————Asuna’s dividing line————

What happened today really made Asuna feel tired.

Although she didn't like Sugou Nobuyuki, the fact that he was brutally killed still made her feel very uncomfortable. The person she could see in the morning was gone.

And later, Xiaolan also mentioned that there was something wrong with her mother, which made Asuna feel a knot in her heart. After a series of tactful tests, nothing serious happened in the end.

After all, she also knows that every woman has a few days every month when she is particularly neurotic, and her mother seems to be on these days this month as well. Coupled with the incident involving Nobuyuki Sugou, it is a bit abnormal, but it is also normal.

However, she still couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Is her mother the murderer, or is her mother being pretended to be someone else, or does she know something? In short, all kinds of strange ideas pop up.

Dragging her tired body and confused mind, Asuna walked to her room, but she didn't notice that the door number in the upper right corner of the room door handle she placed her hand on was not her room B401, but B402.

I subconsciously turned the door and it opened. I was wondering, did I lock the door when I went out today?

Then he walked in.

"forget about it--"

Asuna closed the door, shook her dizzy head vigorously, patted her pretty face gently with both hands, and said to herself:

"It's useless to think so much, why not find a way to investigate tonight!"

After the same thing happened, Asuna walked to the bathroom, ready to wash her face and feel refreshed.

"Goodbye then, Illya-chan."

After telling Illya about his affairs and that it would take some time to return to Fuyuki City, Grandpa Mo Yi waited for the other party to hang up the phone and continued to soak in hot water.

But not long after, there was a sound of opening the bathroom door next to me.

(The bathrooms and toilets in many rooms are connected together. At most, there is an extra layer of glass-like partitions. Compared with the blocking function, the role of glass partitions is more for fun. Well, the author's investigation of common hotel apartments concluded .)

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

It seemed that he just pushed the door casually and closed the door without locking it.

Grandpa Mo Yi really didn't pay much attention to the issue of whether it was locked or not. Could it be that in broad daylight, someone would dare to break into my room and do strange and indescribable things to me? !

Of course, he also wants to leave some opportunities for the girls. This habit is probably the habit of staying at Emiya's house. Even with the door closed, how can Sister-chan, Illya and the others carry out night raids!

The moment the door opened, Grandpa Mo Yi began to boldly guess who was coming——

Theresa, who is not used to the room being too empty without her company?

Or is it Yae Ying who suddenly wants to ask her about swordsmanship and is very anxious and impatient?

there is only one truth--

Chapter 471: Asuna stays tonight

Human beings' deepest obsessions, such as dreams, revenge, love, and inheritance, are things that can be called the meaning of life. What makes people enjoy and persevere the most is often not the ending, but the process of pursuit.

No matter what it is, it has a time limit, and after the flowering period, it will wither.

Grandpa Mo Yi's mood at the moment was also the same.

He kept lying on his back, watching curiously, who dared to break into his room, whether it was Theresa, Yae Sakura, or just a thief.

Just like a piece of chocolate, you never know what it tastes like until you eat it.


The glass door was pushed open directly, and a girl with chestnut hair walked in. Although she only had a profile, Grandpa Mo Yi recognized her true identity instantly.

That's not Yuhina Akijo, but she can be Asuna. Of course, she was tricked by Grandpa Mo Yi into accepting the nickname Honzina? !

The other party had no precautions against Grandpa Mo Yi, no worries, and entered his eyes again in such a rough way. All I could really say was that he never expected it.

According to the plot of King's Way, not all beautiful girls are taking a bath. From what I see, it seems that the handsome guy of the male protagonist has accidentally barged in, and then reaped a lot of benefits, and also inserted the flag of the strategy!

Why did you think you were doing the opposite?

Could it be that Asuna is the male protagonist?

However, the other party didn't seem to notice the situation in the bathroom that was separated from the washbasin, and naturally didn't notice a pair of bright eyes staring at her.

Exhausted and confused, Asuna just wanted to wash her face and wake herself up, and she did the same.

After wiping her pretty face hard several times, Asuna raised her head, looked at herself in the mirror, and said to herself:

"Come on, Asuna!"

Then he gently pulled the corners of his mouth with both hands to make a funny smile, and then made himself laugh without Grandpa Mo Yi being able to understand, and then ended the matter of grooming himself.

Seeing this, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know whether he should laugh or not.

Sure enough, maybe you miss her so much that you can't even look her in the eyes once you lick her. When you are alone, she is just a goddess.


At this time, Asuna finally realized that something was wrong. Why was the surrounding area filled with smoke?

Then, when he turned around and took a look, he met a pair of bright and deep eyes, as well as a slightly sly smile on the other person's face.

The atmosphere suddenly became anxious——

As a boy and a host, Grandpa Mo Yi took the initiative and enthusiastically raised his right hand with bubbles on it, smiling:

"Long time no see, Asuna."

"It's been a long time... a ghost!"

With no idea in her mind, Asuna responded subconsciously, but she quickly came to her senses and looked a little crazy and said:

"Why are you here!!?"

"Still taking a shower?"

"I'm taking a shower in my room, what's the matter-"

The development of the matter is somewhat different from mine. According to the script, the other party should not shyly run out immediately, close the door, and use intermittent words to explain to himself on the other side of the door. Well, before leaving, he should also give a loud surprise. Shout!

The current reaction is too dull!

Moreover, you even omit the gesture of covering your eyes with your fingers, which is too much.

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