Wandering around the dining area, she dozed off when she suddenly saw a familiar voice passing in front of her eyes, and she suddenly became alert.

Dressed in a nun's uniform, with the height of a child, and a white and extremely dangerous side ponytail, Theresa was so recognizable that Wuliangta Jizi recognized this boss and good friend in an instant. .

Jizi was definitely very happy to see Teresa who suddenly appeared. She could finally rest assured about her safety, but she quickly became unhappy again. Seeing her lively appearance, what was the reason for the pain she had suffered during this period? !

Now that the other party appeared, Jizi naturally would not let the other party disappear again. She quickly walked up and patted the other party on the shoulder. Anyway, Theresa was not happy, so she was happy.

I just didn't notice that Theresa kept dragging a squeaking monster.

The moment Yae Sakura took action, Himeko, who had experienced many battles, also noticed the opponent's presence. The hand on Theresa's shoulder retracted before Yae Sakura touched her, and then she looked at her opponent.

A look of confirmation, this is the same kind——

Teresa is mine!

The eyes of both of them seemed to be interpreting this sentence.

Chapter 476: Mo Yi: She is just a child

There was obviously no physical contact or confrontation between Himeko and Yae Sakura, but just by looking at each other, there was an anxious feeling like a turbulent storm, a fight between a dragon and a tiger, or Tom and Jerry fighting against each other.

It seems that in the next second, an unusually earth-shattering battle will break out between the two.

Of course, it's just an illusion.

At this time Theresa also reacted, looked back, and finally looked down upon who dared to tap the dean on the shoulder.


Theresa was completely unprepared to meet Wuliang Tajizi here.

But when she saw the other person, she was still excited and happy. The other person could be said to be her best friend.

However, after calling out Wuliangta Jizi's name in a happy tone, Theresa felt that something was wrong. She was so frivolous, so she instantly turned into a disgusted face and said:

"Major Jizi, why are you here?"

"Didn't I say that subordinates are not allowed to pat their bosses on the shoulder?!"

Seeing Theresa getting angry over something as trivial as patting her on the shoulder, Jizi felt relieved and could be 100% sure that this was her friend Theresa.

Seeing the two people talking and seeming to know each other, Yae Sakura stopped her loyal dog mode and stood quietly aside again.

"You guy, I knew you wouldn't be able to survive a plane crash—"

Jizi simply ignored Teresa's innocuous duties and complained instead:

"But do you know that I wandered around the Pacific Ocean for several days to find you? I didn't come here until I received the mission not long ago."

"Ah ha ha--"

Hearing what Ji Zi said, Theresa thought to herself, it's too bad. She said she would get the phone back and call Ji Zi, but after getting the phone back, she got into a fight with Mo Yi and forgot about it.

In the end I could only smile awkwardly:

"I've been floating on the sea before, and my communicator has been broken for a long time."

"Well (⊙o⊙)..."

Jizi stared closely at Theresa, who was trying to be cute and smiling awkwardly, and sighed and said:

"All right--"

"I will reluctantly forgive you just once."

Teresa, who knew Himeko's informal nature, finally breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that the other party really didn't care about this matter.

Next, what she is most concerned about is——

"Jiko, are you here specifically for me? Grandpa has discovered my location?"

Ji Zi shook her head and said speechlessly:

"About my mission, I will discuss it with you in detail after dinner -"

"I didn't expect to meet you here either."

"That's good--"

Teresa felt relieved after knowing that the other party was not here because of her. It can be seen that Lord Otto did not know that she was here, otherwise he would have sent someone to find her and go home.

"Himeko, please don't leak the news that I'm here."


Himeko was not surprised to hear Theresa say this. As Theresa's friend, she naturally knew about Theresa and what thoughts and feelings she had towards Lord Midori.

After finally escaping from the big prison of Tianming Headquarters, if he is discovered now, he might be taken back.

————Asuna’s dividing line————

When Asuna and Grandpa Mo Yi went out to get food, nothing special happened, and it was a bit quiet along the way.

After the two of them took the things, they hesitated to speak. Seeing Asuna who was about to go back, she mustered up the courage to say:

"Mo Yijun, how about you come to my room after dinner?"

"I have something I would like to ask your help for."

Grandpa Mo Yi had noticed Asuna's strangeness a long time ago, but he never expected that the other party would be so bold. Of course, what Asuna said was different from what Grandpa Mo Yi thought.

"no problem--"

After seeing Mo Yi agree, Asuna breathed a sigh of relief, and the two of them walked back to their original positions.

When they came back, no one else had come back yet, so they sat down directly.

When Theresa came back with Jizi, whom no one knew, Mao Lilan, Kiana and others were already sitting there, but no one took action, waiting for Theresa's team to come back.

As the saying goes, the most important thing for a family is to be together. They wait for everyone to be together before taking action.

"This is my friend Wuliangta Jizi——"

After Theresa gave a brief introduction, she discovered two very serious problems. First, there were only two people left in the empty seats, and now there was one more person named Jizi.

You can't let Jizi sit down by yourself, right?

The second problem is that after being delayed by Ji Zi, he still couldn't find Mo Yi before. He wanted to be the first to occupy the position next to him when he came back, but because of Ji Zi, he was the last to come back.

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