The classic anti-cute combination of a lolita and a spear has been around for a long time. In a certain moral village, there is a vampire lolita who is good at using spears. She is known as Remilia, Majestic and Crouching Anti-Scarlet, because she has the ability to control destiny to a certain extent, she can manipulate her own luck at will, naturally ignoring the lucky E special effects brought by the spear.

As for Theresa, she was really unlucky.

While on missions, despite having much higher IQ and memory than ordinary people, she always gets lost and gets stuck in strange places, such as trash cans and street lamps.

When faced with an enemy whose fighting power is not as good as his own, he may be defeated by the opponent due to carelessness and other various reasons. He is not much better than Genos, a man who appears with various special effects. He is strong, but... No silver.

"My preferred weapon is Judas. I don't know anything about swordsmanship."

Kiana asked curiously:

"Judas? What kind of weapon is it?"

"This is it--"

Teresa brought Judas from behind to her face and explained it in kind.

Kiana: "..."

In fact, she had long been curious about why Theresa was carrying a huge cross. She thought that the other party had lost a devout believer, but she never expected that it was actually a weapon.

"Can I take a look?"


Kiana took Judas' hand, but she didn't expect it to be heavy, so Judas almost pulled her and fell to the ground together.

"So heavy?"

Kiana initially thought that the cross should be made of wood or a lighter material, otherwise how could her aunt, who was no different from a teenage loli, carry her freely on her back.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be exactly what it looked like. It was made of metal and was super heavy. It was very difficult for her to pick it up, let alone wield it as a weapon. At this time, she had to re-examine her aunt.

I originally thought that the opponent was just born with divine power, much stronger than ordinary people, but here and there it was much stronger than ordinary people. This was clearly a humanoid tyrannosaurus covered in lolita skin.

At this time, should I be lucky that I didn't anger the other person before? Otherwise, if the other person hits me on the head, it won't hurt, but the water will burst out of the bottle.

"Auntie, how do you carry it?"


Teresa picked up Judas who was shaking and complained:

"That's because you young people can't even hold a Judas if you don't exercise properly. How will you rely on you to maintain world peace in the future?"

Kiana: "..."

"Auntie, I think it's not that we young people are incapable, but that you are getting stronger as you get older."

Teresa: "..."

You are so old and strong, do you know how to speak?


Theresa jumped up and was knocked out of her head. Because she had seen Theresa's strange power, Kiana had no choice but to endure it. If she provoked her at this time, wouldn't she be seeking death?

"White-haired idiot——"

When Kiana was about to go back to Raiden Mei for comfort, she was blocked by Bronya, who had a strange presence.

"What's wrong, you little duck!"

When she heard the other party calling her a white-haired idiot, Kiana naturally wouldn't give Bronya a good look. Well, she wouldn't give the other party a good look in the first place, because the other party always coveted her Mei Yi and always mocked her.

"Just a paramecium——"

Naturally, Bronya felt uncomfortable being called a fool, and said coldly:

"I want to compete with you."

After that, he waved the wooden sword in his hand a few times, indicating that it was a sword show.


Bronya has been in their small group for several days. For something special like this, the other party will follow her and sit aside to watch the show. She has never shown her sword skills.

"Are you serious?"

If the other party knew how, they would have taken action long ago, and they would have been fighting openly and secretly for a long time.

Thinking of this, Kiana felt very stable, and was afraid that the other party would regret it, so she said:

"Then let's have one."

After discovering the farce between Bronya and Kiana, Raiden Mei walked up and asked in surprise:

"Bronya, do you know kendo?"


"Come on, salty duck!"

Kiana couldn't wait to go up with the wooden knife, wanting to take the opportunity to teach Bronya a lesson.

"Heavy Rabbit 19C——"

Bronya's mecha suddenly appeared, and then she hammered Kiana with a steel straight fist.

Kiana jumped away quickly and accused angrily:

"Banya, what are you doing?!"

Bronya raised the wooden knife in her hand and explained:

"As long as I have a sword in my hand, even if I use a substitute, it is still a swordsmanship test."

"Well, just like you attack with your feet, this is Bronya's style of swordsmanship."

Kiana: "..."

Damn it, stand-in messenger, you think I haven't watched "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"!

If you don’t know how to make cool and strange poses, I, Kiana, will not admit that you are a substitute! !

This was obviously an excuse to learn from the past after watching him compete with that bastard Mo Yi.

Bronya didn't give Kiana a chance to complain, because there weren't many opportunities to teach Kiana a lesson in an honest way, so hurry up and teach her a lesson now, so that the other party won't be fooled next time.

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