I am indeed still too young to believe what a woman says!

"Asuna, where are the three minutes promised?!"

After all, it was just a fall on the back shoulder, throwing the plastic sisterly guy behind.

Naturally, the only person called Asuna is Yuki Asuna, who was called Honzina by Grandpa Mo Yi. For the reaction of her friend Mao Lilan, Asuna was well prepared. She has a superb foundation in swordsmanship, so her skills are naturally good. , and this was not the first time he had such a fight with the opponent. He quickly let go of the hand covering Mao Lilan, and then stepped back to avoid the opponent's back shoulder throw.

As Detective Conan's childhood sweetheart, Mao Lilan naturally has her own specialties, otherwise how could she survive the attack of the law of cause and effect by the Death God elementary school student.

In addition to the hair on her head that is so sharp that it can pierce her boyfriend, Mao Lilan is also a black belt-level judo master.

In this world where tennis is played to penetrate the iron mesh and water tower, and basketball (Kuroko's basketball) is used to open up the Sharingan and the realm of law. It is a martial arts sport that is originally biased towards force. It is easy to imagine how terrifying it is.

If the other party understands the judo master's signature secret of the 'Martial God Kick', he can truly become a judo master and compete with a certain teacher and priest in Fuyuki City.

It can be said that on the set of Death God Elementary School, as long as the hidden characters do not appear, Mao Lilan is Conan's guarantee of force in daily plots.

Of course, the tailwind relies on Xiaolan's judo, and the headwind relies on Conan's one-of-a-kind kick. With the blessing of the will of the universe, Conan's football can even explode high-speed missiles.

With her close range ability, Asuna was still far behind her opponent.

Of course, the two can become good friends, and their respective strength levels have to be said to be an important reason.

This is what is called, how can you become my good friend if you can't even take a punch from me.

"I'm sorry, Xiaolan——"

Facing Mao Lilan, who was like a hairy man, Asuna folded her hands and apologized sincerely.

He just stuck it in his waist, obviously immune to the age-old trick of 'sincerely apologizing', and he would never let her go easily unless he made a reliable statement.

If it were a male friend, Asuna would naturally use her female privileges to get away with it, but for Mao Lilan, who obviously likes men, her beauty is obviously of no use.

At this moment, Asuna couldn't help but think of the excuse for being late that a male friend she hadn't contacted for a while because she was traveling abroad came to mind.

At that time, she was confused by Grandpa Mo Yi's reasons.

"Because I'm not familiar with the road, I just got lost for several minutes at the intersection of my life."

Mao Lilan: "..."

Can you be more careful about this reason?

Mao Lilan, who couldn't laugh or cry, looked at Asuna carefully for a while, and could see that the other party had dressed up carefully, and the reason for being late was obvious.

"Asuna, can't you give me a reliable reason? Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

"Hey hey hey——"

Asuna quickly acted cute, but after some tossing, Mao Lilan still chose to forgive the other party.

If you don’t forgive, what can you do?

"There will be a large cocktail party later——"

After the fight, Asuna suggested:

"Let's go there and have a nice meal."

"I thought you were going to take me to see that Sugou brother."

Mao Lilan joked:

"Last time, I heard the other party's voice on your phone."

"No, no—"

Asuna didn't want her good friends to misunderstand and something embarrassing might happen when they met in the future, so she quickly explained:

"The other party is just a senior in my father's company, there is no such thing!"

"Xiaolan, don't make any noise. The other party is also at the window. If there is a misunderstanding, it will be troublesome."


Mao Lilan's eyes became sharp, and she stared at Asuna. She could only see the other person's hair, and then she said:

"You are so nervous about something like this, there must be something fishy in it——"

"Why don't you explain it to me properly?!"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense-"

Asuna turned her head with a guilty conscience and typed three negatives in a row before saying:

"It's Tongzi who doesn't like him! Besides, we've all grown up, so there are some things that we need to avoid."


It sounded very reasonable, but Mao Lilan always felt that the other party was lying. This had nothing to do with logic, but the intuition of the detective's daughter and girlfriend, and said suspiciously:

"Do you really like Tongzi?"

After that, Mao Lilan made a cold look, took a few steps back, and said:

"I didn't expect you to be such an angry Asuna!"

"You show off, I think you are a good friend, but you actually want to have sex with me?!"

Asuna: "..."

"Go away! The man this lady likes——"

"Okay, I misunderstood you."

Mao Lilan spread his hands and smiled slyly:

"Who is the man you like?"


The witty Asuna reacted instantly, almost being tricked by the other party, and said angrily:


Mao Lilan didn't expect to find something interesting. As a good friend of the other party, she definitely couldn't let go of such interesting things!

He quickly came over and asked:

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