Illya, otherwise you would know who is the cutest in the world."

Although from Grandpa Mo Yi's description, Theresa could imagine that the girl named Ilia was a legal loli similar to her, and she was also very cute.

But after being on her own for more than 40 years, she has always believed that she is the cutest girl in the world!

After all, no matter how cute other people are, they will grow up and get older. Only Theresa will be cute forever.

"There can't be anyone cuter than me in this world!"

The only thing about who is the cutest person in the world is that Theresa will never give in.

"You're really confident——"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"As the saying goes, one version creates a god. As far as I know, there are many people who are as good as you."


Theresa muttered unconvincedly:

"Then tell me who it is."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled evilly and said:

"I'll just name a few people I know."

"Joan of Arc, you should have heard of it. There is a poem that says that people live for Joan of Arc, and Joan of Arc lives for Sieg. From this sentence, we can see the popularity of Joan of Arc."

"Joan of Arc? Are you talking about the historical French Saint Joan of Arc?"

Teresa, who is considered a believer, has naturally heard of Joan of Arc's name, and retorted somewhat unconvincingly:

"How come I have never heard of this sentence, and there is no record in history describing Joan of Arc's beauty."

"And the other party is still an ancient person. Have you ever met him? How do you know?"

"You must have heard of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City."

Grandpa Mo Yi explained rationally:

"Joan of Arc was summoned as a judge not long ago and is now staying in Fuyuki City."


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