Grandpa Mo Yi, who failed to trick him, said with some disappointment:

"By the way, Asuna, when will you see her, even I will be shy, probably."

After Grandpa Mo Yi said this, Asuna reacted, walked out quickly, closed the door, and restored the script to Grandpa Mo Yi's imagination. She didn't know whether to leave directly or stay, her tone was a little strange, maybe It was a complex emotion mixed with shame and anger, and he cursed secretly:

"I can't tell you are shy at all, Hundan."

Grandpa Mo Yi's unmotivated reply came from the door:

“Because my reaction nerves are a bit busy”

Asuna: "..."

I believe you!

Although Asuna knew from previous interactions that Grandpa Mo Yi was not as honest as she thought, what happened just now still greatly refreshed her outlook!

Even though she didn't see anything, it was very exciting for a young girl like her to see a man taking a shower for the first time.

Well, the trouble that lingered in her heart not long ago was thrown away for the time being.


After Asuna took a deep breath, she took a good look at the surrounding environment. She was sure that this was indeed not her room. Her luggage was not there, and even the furnishings and layout of the room were slightly different.

Asuna's face turned redder after she figured out what happened to you.

This time, it seems that I am in the wrong!

If she could, she really wanted to run away.

Why is it the other party? But after thinking about it, Asuna felt that fortunately it was the other party, but if it was someone else, it would be even worse!

That’s not right, what happened to me! There should have never been such a shameful thing.

Soon, Asuna remembered the time she made faces in front of the mirror to make herself smile, and her shame doubled. She looked around to see if there were any handy tools, such as hatchets and chainsaws. She picked them up and rushed in to kill the opponent. , and then he would die to apologize.

Grandpa Mo Yi seemed to have guessed what Asuna was thinking, and said with a smile on the other side of the door:

"It's just that you walked into the wrong room. It's not a big deal. I'll forgive you at most."

Asuna: "..."

This sounds fine, but why did my shame become even deeper after listening to it?

Next, Grandpa Mo Yi added:

"You looked very cute just now. I feel healed."

Asuna: "..."

Can't you just pretend you didn't see it? !

"Ah♂, shut up——"

In the end, Asuna had no choice but to give up the treatment and press her ears so that she could pretend that the other party had no explanation and found nothing.

A good minute passed. This long minute, at least to Asuna's subjective opinion, was long.

"I'm coming out——"

Suddenly, Mo Yi Lao's voice came from the door.


Asuna's mind once again pictured the other person lying on the bathtub, and she thought of many plots in one second that made her blush.

Should she resist or obey? Shakespeare also said that this is a problem.

However, her opinion was of no use. Grandpa Mo Yi had already completed the one-click change of clothes at this time. He pulled the glass door and walked out, preparing to scare the other person and tease him again.

But Asuna, who was leaning against the glass door, didn't react, so she fell into the door, and Grandpa Mo Yi helped her.

"How could you just—" without any clothes on?

Asuna spoke out her fantasy naturally, but after looking up to see Grandpa Mo Yi's gaze, she realized that she was thinking too much and stopped talking in the middle of the sentence. But even without saying it, the two of them would know what it meant.

Asuna: "..."

What on earth are you doing today! Why are you so unlucky and always making a fool of yourself?

When she and Grandpa Mo Yi looked at each other, Asuna's whole body was stained with a layer of bright red, and it was very hot. What kind of shame can make people look like they have a high fever.

At this time, Asuna just chose to do the ostrich thing of inserting her head into the beach, lying motionless in Mo Yi's arms, covering her pretty face with her long chestnut hair.

"Bang, bang..."

Asuna, who was leaning in Mo Yi's arms, could clearly feel the other person's heart. One after another, it was strong and powerful. It was completely different from hearing her own heartbeat. It seemed that every time it beat, her own heart was also being beaten. Get out of your own rhythm and follow the other person.

It's not the same thing to hold each other in your arms all the time. The relationship between the two has not yet reached the level where they can simply hug and cuddle and enjoy each other's body temperature and heartbeat in silence for twenty or thirty minutes.

Grandpa Mo Yi used his skill to push forward, allowing the other party to stand upright again, and then smiled slyly:

"It seems that Asuna, you have some bold ideas——"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Asuna regained her footing and could finally breathe comfortably again. She had been suffocating just now.

But after leaving the powerful heartbeat and embrace, she felt a little inexplicably lost, but she quickly covered up the loss and showed an angry look. The villain complained first:

"Mo Yi, why don't you close the door! Don't you know that in places like hotels, you have to develop a good habit of closing the door easily? Fortunately, it was me this time. What if it's a bad guy? Don't think that boys are necessarily safe. You know, lately... There are often criminal gangs that stun others and cut their internal organs——"

"This is a very bad habit. Remember to change it next time!"

Asuna, who became more and more imposing as she spoke, put her hands on her waist, showed a ferocious expression, and corrected her seriously:

"Do you remember?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Well, in fact, Grandpa Mo Yi also saw through it. This was Asuna's last-minute idea to change the subject, especially the mother-like look in the other party's eyes that seemed to be strong but actually panicked. Yasuna had been deeply betrayed. Sina felt guilty at the moment.

Grandpa Mo Yi is very familiar with this blunt topic-changing technique, and he has already reached the maximum level of familiarity in countless Shura fields.

I knew all this, but I didn’t say anything, and even cooperated with the other party, making the other party think that they had been successfully deceived.


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