"Is it the childhood sweetheart Mao Lilan, or the Huiyuan Ai who shares the joys and sorrows together?"


Okay, Conan finally understands what the ‘Ke Ai Party’ is.

The only one I like is Xiaolan, so why does it involve Huiyuan Ai.

And how could anyone be so bored as to spy on someone?

"Ahem, I'm still a child."

This kind of thing is too early for both Kudo Shinichi as a high school student and Edogawa Conan as an elementary school student.

What's more, I'm not ashamed to talk to Mo Yi, who I just met and has an unknown origin.

"Don't talk nonsense. You can even take a shower with a girl, and you still tell me you're a child?"

Grandpa Mo Yi's right hand flashed with lightning again, and he complained dissatisfiedly:

"It looks like you need electroshock therapy."

"Don't worry, under my control, you will only feel pain, not any harm."

"After all, this master is not an unreasonable devil."

Conan: "..."

This guy is an absolute devil!

Facing the crackling lightning, Conan's body's genes were engraved with the fear of thunder and lightning that humans have had since ancient times. He quickly got up from his heart and said slightly faster:

"I take a shower with my future wife, what's wrong?"

Well, this was said so tactfully, Grandpa Mo Yi understood it instantly.


He said with hatred of iron and steel:

"You dumb soul, do you know how much Xiao Ai has put in and how hard she works!"

"Just like Sherlock Holmes can't live without Watson, how can Conan live without Haibara Ai!"

Very embarrassed Conan: "..."

as long as you are happy.

In the end I could only defend weakly:

"Edogawa Conan is Kudo Shinichi, and Kudo Shinichi can always be Kudo Shinichi."

"You're taking too much care."


Grandpa Mo Yi snorted coldly and argued righteously:

"What I represent at this moment is not only myself, but also the thousands of years of Ke Ai Party——"

"I tell you, people like you who dare to go against thousands of people will have to die to apologize!"

Conan: God damn it, I still want Lan Ai to blossom and create a world where no one will be hurt!

PS: The name "Master Yakumo's Bizarre Adventure" is not acceptable. Well, I just thought about it. Does even the editor know the formula that Yakumo is approximately equal to eighteen? In the end, I could only choose a name that no one would think of as "The Two-Dimensional Life Starting in Fuyuki City."

Hey, the author’s bacteria also want to bloom 1

Chapter 474: Grandpa Mo Yi’s Lolita Theory

Why does this happen?

Obviously he came after Xiao Ai, and it was his first intimate contact with Conan.

According to the theorem that childhood sweethearts are defeated by things sent from the sky, plus the three laws of "all the pear, pear conscience, and no silver", the final victory should theoretically be Haiyuan Ai's 100%! !

"I'm not, I'm useless, don't talk nonsense!"

Coupled with Grandpa Mo Yi's coercion and inducement, Kudo Shinichi, who turned back into an adult, had some bold ideas in his heart, but his face was still as holy as a pilgrim, and he said firmly:

"I have my whole heart for Xiaolan!"

"As for Xiao Ai, that's not the case at all!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

You call me "Xiao Ai" with such an affectionate name, how dare you say that it's not the case?

But it's understandable. In the love story of District 11's world view, it seems that only those "gentlemen" who understand the way of "Asashi" can survive to the finale and achieve the goal of "You are all my wings" Achievement.

And for those who dare to 'have fun' or 'make the final choice' in the middle of the plot, the results will not be good.

For example, a certain brother Makoto boiled the kettle to get hot water, such as a certain brother Haru who was not old enough, and another example was Kousaka Kyosuke who broke off our relationship with Nakano, and I lived and died with the black cat, and sent him to Germany to treat his broken leg.

"Rotten wood cannot be carved—"

Grandpa Mo Yi was compassionate, mourned his misfortune, and was angry that he would not fight:

"You chose Otome instead of Lolita, you heretic!"

"Have you not heard the amazing words of many great men?"

"Loli is power (Bacon); natural selection, loli survives (Darwin); people can be eliminated, but loli can't live without loli (Hemingway); wildfire cannot be blown away, but loli blows and regenerates (a certain tree man) ; Success is a Lolita, failure is also a Lolita (Hong Mai); Lolita knows no boundaries (McMajue); If a threesome is together, there must be me, Lolita Yan (Confucian saint); Cute or cute, very cute (Laozi) ; The lolita control heart is known to everyone on the road (a certain tree man); pay tribute to the great lolita (rabbit); I am cute, so I am (Decartes); I want to be moved by every lolita in my life (Camille) ); with Lolita, things come true (Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty)..."

Grandpa Mo Yi spoke a series of modified famous sayings like the name of a dish, only making Conan doubtful about life. The other party's affirmation was casual and contagious, as if he was talking about common sense, making Conan gradually I wonder if what I learned before is all fake.

It seems that what the other party said is the ordinary truth...that's weird!

At this moment, Conan finally understood that the other party was determined to catch Haibara Ai. It turned out that the other party was a terrifying group called lolicon.


Facing Grandpa Mo Yi's right hand that was still shining with lightning, Conan decided to make a strategic retreat. Although he still had many things to ask, if he stayed any longer, he always felt that he would be treated with electric shock by the other party, filling himself with positive energy. The three views are distorted.

"Xiaolan is almost out, so I'll go back first, otherwise the other party will get suspicious."

After that, it was time to open the door and take a walk.

Just as he said, Mao Lilan had come out of Asuna's room. With a rosy face and an unconcealed sense of satisfaction, Mao Lilan happily opened the door.

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