Regarding Joan of Arc, Teresa, who was religious, was quite convinced, not because of her appearance, but because of her deeds.

"Then what is Sieg?"

Theresa thought for a while, finally found a loophole and retorted.

"That's not the point-"

What is Sieg? It’s really hard to explain. It can’t be said that Sieg is Joan of Arc’s husband in a parallel world. He is the protagonist of the legendary web game. He starts with shorts and all the equipment is given away, not just Fei Ge at the beginning. The heart, the maid Ah Fu, the plug-in Ken Niang’s second perpetual motion machine, the best sword in the village, the best magic and command spells in the village, and even his wife Joan of Arc can be given away by clicking on it. Protagonist.

I'm afraid that speaking out will directly damage Theresa's outlook on life, especially the classic plot like 'Zie Gejun, do you want me to get pregnant?'

"After talking about Joan of Arc, let's continue talking about people."

"Okay." Grandpa Mo Yi didn't say anything, and Theresa had no choice but to continue listening to Grandpa Mo Yi raise chestnuts. She believed that there were so many lovely people like her.

"Next, I'll talk about a pair of quintuplets who are extremely popular."

Teresa: "..."

"Don't lie to me, humans are not bamboo rats, how can they give birth to quintuplets!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

What you said makes sense, but I am speechless. In fact, when I first watched the show, I was also very curious about how the quintuplets were born.

"Don't change the subject—"

Grandpa Mo Yi turned around and complained:

"If you're not weird, how can you be famous?"

"These quintuplets also have their own poetry names. Listen to me, the eldest daughter is the scheming Ichika-chan, the second daughter is the flying fairy Tsao Jiao Nai, the third daughter is the best Sanjiu card in the world, and the fourth daughter is Taoism follows the natural four-leaf clover, and the five girls are born first in the fifth month and then in the sky."

Teresa: "..."

I always feel that the other party is deceiving me, but I have no evidence and can only express my doubts.

"It doesn't matter what you say."

"Tomorrow, I will draw you a hand-drawn picture, and you will know that what I say is true. Now go on and raise the chestnuts."

Grandpa Mo Yi ignored Theresa's doubts and prepared to continue listing various versions of gods.

"Don't listen, don't listen, you bastard is chanting sutras!"

Teresa put the quilt over her head, pressed her ears to cover her ears, and muttered to herself:

"Anyway, Teresa is the cutest in the world, and everything else is evil!"

————The dividing line between Sanjiu and No. 1 in the world————

It has been three days since we arrived at the desert island.

During these three days, you, Grandpa Mo Yi and Theresa had a playful attitude, while collecting the necessary materials to build a ship that could withstand the raging waves of the sea, while playing games to transform the uninhabited island.

Nowadays, those ferocious beasts living in the forest, as long as they hear footsteps in the distance, they will use you to eat milk and run away crazily. Those who run slower will shrink their heads into holes, trying to escape from the devil duo. poisonous hand.

In just a few days, almost all the powerful beasts in the forest were picked out and beaten by Theresa and Grandpa Mo Yi. Those who were lucky were thrown aside, and those who were unlucky were transformed. It became the grain storage prepared by Grandpa Mo Yi.

The huge wooden ship named Theresa by Theresa was also almost polished.

Of course, many problems were encountered during manufacturing.

Although this uninhabited desert island is rich in wildlife resources and is full of ancient sky-supporting trees that can be used to make the main body of a wooden boat, but with an empty hull and no power system, it is just a waste of effort.

There is no way that Theresa and Grandpa Mo Yi can drive a large wooden boat with manual oars.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi has a hundred ways to drive the wooden boat, such as carving magic runes on it and using the magic power floating in the air to drive the wooden boat.

But this is too exaggerated and deviates from my original setting.

Theresa would be damned if she didn’t doubt it!

Finally, an idea flashed, and Grandpa Mo Yi set his sights on Teresa's Judas.

Under Teresa's explanation, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that Judas was not just a cross that could be used to hit people. The light spears it usually generated were transformed by absorbing the energy traveling in the air. Teresa's usual operation also It's just using Honkai energy to drive it.

To put it simply, Judas's Oath is a miniature energy converter with power comparable to that of a nuclear power plant, which is perfect for use as an engine.

Therefore, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly developed a system using Judas as an engine to drive wooden boats.

When in use, just plug the Judas into the fixed socket to start the wooden boat. Plug and play is very convenient.

Because of this incident, Theresa is still secretly staring at Grandpa Mo Yi with strange and longing eyes.

It’s no wonder Theresa is staring at him like this. If he uses magic formulas as a power system, Theresa, who doesn’t know much about magic, will only think it’s very powerful, but won’t have many ideas. Anyway, she just doesn’t realize how powerful it is. .

But Grandpa Mo Yi, as a magician who knew nothing about Honkai Energy, used one day to create a power system that utilizes Honkai Energy, giving Theresa more impact than magic runes driving a wooden boat. Much more shocking.

Theresa, who was preparing to establish St. Freya Academy, how could she let such a talent go? In her mind, if Grandpa Mo Yi gave up something as conservative as magic and embraced science, with his talent, he would definitely Great achievements can be achieved.

Maybe it can solve the problem of artificial stigmata slowly killing Valkyries.

It can only be said that Grandpa Mo Yi is being smart this time.

Looking at the wooden bed in motion, Grandpa Mo Yi looked back at Theresa, who knew nothing about scientific research and started playing the game "Minecraft" and shouted:

"Theresa, stop playing around and come up to see if there is anything else that needs to be modified or prepared."

Theresa, who was holding the Easter Island giant's head on the beach using the ability Mo Yi had enchanted her from afar, responded nonchalantly:

"I'm busy. Anyway, I can trust you about shipbuilding..."

After that, he continued to hold the giant's head.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Children are playful and like to make clay figurines, which Grandpa Mo Yi can understand.

But the giant heads Theresa made were all based on her own appearance as a template.

There are all kinds of expressions, whether they are happy, angry, sad, or funny, or ghosts and beasts. When this desert island is discovered a few years later, what will be the painful reaction after seeing these Theresa's versions of giant heads.

————The dividing line of the last night————

Looking out the window at the huge wooden boat parked on the beach, Theresa said inexplicably sadly:

"Leaving tomorrow."

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