I didn't feel much when I saw such plots in movies or novels before, but it was too shameful to put it on myself.

If the other party catches up at this time, he may not be able to resist. If he is lucky, something very shocking will really happen, ah!

As Asuna walked halfway and was about to reach the door, there was a knock on the door. For Asuna, this was no less than a bolt from the blue!

Then, Musashi's voice came again:

"Boss Mo Yi, have you packed your things? It's almost time to gather."

Asuna was stunned at first, and then her brain was like a restarted supercomputer. In an instant, she used the speed of 'Flash Asuna' to the limit, rushed directly to Grandpa Mo Yi, grabbed it with her powerful hands, and burst out with a burst of energy that was not in line with her delicate body. The strength of his body dragged Grandpa Mo Yi up.

Chapter 472: When Grandpa Mo Yi met Conan

The farewell and agreement, which were originally poetic and picturesque, were forcibly broken by Musashi and Kojiro who suddenly appeared outside the door. Asuna was able to react instantly and did not stay there like others, at a loss. Very good.

Well, although her reaction was a bit strange——

But considering how panicked she was now and her guilty conscience, Grandpa Mo Yi could probably understand.

What came from outside the door this time was Kojiro’s shout:

"Boss, can you hear me? Are you still taking a shower?"

at this time. Asuna, who had activated her hidden ultimate move 'Prehistoric Power', was already so tough that she pulled Mo Yi away and prepared to hide in the favorite place of the hero and heroine in countless horror movies - under the bed.

Doesn't Asuna know that in the world of horror movies, there are three places in a room where you can't hide?

The first is, of course, the bottom of the bed, because you never know which ghost will land on its head, feet, or lying flat when it is doing free fall.

If it is a normal way of death, hiding in a place with no escape route like under the bed is not impossible. As long as you are more confident in your meditation skills and character, you have a high chance of survival. After all, the ghost dance in the horror movie is just They are elusive, not as witty as a mouse, and have a pair of eyes that are good at discovery. Their expressions are often mechanical and stiff. At most, they just tilt their heads 360 degrees. It is difficult to imagine that they can't find anyone. I deliberately squatted down and looked down at the bottom of the bed.

But if you die due to free fall, especially if your head hits the ground, then hiding under the bed is asking for death.

Because when the other party comes to look for someone, he always walks with his body turned upside down, figuratively speaking, with his head on the ground and his feet on top. If he hides under the bed, he is obviously deceiving himself and others. In addition, there is no room to dodge under the bed. At this time, the opponent only needs to gently stretch out his gentle hands to get the first kill and first blood.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi has a reliable way to judge whether this is the case, that is, when the other party comes to catch you, the sound of walking is "bang bang bang", because no matter how strong your head is, it will hit the ground. Sometimes, there will be a sound. When everyone encounters the corresponding situation, I hope to be able to think of it. The result may be useless, but the survival time should be increased by one or two minutes.

As for the other two places where you can’t hide, they are in front of the TV. I’ve seen model worker Sadako’s performance and knows all about it.

If you don’t understand, don’t ask. If you ask, you don’t understand——

Another thing is in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Whether in the East or the West, mirrors serve as psychic objects in Chinese and Western cultures, and are ritual objects that can attract people's minds.

There is no need to explain anything, just let yourself look in the mirror for five minutes, and you will feel chilled. The more you look at it, the more you feel that the person in the mirror does not look like you, and you begin to wonder whether the other person has his own consciousness and is turning away from you. What kind of expression does the other person have when he or she is not looking at him?

Is there a reflection world in the mirror that is completely different from the real world?

Well, so the mirror killing has become an enduring classic plot in horror movies.

Of course, seeing Asuna who was full of momentum and didn't give Grandpa Mo Yi any time to explain, Grandpa Mo Yi was dragged away by the other party sincerely, as long as the other party liked her.

However, when Asuna came to the bed, she realized that it was a solid wooden bed. Simply put, there was no such thing as a bed bottom unless it was broken open with brute force.

Seeing this, Asuna couldn't help but complain:

"TVs are all lies!"

After that, he dragged Grandpa Mo Yi, who had given up, to the bathroom. After setting up the glass door, bathroom door, and all kinds of things that could block it, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself:

"This should be okay, right?"

Then he let go of Grandpa Mo Yi and explained with an embarrassed look:

"You can talk back to them now."

"Can you say you are taking a shower and ask them to leave first?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Asuna, you are such an elf, you even thought out your lines for yourself.

But, you are hiding, why do you want to take me away too?

Wouldn't it be better to let yourself stay outside to deal with the other party and fool others into leaving?

In particular, have they done anything, and there is nothing wrong with them. The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful. Why can't they appear in the room at the same time? Modern society is not as popular as ancient feudal ethics. As long as men and women are found secretly A society where you can be arrested and imprisoned in a pig cage once you meet. If you hide in this way, you will be fine and you will be in trouble. This is obviously a guilty conscience!

However, Grandpa Mo Yi chose to keep this matter in his heart.

Asuna would have such a reaction. Firstly, her mind did not turn around for a while. Secondly, she regarded Grandpa Mo Yi as one of her own. Thirdly, she naturally had something evil in her heart and felt guilty about being a thief.

"Musashi-san, Kojiro-san——"

Grandpa Mo Yi followed Asuna's advice obediently and responded loudly:

"I'm still taking a shower-"

"Well, some special circumstances have arisen and it will take some time. How about you go first and I can go there by myself later."

"Special case?"

Musashi and Kojiro outside the door quickly realized, um, they automatically figured out the standard answer, smiled like fellow-minded people, and muttered:

"I thought that academic masters like Mr. Mo Yi were different from tall, rich and handsome people. Well, just like goddesses don't need to eat or go to the toilet-"

"They were wrong. It turns out that the other party would do some physically and mentally pleasurable exercises like them, while taking a bath."

Musashi and Kojiro, who thought they had figured it out, answered loudly and understandingly:

"Then let's go first."

Asuna: "??"

Asuna thought that the other party would still be entangled for a while, but she didn't expect it to be so smooth. What's the reason?

As a friend, when Mo Yi encounters a special situation, shouldn't he ask something like 'what's going on' or 'needs help'?

Could it be that this is the so-called plastic friendship, fox friends and dog friends.

Asuna had a cute and puzzled look on her face, which of course could not be hidden from Grandpa Mo Yi's sharp eyes, but it was really hard to explain this matter.

Enlightenment means understanding, asking means lack of understanding.

As a certain president said, young people should not think too much and just do whatever they want.

So Grandpa Mo Yi chose to pretend to be confused and said with a smile:

"They should leave."

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