But after opening the door, he found that Conan, whom he had warned him about, was not in front of the door.

He even told the other party to stand in front of the door and wait for him, but he actually slipped away without knowing where he was.

Mao Lilan pressed her forehead wordlessly to make her head relax a little. This kind of thing had happened not once or twice, so she was not in a hurry.

Mao Lilan is still very relieved about Conan's wit and force.


Mao Lilan shouted around but found no response.

With a tired look on her face, as if she had been fighting all night until dawn, Asuna looked as if her body had been hollowed out and she asked curiously:

"Xiaolan, what's wrong?"

"Conan ran away to nowhere again."

Xiaolan said with a headache:

"But don't worry too much."

After hearing that the child was gone, how could Asuna not be worried? Even if it was not her own child, if someone else's parents came to her door, they would have to die to apologize!

Of course, Asuna is not very familiar with Conan. If she knew the opponent's glorious history and his deeds of exploding missiles with one ball, she would not be worried.

Xiaolan thought for a while and said:

"Let's go to Mo Yijun first and ask him if he heard any sounds or saw Conan?"

"Maybe he's next door."

Asuna: "..."

Who can make this excuse!

I just regretted that I couldn't bear the torture, and in the end, the other party took out most of my thoughts.

Asuna asked doubtfully:

"Are you sure you're not here to cause trouble?"

Mao Lilan pretended to be angry, put her hands on her hips and said:

"Is it time to cause trouble now? Am I the kind of person who makes trouble? Even if it is to cause trouble, it will only happen after you succeed in the strategy."

"I still understand what I'm going to do now that will ruin your business. Don't treat me like a mindless vase, Asuna."


Asuna quickly stopped and said:

"Otherwise, the other party wouldn't know what weird things to say."

Do whatever you want. After Asuna closed the door, she was pulled to your door next door by Mao Lilan. Then she really heard Conan's voice, but the sound insulation effect of the room was a bit good, so I couldn't hear clearly what was being said. , and Conan's voice is a bit strange, more like Maori Ran thinking about it day and night, Kudo Shinichi whom he hasn't seen for many days.

"Ding dong——"

Conan turned around and left, and just as he was about to slip away, the doorbell rang.

"Are you going out like this?"

Grandpa Mo Yi's right hand fired another bolt of lightning and hit Conan, and then under the burst of lightning, he changed back to his student appearance.

"If you don't go back to your original appearance, how are you going to explain how you appeared here, and what about Conan's identity?"

"So don't thank me, you should."

Conan: "..."

What you said makes sense, should I thank you for turning yourself back into a primary school student?

MMP, did you hear that? I want to call you MMP!

Just as Grandpa Mo Yi said, Conan didn't think of his return to his original state, but so what? !

The wish I had always thought came true, and I could naturally explain to Xiaolan that I was Conan, but I gave people medicine to make them smaller. I didn't tell them the truth before so as not to worry them.

In this way, wouldn't everything be solved?

However, with the kind help of Grandpa Mo Yi, everything returned to the starting point.

In the end, I could only grit my teeth and say thanks:

"Thank you very much."

There was no other way, the opponent's right hand was still glowing with lightning, and his situation was stronger than that of others. If he offended the opponent, he really didn't even know how to use a dog leash.

Seeing the other person's unhappy face, but could only thank him, Grandpa Mo Yi felt very happy——

Let you be a New Zealand Party member!

This is the fate of heretics!

Of course, when he leaves, he can help them get rid of this small poison. It is a good deed that is within his ability and does not require any effort. Grandpa Mo Yi is still very willing to do it.

PS: Recently, I feel like I have been exhausted from moving things, repairing computers, and installing network cables. I am so tired that my brain seems to be unable to move. Let’s do a short and weak one tonight. sorry.

Chapter 475: Teresa: It’s amazing to be tall!

Although Conan was unhappy, he still took the initiative to open the door. When he saw Mao Lilan again, he had re-entered the role of a primary school student and a naughty child.

And why did Mao Lilan give up treating the other party after saying a few words without any pain? After all, this kind of thing has happened too many times. If the other party could change, he would have changed it long ago. There is no need to wait until now.

What surprised Grandpa Mo Yi was that after meeting again, Mao Lilan exuded unusual enthusiasm. After teaching Conan, she came to talk to Grandpa Mo Yi.

Ask him what his plans are later.

Grandpa Mo Yi said that he was going to have dinner with his friends.

Mao Lilan said that if it was convenient, let's go together. They just happened to go to dinner and get to know more friends.

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Asuna with a strange blush on her face. Why did she become so quiet?

It's not that Asuna is usually rude. She grew up under the education of the eldest lady. Although she is usually a bit energetic and lively, it does not affect her elegance at all.

But now, like those girls who are not used to getting along with strangers and are easy to get along with, they stay quietly aside, as beautiful as flowers.

As for the reasons, there are probably two reasons. One is that Mao Lilan was tortured not long ago, which made her reveal a lot of secrets, and she is still in the shameful period of public execution. The second is Mao Lilan's enthusiasm at the moment. Asuna can see it. It was very clear, and he clearly wanted to help her. For a girl, something that should not be said and could only be done by herself became like this. Of course, she was embarrassed and shy.

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