After seeing Grandpa Mo Yi nodding and accepting the instruction, Asuna finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although she knew what happened before and the other party must remember it clearly, it would not be so embarrassing if everyone didn't mention it.

After successfully changing the topic, Asuna asked instead:

"Mo Yi, why are you here? Didn't you go to England to travel?"


After he left Fuyuki City, he also received calls from the other party, exchanged messages, and promised to bring gifts to the other party.

Since the other party asked, Grandpa Mo Yi would briefly explain the experience of encountering a plane crash, then living on a desert island, and finally coming to this ship and meeting a friend he knew.

Although it was very brief, Asuna was still extremely surprised by Grandpa Mo Yi's words, especially when the other party encountered a plane crash or something, but fortunately the other party survived, which is more important than anything else.

I met Grandpa Mo Yi at the 100-school exchange competition, and the two have always kept in touch. Well, because Tongzi joined Muse and became the tenth king among the nine kings of Muse. Asuna, as the other party's best friend, Of course, they accompany each other to participate in Muse's group activities whenever they have time. Grandpa Mo Yi is Muse's official mentor, so the two must meet often.

Whether it was a coincidence or intentional is something only God knows. (It’s hard to say whether Sister-chan knows this, but she will definitely hit someone if she finds out.)

It's just that they just maintain the relationship of ordinary friends. At least that's what Asuna thinks. It's not that she doesn't like her. In fact, the reason for each meeting is Muse's training or activities. Minami Kotori is also there, even though Minami Kotori She has a gentle temperament, but she is the kind of girl who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Once she decides on something, she will not give up so easily. Not to mention, she has the nickname "Black Bird".

For example, during the break and dinner after the event, it would be okay if everyone sat casually, but once Asuna happened to be sitting next to Grandpa Mo Yi, he occupied the other side with the help of his good friend, and came down for lunch normally. She just pulled Asuna to talk. If she didn't know the reason, she would have thought that among the twelve people, she and Asuna had the best relationship.

Asuna is naturally not the kind of girl who will change her mind casually because of others. You have to try something to know whether it fits you or whether you like it or not.

But she still complained secretly because of such things, but she was embarrassed to ask the other person out alone, and there was no very appropriate reason.

Shouldn't it be the boys who take the initiative in this kind of thing?

With a little emotion in her heart, she wanted to give Grandpa Mo Yi some good looks, but before the plan could be implemented, he went on a trip without saying a word, which made Asuna extremely depressed.

At first, she didn't want to go on a business trip with her mother, especially when Nobuyuki Sugou was also there, but thinking that Mo Yi was away and looking a little bored, she just agreed to it as a trip.

I just didn't expect that I would meet each other again on a relaxing trip, and I can only say "wonderful".

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's experience, the two of them finally changed from the awkward atmosphere before to the kind of natural atmosphere where they get along with each other in a way that is similar to that of 'the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water'.

Asuna also forgot about the revenge plan she made more than a week ago, and even had an illusion. Not only did not seeing each other for many days not close the distance between the two, but it actually shortened the distance between them.

Well, it was probably the drawbridge effect of the bathroom incident just now.

The two of them chatted and joked for a while, but Asuna suddenly remembered something and said sheepishly:

"What's the room number here?"

Grandpa Mo Yi thought for a while and said:

"If I remember correctly, it should be B402."


Asuna once again confirmed that she had gone to the wrong room in a daze, and suddenly realized:

"I live next door in B401——"

"I made an appointment with my best friend, a female best friend, to have dinner together. It's almost time."

Grandpa Mo Yi, who heard the elegant meaning of Xian, smiled and said:

"Actually, I've also made an appointment with my friends to have dinner together later. That's it for now, and we'll make an appointment later when you have time?"


Just chat with someone with high emotional intelligence. If it is a straight man, the other person will definitely reply, "Then why don't you leave?"

But Asuna was a little worried. The man's mouth meant that he just finished speaking and then forgot about it the next day!

The pretty face came closer to Mo Yi, staring fiercely and cutely, and emphasized:

"I'm not saying any polite words. I haven't settled the accounts of what happened before, so don't forget it!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Shouldn't it be me who comes to settle accounts with you?

It's obvious that you walked into the wrong room and peeked at my master's vigorous figure. How come it's my fault?

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi would not seek death by exposing the other party's reasons at this time. Wouldn't that be seeking death?

Asuna is a woman known as a violent priest.

"I must remember-"

"That's good--"

After seeing the other party nodding obediently, Asuna turned around with satisfaction, casually covering up her blushing face again due to her boldness.

"See you tonight then."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Well, I successfully got important information again. It turns out that I am not free, but refer to tonight specifically. It seems to have triggered a specific plot - 'Fit stays tonight', and a war for the broken cup is about to resume. now.

Looking at the other person's back, Grandpa Mo Yi always felt that he should say something at this time, and he quickly realized -

"Asuna, you are dressed beautifully today."

Yes, it can be seen that the other party has been carefully dressed up. It is different from the usual female high school uniforms, and the whole person is a bit more mature.

Unexpectedly, the other party noticed her whim of dressing up when she went out. Asuna was embarrassed to turn around and reply because of what she said before, so she could only pretend to be annoyed and asked:

"Are the clothes the only ones that are beautiful?"


Asuna didn't expect that she would say such a classic line subconsciously. No matter how you look at it, it will make the atmosphere anxious♂ strange words.

No, I am only a high school student. If I give birth to a child so soon, I will die socially!

Grandpa Mo Yi did not expect that the other party would ask such a question. In fact, the other party did not answer like this, and Grandpa Mo Yi did not notice that he said such a classic line.

Since you have already hit the float, I have no choice but to catch it and hit it back. Hashirama, bah, it’s Asuna.

"No, you're beautiful too—"

"The clothes look good because of you."

"Poor mouth——"

After Asuna received the satisfactory and expected answer, her steps became lighter. She was happy but reluctant to leave Grandpa Mo Yi's room at the last speed.

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