"How about we cease the war——"

"Count one, two, three, everyone put it on the weapon together?"



Perhaps because it was not possible to continue the stalemate like this, the two of them agreed to Qi Mo Yi's proposal after a while of silence.


Then, Theresa still held up Judas, which was emitting holy light, while Bronya's heavily armored bunny also used various weapons against Theresa and Mo Yi.


Theresa snorted coldly and said:

"I know that the anti-entropy guy will definitely not act on the proposal."

Although Bronya had no expression or words, Grandpa Mo Yi saw the same meaning as Theresa in her eyes.

"You are unwilling to release weapons at the same time——"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained speechlessly:

"How long will this stalemate last?"

Do you really want to take action yourself and disarm the duck?

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi’s complaints, Theresa forcefully explained with some embarrassment:

"I don't want to either. The guys with Reversible Entropy are all despicable and dishonest villains. You can't be trustworthy when dealing with them."

"Fortunately, I'm smart. If I had put down Judas just now, the other party might have opened fire."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Why does this statement sound full of déjà vu?

This is like the special line used by decent people when dealing with the devil's sect. Before taking action, they must beep, list the evil deeds of the other party, and then divide into two versions based on the situation on the spot.

If there are many people on the other side, or if they are strong, they will say, the famous Chacha, if you have the ability, you can fight me one-on-one and bully the minority, what kind of hero is that?

If there are many people on our side, there is no need to talk about the gentlemanly behavior of the other party, a scum of the martial arts world. Let's go together and eliminate harm to the martial arts world!

After hearing Theresa's sophistry, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but blush for the other party. Reverse entropy is not a good thing, but destiny is also a big pit. No one is much better than the other.

However, Teresa is his lifelong good (girlfriend). Grandpa Mo Yi, who has always helped his relatives but not others, naturally supports Teresa. He has never liked her, and Kiana is the protagonist. There is nothing he can do about it. Refuse, Mei had an era of ghost armor, Yae Sakura’s character alone cost 100 million yuan, and only the salted duck was dispensable.

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally wanted to help Theresa.

"Theresa, you are really smart. I didn't think of this just now."

Very proud Theresa:

"Of course, everything is under my control!"

However, when the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, a girl's voice sounded from the corridor outside, which was somewhat familiar to Grandpa Mo Yi——

"Kiana, if you mess with my clothes again, I really won't care about you."

"You should do your homework well by yourself!"

"Ah ha ha--"

Another girl's voice that Grandpa Mo Yi had never heard answered:

"I don't want to either-"

"I was in such a hurry when I came here that I forgot to bring a change of underwear."

"Can you, Meiyi, bear with me and not change my underwear for so many days?"

Grandpa Mo Yi’s familiar female voice answered——

"This...you can't use mine! How can such a private thing be shared?"


"It does not matter, I do not mind."

Chapter 461: Kiana: Mei, my wife! !

Since the end of the 100-school exchange competition, Mei Raiden's life has temporarily returned to peace. Although Yae Sakura-senpai's special training is still strict, she has awakened special abilities since she was a child. When it comes to abilities, they all pretend that the sword turns into electricity.

To be more precise, she can feel and absorb some kind of invisible energy flowing in the air. Under this energy, Mei Yi has never even tried a minor illness like a cold. Regarding her own specialness, Mei Yi has Under her father's instructions, she has been hiding it and not showing it.

She thought she was unique, but after high school, she discovered the fact that she was not alone.

In her induction, she was not the only one with special energy in her body, such as Illya von Einzbern, Matou Sakura from the next class, and Tohsaka who was one year older than her. Rin-senpai.

However, after her secret observation, she found that although they were able to absorb different energies like her, the attributes and nature of the energy might be completely different.

Until one time, her childhood sweetheart Busujima Saeko dragged her to the Kendo Club for an interview, and she met a senior named Yae Sakura. The moment they looked at each other, Raiden Meii knew that she had finally met the right person, who contained the same substance as hers. The same invisible energy.

Therefore, Raiden Meiyi, who has a good family background and has learned the Hoichen Itto Style since she was a child, joined the kendo club of Fuyuki High School, which she didn't care about at first.

The joy and hard work involved are unknown, but the relationship with Yae Sakura is improving day by day. Although the two of them have not revealed their respective affairs, they still know a general idea. There is a kind of thing that you don’t tell, and I don’t tell either, but We all know that Ji Qing is so tangerine.

After the 100-school exchange competition, the Kendo Club began to train hard for the official 11th district selection competition of the Universiade. The plot of Yae Sakura desperately training Musashi and Kojiro that was performed every day still made Mei Raiden happy when watching the show.

That's right, even though Lei Dian Meiyi always exudes a gentle, gentle and intellectual temperament, under this appearance, she is actually a scheming person. Grandpa Mo Yi has been tricked by Mo Yi two or three times.

Generally speaking, nothing special happened during this period. What probably impressed Mei Raiden the most was that Yae Sakura always disappeared, and then came back in a bad mood to give Musashi and Kojiro a hellish training.

After some investigation, Raiden Meiyi knew that Yae Sakura had promised to help her with special training because of Mo Yi. Because the official selection competition was coming soon, there was not much time left for them, but when they went to Mo Yi, they found that the other party had been asking for leave. Without coming to school, Yae Sakura was naturally in a bad mood.

Under such circumstances, Musashi and Kojiro, who do not forget to seek death, always anger Yae Sakura, and it would be strange if Yae Sakura does not teach them a lesson.

Such an ordinary and pleasant life was broken until a new transfer student named Kiana Kaslana came into her class. The moment she saw her, Raiden Meiyi felt that the other person was different from herself. , Yae Sakura, possessing similar energy.

And the other party didn’t know why, but he fell in love with the intellectual Leiden Meiyi, just like a tortoise fell in love with mung beans, and A Zhen fell in love with Aqiang. They didn’t need Leiden Meiyi to take the initiative to contact the other person, and the other party stuck to her like a marshmallow. .

As a result, Raiden Meiyi easily met new friends, and with the information from the other party, she learned the details of her abilities.

It turns out that the energy in his body is called Honkai energy, as well as common sense such as Honkai energy.

Meeting a new friend is originally a happy thing, but Raiden Meiyi is a little troubled because the other person is too clingy, like a persian cat that is always arrogant, usually surrounding her, but once she meets For other people who come into contact with Raiden Mei, Kiana is like a fried cat that protects her food. Musashi and Kojiro, who are always courteous to her, have been teased and teased by Kiana many times.

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