At this time, a woman in her thirties who looked very similar to Asuna happened to see the fashionable woman who opened the door and came out.


Yuki Meiyu (the name the author made up for Asuna and her mother) changed her expression, but soon returned to normal, and she passed by the fashionable woman.

She was not as calm as she appeared on the surface, because her original destination was the room of her subordinate Nobuyuki Sugou. Now a young woman walked out of the employee's room. It didn't matter if she was an ordinary employee. After all, this was just a other people’s private lives.

But Sugou Nobuyuki is an employee that his husband likes, and they even intend to set him up with his daughter Yuuki Asuna. In the past, he was a model of cleanliness, but now it seems that is not the case.

Yuki Miyu waited for the young woman behind her to turn around and walk away, then took out her phone and called Sugou Nobuyuki.


It was obviously impossible to inflict pain, after all, Sugou Nobuyuki was already cold.

Yuki Meiyu looked at the door with dissatisfaction and rang the doorbell, but no one responded.

But, she didn't notice it. There was really a pair of eyes secretly watching her every move around the corner.

—————The dividing line of Mr. Green Trust————————

"Your Majesty the Archbishop——"

Lord Luto, who was still roaring about Teresa's disappearance, suddenly received a report that made him very unhappy.

The King Kong cruise ship transporting Nefertari's coffin was attacked by an unknown organization. The target was obviously Nefertari's coffin, but it was discovered and repelled in time.

"You scum—"

Lord Lutuo was already in a bad mood, but now that he heard such news, his mood only worsened, and he roared loudly:

"Do you still need me to teach you how to deal with such a small matter?!"

After roaring for a while, Lord Luto finally calmed down. In fact, this is really not a trivial matter, because this is another important plan about resurrecting his lifelong love, Kallen Kaslana.

The recent big move of the Magic Association to unite with the Holy Church to "participate in the Fifth Holy Grail War" was naturally not concealed from Lord Luto, and he even knew about it not much less than the top brass in the Magic Association.

The Magic Association is not so much an organization as a loose alliance of powerful magician families. It cannot compare with a highly centralized organization like the Destiny Organization in many aspects, such as intelligence capabilities.

After knowing that they spent so much energy but failed, Master Lutuo was of course happy to drink twice as much in the evening, but when he learned more information later, he was no longer calm.

Because the Magic Association’s goal this time is the third method.

Magic is a field that science like the Destiny Organization can never resist. Even the legendary Herrist who can destroy the world is not necessarily more powerful than a magician. Well, it should be theoretically inferior to a magician, because magic is As long as the world's cheats have not broken through to the world level, they still have to kneel down when encountering cheats with restrained abilities.

For example, the second magic wielder Gemstone Weng, others are always manipulating parallel worlds. No matter how powerful you Herrscher is, you can only destroy a world, and it is the kind of civilization that cleans the ground, not the level of destruction that directly shatters the earth. And the old man Gemstone Weng Maybe they can all control parallel worlds to hit people. The difference is huge.

However, this does not matter to Mr. Lutuo. The only thing he cares about is whether Kallen can be resurrected, how to resurrect, and how long it will take to resurrect.

It wasn't until he learned from the chief magician of the Destiny Organization, Aozaki Orange, about the effect of the third method of soul materialization that Lord Midori suddenly became fanatical.

According to Aozaki Orange, the third method definitely has the power to resurrect Kallen. Even the Holy Grail, the product of the incomplete third method, can summon heroic spirits who have been dead for countless years. Then the complete third method will die. Isn't it easy to resurrect the lost Kallen using the method of taking incarnation as a heroic spirit?

This is the first time that Lord Luto is 100% sure of the way to resurrect Kallen.

The third method, he is determined to win!

However, the Destiny Organization, like the Magic Association, simply cannot penetrate as well as the rumored Fuyuki City.

Fortunately, he received top-secret news from the new land, that is, the Magic Association had obtained relevant knowledge about the Holy Grail War and was preparing to create a new Holy Grail War in the Eagle Country.

After learning the news, Mr. Luto waved his hand. The Holy Grail War of the Eagle Country in the near future will be the most important project of Destiny.

In order to win this Holy Grail War, he spent a lot of resources and energy. For example, Nefertari's coffin was used to summon the legendary King of Kings Ramses II, the most powerful pharaoh. relic.

Lord Luto, who collects countless information, collects holy relics from all over the world, just to summon the strongest heroic spirit and win at the starting line!

Obviously, Ra Er is undoubtedly one of the strongest heroic spirits.

Of course, La Er is just his backup heroic spirit. The one he wants to summon most is naturally Kallen Kaslana. As long as she summons her, he will have the confidence and skills to make her exist forever.

Of course, if the summoning fails, you can only go to the third method to resurrect Kallen Kaslana.

Mr. Lutuo is playing a big game of chess!


Lord Luto took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down again.

Although Theresa is important, the holy relic is about Kallen's resurrection plan. With Kallen, what more Theresa is needed? !

Lord Luto calmed down and ordered:

"Order the Valkyrie closest to the King Kong to provide support and ensure the safety of the holy relic!"

After giving the order, Midorito-sama felt that it was still not very stable, so he made a phone call that cost a lot of money every time he called - Aozaki Orange.

"A rare visitor——"

A young woman's voice came from the receiver:

"Excuse me, what's the matter, Lord Archbishop?"

"I need you to protect an important holy relic."

""I've been busy with an important project recently——"

Aozaki Orange said calmly:

"Maybe I can't take my hand away."


Master Lituo naturally knew that the other party was asking for a high price.

"I will give you a satisfactory price as long as you complete the task."

"Of course, I have information about Aozaki Aoko—"

"It's really irresistible——"

The receiver was silent for several seconds. After hearing his sister's name, Aozaki Orange was obviously not in a good mood.

"give it to me."

————Aunt Himeko’s dividing line————

"It's really troublesome——"

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