These days, Wuliangta Jizi has been searching for traces of Su Theresa. Although she knows that the other party is still alive and even living quite coolly, if she is not cool, how can she have the mood and time to pile up her appearance on an uninhabited desert island? Giant avatar?

I originally thought that the other party was still on the deserted island. I searched for it for a whole day but couldn't find it. I had to fly a plane and search everywhere.

When Teresa used Judas to transform into a 400-meter sword and slashed the sea monster, Jizi detected the high-energy reaction. Unfortunately, by the time she came to find him, Teresa and Grandpa Mo Yi had already sailed away.

Even though she was flying a plane, Theresa and the others were flying wooden boats. In fact, the wooden boat made by Grandpa Mo Yi using various black technologies did not move much slower than Ji Zi's helicopter.

Missing again and again did not break Ji Ji's determination to find her girlfriend, until she was ordered by Tianming Headquarters to go to a cruise ship called the 'King Kong' to perform a temporary mission to protect a coffin.

God's coffin, isn't it just a coffin?

Rich people are hypocritical!

After Jizi complained, she still obeyed the order and carried out the task. As for Theresa's matter, she could only wait for the other party to take the initiative to bring up the matter, or wait for her to complete the task before she had time to find the other party.

——————Teresa’s dividing line————

"Ah sneeze——"

Theresa, who was sitting aside and doing nothing, suddenly had an itchy nose and sneezed.

"Theresa, are you okay?"

The first person to react was not Grandpa Mo Yi who was playing chess with Theresa, but Yae Sakura who had been instructing the special effects of the kendo department and always slipped in front of Theresa and Grandpa Mo Yi.

In fact, Musashi and Kojiro were also very surprised. Why did Yae Sakura become so gentle today? No matter her words and expressions when she was instructing them, or when she was actually fighting with them, she had an inexplicable gentleness. It was not like usual. Cold and strict.

They couldn't figure it out and had to attribute it to the fact that their aunt was here. After all, every girl has a few days every month that are different from usual.

While others can't stand anything they see and want to kick even a stone when they see it on the roadside, Yae Sakura is probably the opposite type to ordinary people.


Theresa took out the paper towel that Grandpa Mo Yi took out from the inventory, wiped it elegantly, and said:

"Maybe someone missed me."

Yae Sakura's eyes sharpened instantly and she said nervously:

"who is it?"

Teresa: "..."

Why is my new friend acting weird?

Since the other party asked, Theresa began to imagine who might miss her the most, and soon decided on Midori-sama and Himeko, and finally said:

"Probably one of my subordinates."

Teresa finally realized that she had forgotten something. Although she didn't want Mr. Midori to discover her traces, it would be better if Himeko didn't say anything and let the other party worry.

Although the other person always showed off his cow figure, which she couldn't bear to tolerate, after all, he was still her only friend in Destiny.

As soon as she thought of it, Theresa asked:

"Do you have a phone? I want to call a friend. The other person might still be worried about me."

"for you--"

Grandpa Mo Yi took out Theresa's mobile phone from behind and said:


"Oh, thank you--"

Theresa took it unceremoniously, then skillfully unlocked the door and dialed the phone——

Teresa: "???"

This phone looks very serious. Isn't it your own phone? !

"This is my phone?"'

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:


Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in Theresa's mind, and she remembered that Grandpa Mo Yi had the ability to have an inventory. Since his phone was on his body, other things, such as the most important collection of "Homu Adventure" Is the full version of the book also in the opponent's inventory?

Have you been sad for a while because of this?

Thinking of this, he immediately stared at Grandpa Mo Yi with dangerous eyes and asked:

"Is your luggage on you?"


Grandpa Mo Yi looked like he didn’t need to thank me, I’m wearing a red scarf, and said with a smile:

"You don't have time to take it at that time, so I'll hold it for you first."

Since you have my luggage, why didn't you tell me earlier?

In this way, I can contact others long ago. Why do I need to survive on a desert island for several days? !

Although she was still very happy thinking about those days, and she should be glad that she didn't get the contact device, but this was not the same problem.

After getting along with each other these days, she naturally figured out Mo Yi Laiye's bad taste. Whatever she didn't understand, the other party was deliberately teasing her.

Seeing Theresa wiping one hand on Judas beside her, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly took out those comic books, placed them in front of Theresa and said:

"Give your baby back."


In fact, at this time, everyone's attention was attracted by the conversation between Theresa and Grandpa Mo Yi.

Kiana came over very happily, ready to stretch out her hand to see what her aunt's so-called treasure was?

Teresa: "Don't move!!"

Damn it!

Theresa looked at Grandpa Mo Yi's innocent expression and guessed that the other party definitely did it on purpose!

How could someone find out that he likes reading comic books when he is so majestic? !

Chapter 468: Yae Sakura has no soul without fox ears

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