Kiana was also helpless about this matter. Although she told Kiana about this matter, she was also obedient and obedient. But when it came to Musashi and Kojiro, she was still merciless when it came time to take action.

From a certain perspective, Kiana would do this, which means that she cares about herself. In the other party's enthusiasm, Raiden Meiyi was really at a loss, and in the end she could only continue to wrong the two seniors Kojiro and Musashi.

In addition to this, Raiden Mei also found that Kiana always looked at her with a burning gaze, which gave her a strange feeling. Moreover, the other party especially liked to stick to her body. Since she met the other party, her own A lot of underwear is still missing.

Kiana, who won the stage victory, naturally pursued the victory. With her good skills, she joined the kendo club and became jealous of Busujima Saeko, which made Mei Raiden very distressed.

Childhood sweetheart Busushima Saeko has quietly warned Raiden Mei on several occasions that Kiana seems to have a tangerine love for you.

Mei Raiden didn't quite understand what tangerine flavor was at first, until she read the masterpiece "Tangerine Flavor" recommended to her by Busujima Saeko, and she grew into a tangerine flavor in one night. A real woman.

Because of this incident, Raiden Meiyi avoided Kiana and her fiery gaze for a few days, because Kiana's enthusiasm always reminded her of the image of "orange in the orange".

After some girlish misunderstandings and fights, the two finally came to terms with each other again. Mei Raiden told her again and again that her hobby was men, and that Kiana was a passionate foreigner, but a little enthusiastic. Everything was what she thought too much. That’s just too much.

Regardless of whether it's true or false, it's fine if she believes it herself. Just as Asakura Ye said, the boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge. Thinking too much now will only increase worries. When things develop at that stage, there will always be a solution. .

Not long ago, Yae Sakura, the head of the Kendo Club, proposed the idea of ​​training together, and everyone responded.

Sharing training, Musashi and Kojiro will not miss such a good opportunity for a vacation, and there are so many cute juniors and seniors in the kendo club. If some special plot is triggered, maybe they can turn over and become the masters. , to become a real man among those with girls.

Of course, it turned out in the end that they still thought too much.

As the bottom of the food chain in the kendo club, when it's time to get up and move bricks, you have to continue to move bricks.

As for the place to stay together, with the suggestion and enthusiastic sponsorship of Raiden Mei, the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, they booked a hotel on a luxury cruise ship, where they could have both entertainment and special training.

Instead, everyone from the Kendo Club embarked on a vigorous special training trip.

Kiana, who had the same idea as Musashi and Kojiro, relied on her appearance as a beautiful girl to achieve completely different results from Musashi and Kojiro. Not only did she gain more of Raiden Mei's personal clothing, she also succeeded in getting the first chance to sleep with each other. Once, the first time they took a bath with each other was so satisfying that Musashi and Kojiro were so jealous.

Kiana originally wanted to take advantage of this storm and conquer the Thunder Mei Yi in one go, until they accidentally picked up a poor, helpless, and weak-looking silver-haired girl Bronya floating in the water.

It might be difficult for other people to fish out Bronya who was unconscious in the sea, but Raiden Mei and others are Valkyries, so it is easy to save an unfortunate girl in distress without disturbing others.

For such a trivial matter, Asuna, who was never a bad person, naturally raised her hands in approval.

And she also likes the loving Raiden Meiyi!

Then she regretted it.

At the beginning, her relationship with the lost girl who came back and called herself Bronya was pretty good. Although she couldn't help but see that the other person always looked cold, but after observing and knowing that the other person didn't do it deliberately, Also relieved.

As for finding a suitable identity and room for the other party, with Raiden Meiyi's ability, it is not a big deal.

But after being taken care of by Raiden Mei, the other party quickly showed a different attitude, well, a different attitude from Kiana and others.

At that moment, Kiana knew that she had saved a white-eyed wolf. Although it was not Mei who made the decision to save the other party, Kiana was the one who fished him out in the end.

I saved your life, but I walked away without gratitude in return. Now I dare to set my sights on my intended wife?

If you can tolerate this, then you are not Kiana!

As a result, the two began to fight openly and secretly in various situations where Raiden Meiyi could not see.

"Don't stay in bed, Kiana——"

Raiden Mei looked on helplessly, covering herself with a quilt and hugging Kiana tightly on her pillow.

"If you don't get up, you will miss the appointed time."

"It doesn't matter, let me roll for another three minutes -"

The humanoid bugs under the quilt kept rolling around, and at the same time, Kiana's strange voice could still be heard:

"Wow, that's great——"

"This is the smell of Mei Yi. I never get tired of smelling it. What should I do if I can't smell it anymore?!"

Thunder Mei Yi: "..."

Too bad, I shouldn't have listened to Kiana's nonsense in the first place, about not feeling safe in a strange place, unable to sleep, hugging her lap, rolling down desperately, but she still relented and let her sleep with her.

Then, it became like this.

The tangerine smell emanating from the other party's body became more and more serious. He wanted to do strange things several times in the middle of the night. In the end, he was treated with electricity from her whole body several times before he finally fell asleep peacefully.


After these days of getting along, Leiden Meiyi understands that there is a limit to always being a good person. Some people's indulgence of others will only make the other party take advantage of it——

So, I can’t be a good person! !

Looking at Kiana rolling on the quilt, Raiden Meiyi put her waist in her waist and said word by word:

"If you don't get up, I'll be angry."

After saying that, there was a crackling sound of electricity in the air, which was particularly loud in the quiet room.

Kiana acting coquettishly in the quilt: "..."

Meiyi, you have changed!

You would never shock me before, but after meeting that damn duck, you no longer regard me as your only baby.

Even so, I, Kiana, will always like Raiden Mei!

Faced with the silent threat of Mei, the King of Thunder and Lightning, Kiana did not immediately follow her heart. If she didn't even dare to be shocked, what is love?

Kiana's voice of resisting to death came from the quilt:

"I need a kiss and a hug from Meiyi before I can get up."

Then came the sound in the room——

"There's really nothing I can do against you, crackling..."


"This is Mei Ai's whipping, and it's still so hard today—"

——————The dividing line between orange and orange————

Under the call of Leiden Mei's love, Kiana got up obediently and went to wash her face and tidy up.

Then the two of them went to find the others. After meeting Yae Sakura who had been waiting there for a long time, after waiting for another ten minutes, the three of them also felt that something was wrong.

Bronya is usually the most punctual person. Every time we agree on a time to gather, the other party must be waiting just one minute in advance. But today, it has been more than ten minutes and she still hasn't come. Could it be that something happened?

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