
The bathroom area is not large. After all, it is used for bathing and not as a kitchen for cooking. It is also said that the land area of ​​a cruise ship is already tight.

The two people standing inside the glass door were looking at each other almost face to face. In addition to the series of things that happened before, Asuna couldn't think about it too much. After all, she was just a person who just wanted to A girl in love.

What about that girl who is not pregnant?

After Asuna responded, she looked away, opened the glass door, and walked with small steps like she was running away in surprise.

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and followed him up. He watched the other party walk to the peephole of the door. After looking carefully for a while to make sure no one was there, he came to the door neatly and strode out.

"Bye first, Mo Yijun."

Then, where is the stiffness...

Grandpa Mo Yi: "???"

What's wrong with this time?

So he, who had never known what "Congxin" was, followed him. Asuna didn't oppose the organization anyway, right?


It wasn't that Asuna didn't stop her, but that she was stunned and didn't react.

When Grandpa Mo Yi walked out of the door, he found a woman who looked a little familiar, especially the woman with a handsome and aggressive hairstyle that could be compared to the original Yu-Gi-Oh!. Grandpa Mo Yi thought of the other person's face. Identity - Mao Lilan.

Then there was the Shinigami elementary school student who was following the opponent, but was ignored by Mo Yi because of his height, but after noticing his presence, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air - Edogawa Conan.


Mao Lilan was obviously a little confused. She looked up and saw that the house number B402 was correct, and then looked at Asuna who looked hopeless. She used to look at her with meaningful eyes... the boy next to Conan.

Hammering his right hand on his left, he suddenly realized and said with a wicked smile:

"Asuna, I just happened to have dinner with you——"

"Why don't you introduce your friends?"

Seeing the opponent's serious posture, Asuna guessed what the opponent was thinking. At this time, she just wanted to cover her face with her hands and pretend that nothing happened.

What can she do? She is also desperate!

I thought I had avoided Mo Yi's friends, but as soon as I opened the door, I bumped into my best friend. This script was written by some third-rate screenwriter!

What was the purpose of her previous efforts? It was better to just leave gracefully.


Asuna coughed slightly, and instantly transformed into an upper class lady, exuding an elegant temperament, and introduced in a formulaic way:

"This is my friend Mo Yi——"

Then he introduced Maori Landao:

"This is my good friend Mao Lilan."

It's just that Asuna's performance can't fool Mao Lilan, who made her debut on the set of detective dramas. If the other party behaves like this, the problem will be explained more. Well, explaining is tantamount to covering up.

After a brief introduction, Asuna pushed Grandpa Mo Yi back into the room with a polite smile and was about to say something special, and explained:

"Mo Yijun is still busy with a lot of things, so we won't disturb you and go and do your work!"

After that, he looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with a pitiful look in a blind corner where Mao Lilan couldn't see him. After blinking, he helped him close the door.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

As long as you like it——

After closing the door for Grandpa Mo Yi, Asuna showed a hearty smile, trying to be cute and said:

"Xiaolan, please wait for a moment. I'll go out after I get those things back."

However, Asuna's disguised teammate Mao Lilan is completely useless. The more Asuna behaves like this, the more it proves that there must be something fishy!

Mao Lilan, who had already seen through everything, smiled meaningfully, which made Asuna feel more and more uneasy. Her posture when she took out the door card and opened the door became much stiffer.


Asuna, who successfully took out the room card, breathed a sigh of relief. At least there was no bloody plot where her room card was accidentally left in Mo Yi's room, otherwise it would be hard to explain later.

"I'll be back as soon as I go."

Asuna quickly opened the door and walked in. Just as she was about to close the door, Asuna was struck by the equally agile and skilled Taijutsu expert Mao Lilan, who stretched out her hand to hold the door, and then slipped in smoothly. Finally, she did not forget to turn back to Conan and said:

‘Conan, please wait here and don’t move around. I’ll go to Asuna’s sister’s room to borrow a bathroom and come out soon. ’

Conan: "..."

Xiaolan, are you lying to a child?

Do you think you can't see through the fire of gossip burning in your body?

Women, women, can’t escape the love of gossip——

"Yeah, I know, sister."

Conan happened to have some ideas. After Mao Lilan walked away, just as he wanted, he pretended to be a good child and nodded in response:

"I will stand here obediently."

Reassured, Mao Lilan closed the door with satisfaction and caught up with Asuna who wanted to escape to the bathroom.


Asuna, who was blocked in front, twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled awkwardly:

"Since you are in a hurry, Xiaolan, you go ahead."


Mao Lilan crossed his arms in front of him, with a fierce look on his face to force a confession, and sneered:

"Why don't you let me recruit you from the ground?"

Asuna: "..."

Knew it would be like this - AWSL!

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