“I don’t know if there will be a chance to come back to this wooden house.”

Although it was only for a few days, Theresa couldn't bear to part with this wooden house that she and Grandpa Mo Yi built hand in hand.

This wooden house is, strictly speaking, the first warm little home she built and owned by herself.

"What's this-"

Grandpa Mo Yi was eating the barbecue shared by a certain brainaxe and said:

"If you are reluctant, put your belongings in the wooden house into the inventory of the runes on the back of your hand, or move them to the wooden boat."

"Or you can put the things away first, and then send someone to pick them up and transport them home after they are settled."

Hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Theresa looked at Mo Yi with a sudden realization, smiled strangely, and said:


"If you like it, just bring it with you."

Chapter 457: If you feel uncomfortable, feel free to act coquettishly to me

"Let me see if there are any mistakes——"

After Theresa threw the things in her hands onto the wooden boat, she went back to the wooden house again to see if there was anything else that could be dismantled and moved home.

The wooden house was able to be preserved and was not broken down into wooden boards by Teresa and dismantled, thanks to the magic barrier that Mo Yi assured by patting his heart.

In order to make Theresa give up the idea of ​​demolishing the entire wooden house, a layer of barrier was arranged around Moyi's wooden house to protect the wooden house from being damaged by wind, rain and wild beasts, plus "stay here and come back to play again later" When the time comes, you can use the argument " again" to finally convince Theresa.

However, everything that could be moved was put into the inventory of You by Theresa on the back of her hand.

The rune that enchanted Theresa was just a trial version at the beginning, and the effect was too powerful, which easily aroused suspicion.

But after these days of getting along, Grandpa Mo Yi found that he wanted to escape too much, and the other party couldn't seem to be suspicious at all, so he found an opportunity to upgrade the other party's runes to the official version. As long as he didn't deliberately destroy them, he would Like a stigmata or a magic mark, it can remain in the human body and function forever.

Theresa naturally became one of the successors of the Douluo sect invented by Grandpa Mo Yi.

In other words, the Douluo Sect that Grandpa Mo Yi talked nonsense about at the beginning was tailor-made for Theresa. It can only be said that everything was in Grandpa Mo Yi's plan.

"Go ahead."

Since the other party wants to go, then agree to it, and it won’t be short of time anyway.

Although it is said that if you have the opportunity, you will revisit the old place. In fact, too many people have said this, but there are really not one in ten thousand people who can do it.

It may be that the time is wrong, the mood is wrong, the person who is revisiting may not be there, or it may be that when you revisit, the old place has already changed beyond recognition.

Even if everything is the same as before, when you return to a beautiful place in your memory, you often find that what you miss is not this place, but the mood and excitement at that time.

Just like the delicious wife cake made by my mother in my childhood memory, when I grew up, even the well-known time-honored wife cake was not as delicious as I thought.

In the end, I could only lament helplessly that my mother's words were indeed a lie. No matter how much I ate, I would never be able to have a wife.

Several minutes later, Teresa finally came back from the wooden house. She looked at the wooden house standing on the beach with a look of reluctance and dozens of Theresa's version of giant heads before jumping on the wooden boat and preparing for a new journey. , unknown, interesting journey.

"Let's set off early while the weather is nice!"

Theresa, who was waiting to get on the boat, became full of energy again, holding her hands and shouting excitedly.

"Oh, woman——"

Women are indeed difficult to understand creatures sometimes. One minute they are reluctant to give up, and the next minute they become full of interest.

However, there is nothing wrong with this. People must always look forward in order to live a free and happy life.

After Grandpa Mo Yi laughed silently, he pushed the wooden boat hard and pushed it from the beach into the water. When the wooden boat completely entered the water, he jumped into the wooden boat.

Teresa, on the other hand, had her hands behind her back and looked solemnly at the uninhabited island she named 'Theresa Island', showing a leadership style.

Well, after all, he is a highly respected dean of the college, so he can easily pretend to be serious.

The name Teresa Island is quite appropriate. After all, there are dozens of giant heads like Teresa on the tree. As the wooden boat is pushed farther and farther by the sea water, looking at the deserted island from a distance, the biggest impression is that it seems Theresa's avatar saying goodbye to them in the distance.

"Bye now--"

After Theresa muttered silently, she carried Judas in a ceremonial manner, and slowly inserted Judas into the socket of the power system.

"Buzz buzz-"

Immediately, the Honkai energy absorbed by Judas poured into the power system, and the entire wooden ship seemed to come alive, making a sound like a newborn baby.

Teresa took a necklace hanging from her neck, opened the wooden cover on it, and revealed the magnetic needle inside.

This is exactly the compass made by Grandpa Mo Yi. Because Theresa insisted on being the captain, the compass fell into her hands.

Theresa looked at the compass in her hand seriously for a few times, then looked up at the endless horizon, and finally turned the rudder vigorously. If you ignore the rudder, which was almost as high as her, it was indeed full of captain style.

It’s just that Mo Yi, the only audience member now, doesn’t know if he should complain, Theresa doesn’t want Xia Jiba to mess with her, messing with the rudder will really capsize the ship!

"Theresa, charge the duck!"

—————The dividing line of Mr. Green Trust——————

"damn it!"

After receiving another report from his subordinates, Mr. Lutuo really wanted to kill these useless things!

First, his plane was infiltrated by reverse entropy, causing trouble under the eyes of destiny, resulting in the whereabouts of Teresa, the last sustenance of his life!

After five days, Theresa's whereabouts were still not found.

If something happens to Theresa, the guys in the Intelligence Department must be destroyed!

The only fault is that he agreed to Theresa's request. If he hadn't let her go out, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

"Teresa ahhhh♂..."

Mr. Lutuo hammered the table angrily, venting his anger.

————The dividing line of Wuliangta Jizi————

"Where did that guy go?"

Wuliangta Jizi, the A-level Valkyrie of the Destiny Organization, Theresa's most loyal subordinate. When others gave up or were forced to continue looking for Theresa under the orders of Lord Luto, she was the only one who was in her own thoughts. I searched for Teresa sleeplessly for several days.

Wuliangta Himiko, who was operating a helicopter and scanning the vicinity of Theresa's crash site, cheered up again, looked at an island below, and said to herself:

"This place hasn't been searched yet."

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