Kiana complained, and finally went to Bronya's room with Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura to find each other.

When they went to Bronya's room, what they heard was not Bronya's voice. Instead, the voices of a boy and a girl who were completely different from Bronya sounded in the room.

Moreover, they still said strange words such as, ‘Put down your weapons’, ‘Leniency will be given if you confess, severity if you resist’, ‘I already hold the future in my hands’.

The three people felt something was wrong, so they decided to open the door violently to see what was going on inside. It might be a burglary or something.


The door was kicked open by Kiana.

Grandpa Mo Yi was hesitant to take action, but when he heard a familiar girl's voice outside the door, he gave up. The deadlock would soon be broken.

As expected, the door was violently kicked open. Outside the door, Kiana, Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura, who had already put their hands on Tachi Sakurabuki, who had not been brought to the cruise ship, quickly rushed in with outstretched hands. , preparing to deal with Bronya who was kidnapped in the room.

It's just that the scene at the scene was different from what they imagined. There was no scene of a vicious-looking man holding a kitchen knife on Bronya's neck.

"Bronya, are you okay...?"

It was a nun Loli carrying a huge cross, and a family of Bronya floating in the air behind them, all covered with humanoid weapons pointing at each other.

Although they had long sensed that the drowned girl who had returned was not an ordinary person, she did not expect to be so ferocious. No matter how you looked at it, it was Bronya who was threatening the girl holding a cross in front of her.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was standing behind Theresa, was well prepared. When he saw the three people coming in, he realized that they were acquaintances.

Not to mention Raiden Mei, the school girl who admires her is a fan, Yae Sakura has also met in the Hundred School Exchange Competition, and Kiana is a character from her impressions, the heroine in "Honkai Academy".

Coupled with the presence of Teresa and Bronya, it was a perfect gathering of classmates from St. Freya Academy!

Well, if you add Aunt Jizi and Fuhua Shangxian, you will really be a complete family.

"long time no see--"

For Mo Yi, it was really a long time since they last saw each other. It felt like they hadn't seen each other for more than ten years. After seeing Leiden Meiyi, he immediately thought of the cherry blossoms still blooming on both sides of the familiar slopes in his hometown.

Of course, Xiaoba can't be ignored. After all, he is still a friend, and he is also the paper man's wife in his previous life.

"Mei-senpai and Yae Sakura-senpai..."

"Senior Mo Yi?"

Raiden Meiyi was also confused by the divine unfolding in front of her. What on earth is going on? Why did senior Mo Yi, who had been asking for leave, appear in Bronya's room, and the situation was so weird?

No matter what she thought, she never imagined that she would meet the other party under such circumstances.

"Mo, Yi?"

Kiana repeated the title of Mei Raiden, her cute eyes suddenly became sharp, and she stared at this 'man' whose name she had heard for a long time with the most serious and vigilant eyes!

Although the other party was undoubtedly an ordinary person, with a standard oriental appearance, two eyes, a pair of ears, and a nose, he was not as handsome as she imagined, with a strong back and a strong back.

But no matter how malicious she is, the other person looks ordinary at first glance, and no matter how picky she is, she can't find any particularly big flaws.

According to Kiana's standards, the other party can be considered handsome. He doesn't look like a handsome guy, but the whole person, whether it is appearance or temperament, gives people an unusually harmonious feeling, making people feel that he is a handsome guy. It should be so.

After taking a closer look, Kiana discovered that she thought the other person was pretty good-looking, and the more she looked at him, the better her feelings became.

No, what the hell! !

I am a girl who likes cute girls. How could I think boys are cute?

What is going on? !

Chapter 462: Theresa: I am your aunt

Kiana's unconcealed scrutinizing gaze could not be concealed from Grandpa Mo Yi who had awakened his ninth sense. It was not a big deal anyway. He could just look at him if he wanted to. As long as he wasn't looking at her with fiery eyes like a flower, no matter what. Say, Kiana is also a beautiful girl.

Yeah, a violent beautiful girl who likes girls.

"Damn it!"

Kiana roared crazily in her heart. She knew deeply that she was a straight woman who loved women. This had been engraved in her heart from the moment she realized the gender issue.

Therefore, for so many years, there are only two kinds of people in her eyes, cute girls and guys who don't need to be remembered. Men are naturally classified in the subjects of guys who don't need to be remembered.

Whether he is a Western or Eastern handsome guy, whether he is a sunny type or an artistic and melancholy type, in her eyes, there is no big difference between him and the old sweeper you meet on the roadside.

In her dictionary, there is never the concept of 'handsome', only 'cute'!

But now, in just a few seconds, she actually felt that the boy she had just met became more and more handsome as she looked at him?

This is as scary as Saya's song, your male pig's feet, thinking Saya is cute!

More importantly, this was not the first time she heard about Grandpa Mo Yi. In order to avoid being hunted by an unknown organization and with the help of an unknown person, she went to Fuyuki City, the ideal hometown that is rumored to be far away from all dark forces. Unexpectedly, After getting to know Raiden Meiyi, I never heard his name once.

What kind of undefeated top student, what kind of fuyuki high school eldest brother, what kind of timely rain Mo Yi, what does this have to do with her, Kiana? !

Until, in order to protect the ownership of Mei, she used various methods to defeat Musashi and Kojiro who wanted to get involved with her intended wife, Raiden Mei. Life in the kendo club with Kojiro can be described as dire straits.

It was tiring enough to be tortured by the monsters before, but now there is an extra paramecium to torment them, how can it be so miserable?

In order to protect their dignity as seniors and to maintain their little dignity in the eyes of Mei-senpai, Musashi and Kojiro had no choice but to use the name of Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Hmph, when our big brother Mo Yi comes back, Qiana, you will pay the price for what happened today!"

"Hahaha, Mei-senpai has been attracted by my elder brother. Kiana, it's not too late for you to apologize now."

Anyway, they couldn't quarrel and get revenge on Kiana, so Musashi and Kojiro had no choice but to use such words to threaten Kiana.

As for this matter, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally didn't know. He didn't even know when he recognized his two younger brothers and fell in love with school girl Ya Yi.

It was okay once, but after listening to it a few times, Kiana couldn't even think about being interested in Grandpa Mo Yi.

Then, Kiana launched a secret investigation into Mo Yi to find out who her enemy was.

Unexpectedly, through the understanding of the classmates around them, they said that they were students. They were simply human-shaped, a living saint, the eternal number one, Wan Zhanjing, cute and undefeated, a tennis boss, and the embodiment of chivalry.

Anyway, Kiana doesn't believe that there are really such perfect people in this world. Usually perfect people can't compete with people who are good at pretending.

Huh, that guy named Mo Yi must be something like a human and a dog.

A certain great man said it well: tactically, we should pay attention to the enemy, but strategically, we should despise the enemy!

In the final analysis, other people's opinions are just for reference. The most important thing is Raiden Mei's opinion.

Therefore, these days, Kiana has been constantly insinuating Lei Dian Mei Yi to see what Lei Dian Mei Yi thinks of Grandpa Mo Yi.

The facts can be imagined. As a fan of Grandpa Mo Yi, it is hard to say whether he has the same love as Joan of Arc, but he must have a good impression. All kinds of words of praise and admiration turned into hidden arrows and were shot at him. Kiana's little heart was filled with bruises, and all she could say were tears!

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