Because of the inexplicable feeling, Jizi subconsciously believed in a woman's sixth sense and landed on the island below.

As the height dropped, she saw something strange yet familiar.

"This is--"

Ji Zi jumped out of the cab and ran towards the stone statue on the beach. After a few seconds, she said to herself with black lines on her head:

"Although when did that guy's craftsmanship become so good, except for her, I can't think of anyone who would do such boring things."

Complaints are complaints, but Jizi's mood is better than ever. Don't these shameless avatars prove that Theresa is safe?

If you weren't living well, you wouldn't have the mood and energy to create these weird giant stone statues in your own likeness.

"Are you still here?!!"

Jizi came back to her senses from the giant stone statue, and soon found a brand new cabin in the forest that looked like someone had lived or still lived in it. She immediately ran over quickly and shouted:



Then Ji Zi bumped into the invisible barrier set up by Grandpa Mo Yi, and flew upside down.


"Don't let me find you, Teresa, you stupid soul!"

Although she didn't know who was so insidious as to actually set up an invisible barrier around the wooden house, which caused her great pain when hit, she was certain that this matter must have something to do with Theresa.

——————The dividing line of Theresa——————

Theresa was still very interested in sailing on the sea in the first few days, but facing the vast but unchanging sea, Theresa's interest quickly ran out.

The identity of the helmsman soon returned to Mo Yi's hands.

The sea is definitely dangerous for ordinary people. As the saying goes, there is no wind and three feet of waves, which is a reflection of the sea.

Not to mention, in the Pacific Ocean, the weather can change at any time. Half an hour ago it was clear skies, and half an hour later it turned into violent winds and huge waves, and a storm that covered the sky and the sun. It came at any time, and even I also encountered a waterspout.

For an ordinary person, let alone a toy like a wooden boat that can only travel on rivers, even a giant steel ship like the Titanic that is said to be unsinkable would kneel down at the drop of a hat under the power of heaven and earth.

The difference is probably between hitting an iceberg and being overturned by a storm.

Without professional navigation skills, Teresa's sailing route was a Buddhist-style, generally keeping a westward direction, just letting the ship pass by in a straight line.

Naturally, you will encounter all kinds of extreme weather or dangers.

When encountering the waterspout, Teresa was still holding Mo Yi, preparing to pull Grandpa Mo Yi to abandon the ship and fly away with Judah.

It is still unknown how many ways Judas can be used. In addition to being used to hit people, launch broad spears, light cannons, transform into various weapon modes, it can also be turned into a temporary aircraft.

Whether you carry it on your back or step on it, you can indeed fly like a Judas or ride on the waves.

Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to show off his skills again and carve magic runes on the wooden boat. Under the power of membrane magic, the wooden boat easily escaped the traction range of the waterspout.

Of course, this storm is not all dangerous. At least after getting out of the storm, the wooden boat was covered with a layer of various seafood, and there was even an innocently jumping great white shark.

They were all sucked into the air by waterspouts, and then just fell on the wooden boats like rain.

If the wooden boat hadn't been filled with buffs, it might have been sunk by the seafood.

God has the virtue of good things, and since God specially helped Grandpa Mo Yi and Theresa to have extra meals, Grandpa Mo Yi generously turned these seafood into a delicious feast, so that they would not be sacrificed in vain.

The only survivor was the lively great white shark. After cutting off its fins, he generously threw them back into the water because the shark's meat was not tasty.

Apart from the storm, the biggest danger encountered during the voyage of just a few days was an attack by a huge sea monster. I don't know if it was an octopus or an octopus. Anyway, it was Mr. Ke's tribe.

It was considered unlucky for the other party. He thought he had encountered a new type of food, so he was going to pull the wooden boat into the deep sea to try it out, but he didn't expect to encounter a boss.

At the beginning, Theresa was really frightened by the huge, slippery tentacles, covered with dense suckers, the mere sight of which was enough to make people with trypophobia faint.

After calming down, Teresa took out Judas without saying a word, turned it into lightsaber mode, and slashed at the tentacles wrapped around the wooden ship. After chopping it down, she worriedly set it on fire and burned it to dregs.

But this behavior angered the sea monster lurking in the deep sea. It usually feeds on behemoths like whales. Except for encountering the Pacific Godzilla, it has traveled across the Pacific for many years. Where has it ever suffered such a loss?

Although it is only an insignificant tentacle, it is shameless!

The enraged sea monster was revealed. Just being seen would lower the sanity of humans. Coupled with the several huge arms and legs of Tsushima Monkey Soju special attack, a mere ant is simply a mosquito that can be easily swatted to death.

Then, there is no more.

After seeing the ugly true appearance of the other party, the Judas in Theresa's hand turned into a 1,400-meter lightsaber and directly cut the sea monster in half.

The sword energy spans thirty thousand miles and the light of one sword trembles nineteen continents!

At that time, the sea area was dyed a fishy red because of this, and it took a long time for the smell of blood to be diluted.

"so boring!!"

Looking at monotonous things for a long time can drive people crazy, but Teresa was so irritated by the boring voyage that she could only vent to Grandpa Mo Yi, the only companion on the ship, to attract his attention. It's time.

"Playing cards or chess?"

Seeing Theresa rolling, Grandpa Mo Yi suggested funny.

For modern people who are accustomed to the Internet, it would be extremely uncomfortable to put them in an environment without Internet.

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's suggestion, Theresa couldn't help but remember that in the past few days, whether it was playing chess or playing cards, any form of entertainment that was intellectually confrontational, had been beaten down by Grandpa Mo Yi.

He refused unhappily:

"It's boring for two people to play these games!"

The more important reason is that I always lose, and I don’t want to lose face!

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Grandpa Mo Yi lay on the recliner casually, enjoying the rare leisure time.

"Well (⊙o⊙)..."

Theresa rested her chin, thought for a while, and then said:

"How about you sing to me?"

Grandpa Mo Yi refused without hesitation:

"don't want--"

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