"The first style of Bronya style - the iron fist of the torrent of steel."

After saying that, the robot behind her rushed towards Kiana and hammered Kiana with its iron fist that was bigger than a casserole.

"Damn it!"

Kiana quickly dodged away, then took out a pistol from nowhere, fired at the heavily armored rabbit and said:

"Let you see how powerful Kiana's flow is!"

Seeing this, Lei Dian Meiyi stared at Grandpa Mo Yi who was watching the show with a resentful look. He only looked at him with fury, as if he was blaming Grandpa Mo Yi for teaching Bronya and Kiana bad things.

Chapter 467: The second victim, Nobuyuki Sugou

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong——"

The alarm system in the cab of the cruise ship rang wildly. The crew members who were addicted to the "Blue Moon" immediately became vigilant. The first thing they wanted to check was naturally the most important item transported by the cruise ship. Destiny is in an ancient Egyptian pyramid. The latest cultural relic unearthed here, to be precise, should be the coffin of Nefertari, the wife of Ramses II, the greatest pharaoh of ancient Egypt.

"Run to the guard room immediately and surround it!"

The captain roared loudly into the intercom and said:

‘Seal it up for me, and no flies can get in or out! ’


After receiving the order, the lazy temperament of the crew members immediately transformed into robot-like indifference. The entire defense system on the ship was like a tight instrument, activated instantly!


A certain black-clothed organization, which was still close to cracking the safe, muttered reluctantly:

"Damn it, didn't you say this is the whole firewall? Damn it, the Intelligence Department!"

Just when he thought he was done, the alarm system suddenly activated. Unexpectedly, the information was wrong or incomplete.

"you go first!"

A man in black who was responsible for cracking the alarm system said coldly to his technician teammates who were still trying to contact the safe's firewall:

"There is no time. The captain still needs your technical support. Leave it to me -"


The man didn't persist. After all, there was not much time left. It was obviously impossible to open the safe with technology. He put away the computer and ran towards the ventilation channel in the ceiling.

The man in black who stayed behind took out a miniature bomb, attached it directly to the safe, and then detonated it while hiding. At this time, he no longer cared about whether it would damage the target object, so he had to give it a try.

The opponent they chose this time was the Destiny Organization. As a branch of the Anti-Entropy Organization, the Men in Black Organization was obviously unable to resist the Destiny fighters who were aware of it.


After the explosion, the man in black who came out to observe the situation was immediately dumbfounded. The safe was not damaged at all. This was Eagle Country's latest micro-blasting explosive!

Well, the black technology of Destiny is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people like me.

He once had the opportunity to become a member of the anti-entropy organization that competes with destiny, but his performance was not as good as others. He was eventually assigned to the subordinate organization Men in Black. He thought that as long as he worked hard, he would finally make big news one day. It seems that It's because I think too much.

"Someone is in there!!"

The guards finally arrived, and the man in black felt that he had no chance to resist, so he took out a machine gun and various bombs and shouted:

“For the greater good!!”

After saying the slogan, he transformed into a future warrior and fought against a group of people alone.

After half a minute, the gunfire and explosions were over.

There was a dog-looking man on the cruise ship. After receiving the news of his subordinate's failure, his expression changed, but he quickly returned to normal and used the phone to call the fashionable woman who was responsible for the aftermath.

"Have you solved the problem?"

The fashionable woman was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Nobuyuki Sugou who was hanging from the ceiling without any clothes. She wanted to scream out in pain, but because her mouth was gagged, she could only whine continuously.

"about there."

"No time to waste."

He said calmly on the phone:

"Plan A has failed. You need to resolve the situation as soon as possible and enter Plan B immediately, or evacuate."


The fashionable woman who put away the phone looked at Nobuyuki Sugou, showed a pityful smile, and said:

"It's a pity. There are obviously many tricks I want to play with you, Brother Shinzhi."

After saying that, he swung the whip in his left hand several times hard at Sugou Nobuyuki who was hanging from the ceiling like a hairy crab.


Under the medicine that amplified the pain, Nobuyuki Sugou had been half-broken by the pain. The reason why he did not faint from the pain was because the medicine that amplified the pain gave him no chance of fainting, because he would wake up instantly from the pain. .


The fashionable woman said to herself happily:

"Isn't it fun? I know that Brother Shinzhi, who likes to play games, will definitely like this game. I'm not lying to you."

After that, he took out a syringe filled with green needle fluid from the box next to him, inserted it directly into Sugou Nobuyuki's shoulder, and injected it.

The medicine she injected this time was not a lethal medicine, but the pain amplifying agent she had injected into the opponent before, and it was ten times as strong as before.

Yes, she was planning to beat him to death.

Sugou Nobuyuki, who was about to have a nervous breakdown, now didn't even have the spirit to regret, and could only wail in pain.

"I said at the beginning that I would give you a hard time tonight, brother Shinzhi."

After injecting a pain amplification agent that is enough to make a gust of wind blow onto the skin, and can also turn into a knife to scrape the flesh, the fashionable woman picks up a remote control next to her and adjusts it to the maximum power.

Suddenly, one of your vibrating eggs in the anus began to vibrate violently like a crazy bull.


For a moment, Sugou Nobuyuki rolled his eyes and fainted as he wished. It was still the kind of coma that he would never wake up from again.

After seeing that the other party no longer struggled, only the muscles were trembling slightly, the fashionable woman nodded with satisfaction, tidied up the scene neatly, then opened the door and closed the door with a normal expression, and walked out.

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