Although Mouri Kogoro is very cheating, before Conan moved into his house, he was just a detective who jumped on the street. He couldn't resist that the other party had a good daughter, and then he had a primary school boy.

As the saying goes, once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win over countless people in the world!

It's about the frustrated detective Kogoro Mouri who meets the famous detective Kudo Shinichi who has become an elementary school student. Just like Sherlock Holmes and Watson, if Holmes discovers something is wrong and can't help but say something like "I see", the people around him How embarrassing it would have been if Watson hadn't responded by asking, "Did you also discover Hua Dian?"

To put it simply, this book just can’t be written anymore. Who can read it? A story in which the plot relies entirely on the protagonist talking to himself and his inner activities to promote the plot.

Hmm, "The Old Man and the Sea"?

Therefore, every time when Conan was anxious about a case, it was when Conan secretly helped Mouri Kogoro. Moori Kogoro was responsible for sitting on the sofa, pretending to have a deep expression, while Conan was responsible for hiding behind the other person, and then knocking him out with a sharp object. He then used a voice changer to tell the truth to the other party.

Afterwards, Mouri Kogoro solved the case without even knowing himself.

But is this really the case? !

Even though Mouri Kogoro looks so frustrated, he used his charm to conquer Maori Lan's mother, Concubine Eri.

Fei Yingri is a typical strong woman. She is an extremely famous female lawyer. Because of her undefeated record, she is also known as the "Queen of Legal Affairs". If you compare the appearance of Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro, you will know that Mao Li Lan's beauty was inherited from her mother.

How can a man who has no corresponding talents like such a talented, beautiful, and especially rational, calm and intelligent woman be rewarded with a beautiful woman?

Moreover, Mouri Kogoro has been knocked unconscious by Conan not once or twice, but hundreds of times. If he solves the case on his behalf, everyone will become suspicious!

Even if you are not suspicious, you still have to go to the hospital to check. Is there something wrong?

Especially since Mouri Kogoro's initial career was as a policeman, his former teammates either became elite detectives or became cadres. How could a pig mix among a group of foxes?

Isn't this too inconsistent?

It can be seen from this that Mouri Kogoro has long discovered that there is something wrong with Conan, and always thought that he was just pretending to be confused.

Perhaps it was initially to test what Conan, an unknown boy who had sneaked into his family, wanted to do.

You may just pretend to be stupid later. Anyway, you don't have to waste your brain cells because someone is working for you. How can there be such a good thing?

Of course, there is also a possibility that if you pretend to be a pig too many times, you will act stupid.

Once a person puts on a mask and lives his life, over time and eventually getting used to it, he will not be able to tell which one looks like his real self.

Just as Conan guessed, the District 11 police on the cruise ship indeed invited Mouri Kogoro, a famous detective who has become famous during this period, to assist in the investigation. After all, Moori Kogoro also has many fans in the detective world.

The police team in District 11 was in a certain room. After analyzing the information on hand, the leader, Takagi Wataru, asked Mouri Kogoro:

"Senior Maori, what do you think?"

Maori Kogoro:"···"

You ask me what I think, what can I do? I am also desperate? !

Didn’t you see that my little cotton-padded jacket, Little Conan, hasn’t shot me with a needle?

In fact, after listening to the police's analysis, he really didn't have any special ideas. He could only follow the suspects mentioned before.

Pointing to the three people on the file, especially the portrait of Grandpa Mo Yi, he boldly speculated and analyzed seriously:

"These three people who temporarily boarded the ship to register are undoubtedly the most likely."

He first pointed at Bronya’s head and said:

"She was the one who died seven days ago. This is confirmed by the ship's doctor's medical certificate."

Then put it on the photos of Theresa and Grandpa Mo Yi, and said:

"And the two of them registered again this morning, and the reason was even more ridiculous. The registration was wrong at first, but they were found to have made it up later."

"However, it is obviously not a simple matter to kill a victim, Nobuyuki Sugo, and then hang up the other gang leader and poison the other party with medicine. Whether it is strength, wisdom or crime tools, he is obviously not a person who appears at first glance. Things that a little girl of twelve or thirteen can do.”

"Excluding all impossibilities, what remains is the greatest possibility——"

"That's him, Mo Yi, a high school student from Fuyuki City in District 11!"

"Just imagine, it's still school time. A high school student with a heavy workload, instead of studying hard in school and working hard to get into his ideal university, appears on a cruise like this. It's very strange no matter how you think about it."

"As expected of Senior Maori, this analysis is perfect!"

"I think it's ok-"

The idiot fans in the team responded one after another.

Conan, who was so stubborn and hard to beat, didn't know how to keep complaining.

You idiot fans, can't you speak up and use your brains more?

It can be a yarn!

If the other party was really the murderer, why did he have to wait until today before committing the murder to fill in the registration information? At first he boarded the ship to hide like ordinary people, or he never registered and hid on the ship like a ghost. Isn't that good?

And if a high school student appears here, he must not be a good person? What misunderstandings do you have about high school students?

As far as I know, Ran and her friend Yuhina Akijo are high school students. Are they suspicious?

I'm really worried about the future of the police community in District 11.

The leader, Takagi Sheba, looked gloomy and didn't know what he was thinking. After thinking for several seconds, he said:

"In this case, let's find this high school student named Mo Yi to assist in the investigation. The progress of other investigations cannot be delayed."

As an elite criminal policeman, Wataru Takagi could naturally see that it was extremely unlikely that the high school student named Mo Yi was the murderer. With his IQ and experience in handling cases, he could not think of linking the men in black organization on the ship to this murderous case. It's difficult, there is most likely a connection between the two.

The purpose of the men in black organization is nothing more than to kill people and silence them, or to distract the police from tracking them down.

Combined with the environment of the first scene, no matter how you think about it, you are playing some exciting games. The victim was tied up voluntarily and then tortured and killed at will. So the murderer must be a woman. Takagi Wataru thought of two men playing those games. The exciting game makes everyone feel bad.

Although there are many perverts in District 11, it cannot be such a coincidence.

Moreover, potions are the favorite method of the Men in Black organization——

Of course, he would agree to his subordinate's suggestion and ask the high school student named Mo Yi to investigate, in order to paralyze the men in black organization and make the other party think that the plan had succeeded and lower their vigilance.

——————Grandpa Mo Yi: This is the dividing line where you seek death——————

After Yae Sakura gave the order to disband, everyone went back to their rooms to take a shower and change clothes. On such a special day, normal people would sweat, let alone girls. Even Musashi and Kojiro would take a shower if they had the choice. Take a shower and then eat.

Don't think that boys must be sloppy, this is prejudice!

In fact, many single men's rooms are cleaner and tidier than those of single women.

It's a good thing to go back and take a shower first, but now there is still a problem that needs to be solved before we can disband and go back to the room to do what we should do.

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