Regarding Mao Lilan's words, Grandpa Mo Yi thought about it and agreed to come. Everyone is young people who are easy to get along with (except Theresa), and it would be a good thing to get to know more friends.

Moreover, isn’t one of the meanings of traveling is to meet new scenery and friends?

So, the four of them, led by Mao Lilan, who knew the way, walked to the cafeteria on the cruise ship.

————The calm dividing line——————

"Boss Mo Yi, here?!"

After entering the cafeteria, Grandpa Mo Yi began to scan, and then heard Musashi's voice.

"I saw them."

Then he walked over.

Then, everyone in the Kendo Club saw two young Shao Ai's ladies and a primary school student following Mo Yi.

Well, no matter how you look at it, this combination is a bit strange.

Facing the different looks, Grandpa Mo Yi was not embarrassed. He simply introduced everyone to each other and explained the reason why he met friends and happened to have dinner together.

None of the people present were weird people. They quickly accepted it and even started chatting with each other.

Musashi and Kojiro communicated with each other with their eyes——

"That maroon female classmate, I remember meeting her during the 100-school exchange competition. She was a student from the High School Affiliated to Dongda University."

"Later, Mr. Mo Yi was taken back to the lounge by the other party."

"Well, as expected of Mr. Mo Yi, there are beautiful ladies he knows wherever he goes. It's just a pity."

"But whoever is next door, hehehe, it's up to you, Kojiro."

"Just what I wanted-"

Then, Musashi and Kojiro suddenly transformed into polite, elegant, and witty brothers, and started chatting with Mao Lilan.

Without knowing the two of them and pretending to be cool, Musashi and Kojiro are really god-level seniors. If they had not been fooled into the Kendo club by Yae Sakura who set up a stall on the school road, they would have gone to other places. The club may have been full of gold and gold, and he has become one of the winners in life who is led by his girlfriend and abuses dogs every day.

Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed to deal with the conversation between Musashi and Kojiro. She wanted to say something, but couldn't. After all, the other party had always been polite, spoke pleasantly and humorously, but it was a pity that she already had a man in her heart who never came home all year round. But as a beautiful female high school student, it is common for her to be approached by boys.

Mao Lilan has met many people and knows how to reject them politely and tactfully.

However, Mao Lilan still wanted to help Asuna, but now she can only spend her time dealing with Musashi and Kojiro.

Conan on the side, in the shadow of everyone's attention, gritted his teeth - actually dared to pry his corner in front of him?

I was turned into a primary school student and couldn't grow up for more than 20 years, and because of this I couldn't go home. I fell in love with my childhood sweetheart, and watched my childhood sweetheart become "gaunt because of Yi, and my clothes became wider and wider, but I never regretted it." You can only transform into a primary school student to protect each other. Now you actually dare to take advantage of your own Xiaolan?

Conan roared angrily in his heart: "You are asking for your own death!!"

When Conan was thinking about what angle to use to stun Musashi and Kojiro, he felt the teasing gaze from Grandpa Mo Yi. Why was the figure reflected in the other person's eyes a little green?

"Let's go get our things and meet here later."

Kiana, who had been starving for a long time, saw everyone gathered, said something to Mei Yi, and went to get something to eat.

After Kiana started, everyone also formed their own teams and took action.

After being pinched by Xiaolan, Asuna reacted instantly and looked at Mao Lilan with some confusion. Then the other party glanced meaningfully at her and Grandpa Mo Yi next to her, and then pulled Conan Get up and go out.

By the way, I took away two temporary attachments, Musashi and Kojiro, and a permanent attachment to Conan.

In a situation like this, Conan will naturally follow Mao Lilan. Although he trusts the other party, it has nothing to do with trust or not. It is a matter of dignity.

He will definitely find a good opportunity to tease Musashi and Kojiro, the two guys who dare to covet his cabbage. The name of the Death God is no joke!

After Asuna struggled for a while, she pulled Grandpa Mo Yi from her heart and said with a smile:

"Let's go too."

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally would not refuse, and allowed Asnara to suddenly change back to her original form, sometimes elegant and quiet, sometimes vigorous and active, and walked over.

Teresa: "..."

At first, Theresa was quite happy when she saw Grandpa Mo Yi finally coming, but then she became unhappy when she saw Asuna who followed him very consciously and sat next to Grandpa Mo Yi with a natural look on her face!

Well, although I don’t quite understand why I’m unhappy, looking at such a scene, I have the urge to hit Judas.

During this week, that position is all yours!

Well, during the period of survival on the island, only she and Grandpa Mo Yi ate together, Theresa said so, there was no problem.

It's probably the kind of ordinary thing that someone takes away from you that you usually don't notice, and then you feel extremely uncomfortable after losing it.

"Humph, Theresa won't forgive you if you don't coax me!"

When Theresa was sulking, Grandpa Mo Yi was pulled away by Asuna. Theresa missed the opportunity again, and when she reacted, the other party was gone.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Theresa who was inexplicably depressed and looking unhappy, Yae Sakura put her hand on her head and comforted her:

"Shall we go get something too?"

After feeling the tenderness and comfort in Yae Sakura's eyes, Theresa cheered up again and secretly clenched her fist——

"Theresa is the cutest in the world! How could Theresa lose?"

Theresa recalled Asuna's appearance in her mind and muttered:

"It's amazing to be tall!"

After she finished complaining, Theresa took Yae Sakura and went to get her things, and looked for Grandpa Mo Yi on the way. If she didn't do anything, wouldn't it mean that she had given up?

How can it be?

She is the supreme Valkyrie of destiny, how could she lose to a teenage high school girl!

"Kiana, you have so much, can you eat it?"

Mei Yi looked at Kiana, who was stacking the plates two centimeters high, with a headache, and advised:

"Isn't it okay to take it if you don't have enough after eating?"

"It doesn't matter, I haven't had lunch, so Yui is probably 80% full with these.

Kiana added the dishes proudly.

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