
With the release of the move name, Yae Sakura's slashing speed increased several times. In just two meters, an airtight sword energy network was intertwined and attacked Grandpa Mo Yi.

Grandpa Mo Yi also saw that this was Yae Sakura's last attack. Just like Bump Man, if the cross beam cannon can't kill the little monster in the end, he can happily hit GG.

Simply put, Grandpa Mo Yi's victory is to resist or dodge.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi, who originally planned to establish his authority as a teacher, wanted to win by defeating his opponent.

"It's Iai Slash——"

When Grandpa Mo Yi held the wooden sword to his left side and made a reaction gesture of sheathing the sword, Raiden Meiyi, who had practiced Beichen Itto Style since childhood and was very familiar with and good at Iai Slash, immediately guessed what Grandpa Mo Yi was going to do. Down move.

Beichen Itto-ryu is a style that emphasizes Iai Slashing, and Raiden Mei has the ability to control thunder and lightning. Thunder and lightning are not only the most violent elemental energy, but also the fastest energy, which can greatly improve the user's reaction nerves and speed.

Combining his own abilities and the schools he learned, Mei Raiden created his own move called the Super Electromagnetic Slash, the Iai Slash. It uses the acceleration and vibration of electromagnetic force to greatly increase the speed and destructive power of the Iai Slash. Even steel blocks can be used like this. It cuts like tofu without any hindrance.

In fact, she originally wanted to name it something simple and domineering like 'Raikiri', but she heard that there was a senior student at Tokyo Affiliated High School named Todo Touka who was also good at manipulating thunder and lightning and swordsmanship, and developed a move to use thunder and lightning. The move combined with Drawing Sword was first named 'Raikiri'.

In the end, she had to choose another name.

All in all, in the field of Iai Slash, in the Kendo Club, even Yae Sakura's super-high-speed draw slash is far inferior to hers.

"Iai Slash?"

Kiana murmured:

"Isn't this Mei Yi's best move?"

"Senior Mo Yi's Iai Slash is the fastest I have ever seen——"

Kiana, who had personally experienced how terrifying Raiden Mei was when she was angry, didn't quite believe it.

"Isn't it?"

"You'll know if it's that move just by looking at it."

Raiden Mei has extremely strong self-confidence in the Iai Sword. She believes that no one in the younger generation can surpass her in the ability to control electromagnetism. Until the last Hundred Schools Exchange Competition, she witnessed Mo Yi and Mianyue Yiji. of the final.

That move is considered the fastest sword-drawing slash among many kendo schools——

"Tianxiang Dragon Flash!"

When Grandpa Mo Yi read out the name of the move, the wooden sword in his hand had already completed the drawing and sheathing gestures.


Flashes all over the sky caused the sword light to instantly dissipate into countless light particles. Even the wooden sword in Yae Sakura's hand broke into two pieces under her disbelieving gaze.

"When did this happen?"

Yae Sakura brought the wooden knife in her hand to her eyes and looked carefully. The incision was sharp and it was obviously severed.

But in her eyes and perception, the other party clearly just read out the name of the move, and then his continuous slashes dissipated, but the break of the wooden knife in his hand clearly told her that this was the truth.

Breathing out a deep breath, after eliminating all possibilities, the seemingly most impossible possibility is the truth - the other party is in an area that you cannot observe, and you are so fast that you can complete the sword attack without any reaction.

"Master Mo Yi——."

Yae Sakura admitted defeat simply and neatly. She had originally planned to become a disciple. The stronger the opponent, wouldn't it prove that her choice was right?

"I lost"


Now when he heard his name being called master, Grandpa Mo Yi felt a pain in his back and quickly explained:

"Master, there's no need for anything like that."

"How about you call me Captain?"

"Captain, what?"

Yae Sakura tilted her head in a cute way and said:

"Why do you call me Captain? It feels so weird?"

It’s weird or something, you’ll feel better after a while, cough cough——

I accidentally got a little naughty, but actually this was all to fulfill Grandpa Mo Yi's wish. Since the touch system was cancelled, I can no longer enjoy Yae Sakura's 'Captain'.

I never expected that after so many years, my long-cherished wish would finally come true.

It seems that the live-action version may not be all bad.

"I was just joking—"

Grandpa Mo Yi came back to his senses and said with a smile:

"Senior Yae, you should call me Mo Yi, it's more natural."

"Oh well--"

Yae Sakura didn't force it. In District 11, you have a strict inheritance tradition for skills like swordsmanship. You can't just call him master.

Since the other party didn't agree, she didn't insist on it. Maybe the other party had some reasons or requirements from the master.

"Mo Yi, you can also call me Ying."


Hmm, I feel like I'm going to crash.

A BGM called "Bai of Flowers" slowly sounded in my ears.

"Okay, Yae-senpai."

In particular, Grandpa Mo Yi wanted to call the other party Xiaoba, or Yingyingying, which was too easy to be called Yingying, so it would have been better to reject it from the beginning, and in the end he chose a normal and polite name like Yae-senpai.

If you get to know each other better in the future, maybe you can change your nickname to something more interesting and cute.

Yae Sakura didn't correct her any further. She was really quite a Buddhist person when it came to trivial matters. After packing her things, she asked everyone to go back together, and then went back to simply change and wash up before coming out to gather for dinner.

"Oh yeah!"

After hearing that she could go back, Kiana was very happy and raised her hands in approval. She was starving after missing lunch!

Chapter 470: You know nothing about Xinyue Wu’s power!

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