"What is it? I heard it clearly, Asuna."

Asuna turned her head and emphasized in a slightly louder voice to strengthen the credibility of her words:

"They say there is no such thing..."

"Hey, covering up is explaining--"

Then, two young girls started chasing each other and fighting each other, adding a color to the empty deck.

——————The dividing line of Theresa————————

"It doesn't matter--"

The wooden boat entered diving mode and quickly arrived beside the luxury cruise ship without anyone noticing.

However, at this time we are faced with a problem, that is, what should we do with the wooden boat?

After Grandpa Mo Yi repeatedly assured that he could use magic to receive it in the inventory, Theresa thought about it and found that she had never encountered the problem of insufficient area when using the inventory.

After thinking about it, Theresa said she didn't trust the man to pack her things, and it would be better to put them in the inventory on her body.

What else can Grandpa Mo Yi say? This is simply a fallacy. Who said that men will forget things when they collect them? Even the personal money hidden in a certain old clothes in the closet at home five years ago without telling my wife will never be forgotten. Will make the slightest mistake.

The determining factor of whether you can remember is not your memory, but whether the thing you need to remember is precious or not, and whether it can be discovered by others.

After putting away the wooden boat, Grandpa Mo Yi and Theresa climbed up under the cover of the membrane method, clinging to the hull of the boat.

"Theresa, aren't you tired?"

Looking at Teresa above him and carrying Judas who was much bigger and heavier than her, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but complain:

"Can't it be placed in the inventory?"

"got used to--"

Theresa said angrily:

"Carrying Judas on my back gives me a sense of security."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I finally know why you can't grow taller.

Grandpa Mo Yi looked up, because Theresa was right in front of Mo Yi, and the two of them were climbing up like a rock, something unexpected would always happen.

I know, but I don’t say it, and even my heart has no fluctuation at all!

In this way, the two quickly climbed to a suitable position, which happened to be a window position. Theresa looked inside, and after making sure that there was no one inside, she prepared to open a gap from here to enter.

"This is it."

In the past, Theresa might have only been able to infiltrate with unskilled methods like breaking open the window, but with the power of Douluo, she was no longer the same person as before. From the beginning, the ugliest Theresa... Execution Outfit Aster evolves into Theresa Minecraft Douluo!

Theresa used the rune that Grandpa Mo Yi had left on the back of her hand and punched the tempered glass. Then the tempered glass mysteriously disappeared and turned into something in her inventory.

After opening the glass, Theresa jumped into the room, followed by Grandpa Mo Yi.

After Grandpa Mo Yi also went in, he used the power of the runes to put the tempered glass back.


Theresa couldn't help but praise her for her carefulness and tact. She didn't forget to restore the glass after infiltrating. This was the perfect infiltration.

"Pippi Yi, let's go."

At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that something was wrong. Theresa had the same passive ability as Miss Tohsaka Rin, such as sneaking into the mission, but always getting lost and stuck in all kinds of strange places. , how could it be so smooth.

Right here, just after Theresa took two steps, the bathroom door next to her opened. A somewhat familiar silver-haired girl with spiral twintails opened the bathroom door, still showing no emotion, and walked out.

However, she might be thinking about something and didn't pay attention to the sounds outside. They only reacted when they took two steps and were about to face-to-face with Theresa.

"It's you?!"

Although neither of them knew each other's name, they had just had a close-to-hand fight between a man and a woman on the plane a few days ago. In the end, Theresa relied on her ability to be hotter than her old age, and her superpowers, Physical skills overcame the mecha's advantage and knocked Bronya out of the plane to win.

When they met now, the atmosphere suddenly became anxious. The two of them took a step back suddenly, took out their big guns and started to confront each other.

Teresa's Judas and Bronya's Heavy Rabbit are undoubtedly big guys.

Bronya stared at Theresa who was standing in front of Grandpa Mo Yi, holding Judas high, and was about to awaken the secrets at any disagreement, and asked in a cold tone:

"Are you following me?"

Compared to things like luck, Bronya, a highly intelligent girl with a high IQ, is more willing to believe that the other party may have done something to her in the previous battle and then followed her.


After clearing out the toxins and returning to normal strength, Theresa is not afraid of mere fools. In the past, she was able to repel the opponent even when she was in poor condition. Let alone now, as long as she attacks with all her strength, she can catch him in less than a minute. Live with the opponent who drives the mecha.

The mecha with both superpowers and physical skills is no joke. A certain 11-year-old high school student who just gained superpowers can tear apart a Gundam with his bare hands, which illustrates this very well.

Theresa said disdainfully:

"What do you have for me to follow, a lackey of anti-entropy."

Teresa also wanted to just carry Judas up and hit Bronya, but this was a cruise ship, and it wouldn't be a tragedy if the cruise ship sank.

Theresa is not a green trustee and cannot ignore life. If the cruise ship sinks, many innocent people will be implicated.

Moreover, Grandpa Mo Yi is still with her. Although Grandpa Mo Yi has performed many magical things in these days, she does not know his specific strength. Under her influence, most magicians are like beeping. The beep is awesome. If in an emergency, a backstab or a steel ball (a sensitive word, you should have guessed the term) will directly clear the crispy chicken of the health bar.

Compared with magicians who are full of combat effectiveness, there are more functional talents with special abilities in some aspects.

In Theresa's opinion, Grandpa Mo Yi should be a magician who is good at construction. It is too dangerous for an opponent with no brute strength to face Bronya, who has advanced mechas and powerful firepower.

No matter how high your martial arts skills are, no matter how close you are to your body, you can use one move of saturation bombing, laser missiles and flamethrowers, you can only kneel down and sing the song of conquest.

And Bronya also had her own estimation. Thinking that this was a cruise ship and a densely populated place, it was not a good place for fighting.

As a result, the two people, who were very worried, came to a stalemate.

At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi, who could only be a man, came to the rescue.

"Theresa, and Bronya——"

After the two heard Grandpa Mo Yi's voice, they turned their attention to Grandpa Mo Yi, and Bronya also recognized Mo Yi.

"This is a cruise ship. If it sinks, everyone will have to swim back from the Pacific Ocean."

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